Stars, too, people: bad habits, from which they can not (or do not want) to get rid of Hollywood and domestic stars


Stars, too, people: bad habits, from which they can not (or do not want) to get rid of Hollywood and domestic stars 35463_1

Famous and famous - they are "stars", but only in the light of sophods and cameras. In life, they are the most common people who are peculiar and human weaknesses and bad habits. So, what kind of "sins" are found for Hollywood and domestic stars.

Love to drink

Many are bottled in Hollywood. What to say, work is nervous. And then go to specialized clinics and are divided by the process of combating green serpent with journalists.

Stars, too, people: bad habits, from which they can not (or do not want) to get rid of Hollywood and domestic stars 35463_2

It is concerned that it is often applied to the bottle of ex-spouse of Ashton Kutcher Demi Moore. She repeatedly disappeared the shooting because of his addiction to alcohol. Shimmer that this is hereditary.

Stars, too, people: bad habits, from which they can not (or do not want) to get rid of Hollywood and domestic stars 35463_3

Melanie Griffith, the wife of Antonio Banderas, in the past, was noticed in the abuse of hot drinks, but recently, doctors categorically banned her drinking. She was repeatedly treated in clinics from alcohol and narcotic dependence, and it seems that she managed to get out of this battle.

Bulk drugs

Drugs in Hollywood - the topic is not completely prohibited. So, Lindsay Lohan takes narcotic drugs from 18 years old and does not hide it from journalists. And Drew Barrymore first tried Cocaine for 12 years, and at 17 he had already passed its first rehabilitation course. Fortunately, today there has changed a lot in her life, and at present it is not interested in drugs at all, but raising children.

Stars, too, people: bad habits, from which they can not (or do not want) to get rid of Hollywood and domestic stars 35463_4

From the drugs, such bright Hollywood stars as Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson were gone. But those who once tried a dose, no arguments stop

Stars, too, people: bad habits, from which they can not (or do not want) to get rid of Hollywood and domestic stars 35463_5

Brad Pitt became, by the way, a pleasant exception to the rules. He in his time refused the "grass" for the health of his wife and children.

Puff cigarettes

But with the stars of the real problem, so it is smoking. And in Hollywood, and in the domestic show-business smoke many and throw, which is noteworthy, are not going.

Stars, too, people: bad habits, from which they can not (or do not want) to get rid of Hollywood and domestic stars 35463_6

For example, Robbie Williams for one concert can smoke three packs and never settles to the hotel room while there will not be six ashtons.

Stars, too, people: bad habits, from which they can not (or do not want) to get rid of Hollywood and domestic stars 35463_7

Domestic stars are not afraid of even frightening inscriptions on cigarette packs. However, they found the yield - they switched to beautiful ports. Primateonna Russian pop Alla Pugacheva, despite the problems with the heart, always wears such a chest, and with a cigarette it has not been parted for many years.

Lolita Milyavskaya from cigarettes to refuse, too, is also not going, although he moved to more lungs.

Stars, too, people: bad habits, from which they can not (or do not want) to get rid of Hollywood and domestic stars 35463_8

And Anastasia Volochkova experiencing weakness to smoking hookah. Prefers an apple and strawberry tobacco and confident that there is more benefit from hookah than harm.

Dependent on social networks

Stars, too, people: bad habits, from which they can not (or do not want) to get rid of Hollywood and domestic stars 35463_9

It would seem why the stars hang on social networks when they have such a bright and rich life. An, no! Singer Rihanna and for can't live in order not to lay out its new photos on the network. Psychologists are confident that she has a relationship from social networks, and she is also afraid of losing popularity. It is for this reason that she strives to constantly remind themselves to his fans.

And there is also sexHoliki ...

Stars, too, people: bad habits, from which they can not (or do not want) to get rid of Hollywood and domestic stars 35463_10

Among the famous and famous there are sexHoliki. And one of them is David spiritual. The wife left him due to the fact that he could not miss a single skirt. The spiritual tried to be treated, but the marriage still collapsed. After that, he admitted to his harmful predilection. Charlie Sheen, Jack Nicholson and Michael Douglas suffer from the same "ailment."

Lose weight

Stars, too, people: bad habits, from which they can not (or do not want) to get rid of Hollywood and domestic stars 35463_11

It seems that the stars are always thin. Someone in the photo of stress, like Rene Zeleviger, someone because of the divorce, like Angelina Jolie, and someone in order not to get out of the cohorts of his colleagues like Jiji Hadid.

Read also: 10 stars who broke up with superficial kilograms and lost their beauty

Passion for moving

Stars, too, people: bad habits, from which they can not (or do not want) to get rid of Hollywood and domestic stars 35463_12

Boris Moses in one of the interviews admitted that he could not be long in the same place. Therefore, every 5 years he changes the apartment and moves to a new housing. I must say that the singer such a bad habit costs very notice.

Nibble nails

Stars, too, people: bad habits, from which they can not (or do not want) to get rid of Hollywood and domestic stars 35463_13

Pop Princess Britney Spears has already become a mother, and herself will not disappear nibble, when something is thinking or nervous. What to say is not the best example for your own children.

"Poking in the nose spoils all the beauty"

Stars, too, people: bad habits, from which they can not (or do not want) to get rid of Hollywood and domestic stars 35463_14

The singer and actor Justin Timberlake openly admitted somehow in his "sinning" - he loves to pove into the nose. And he has not happened to cope with this disadvantage. Even beauties-wife Jessica Beil failed to wean the beloved from this bad habit.

And in the continuation of the star theme, the story about how the life of celebrities after the loud divorce.

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