Hollywood beauties who instructed the horns their favorite husbands and boyfriends


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Family life is a complicated thing. When romance ends, it is necessary to somehow get along with each other, divide life, not to notice the shortcomings of the partner, bring up children and forgive mistakes. And even if it coped with all this, any, even the strongest and harmonious relationships can take treason. Moreover, it is changed not only with numbers, metering or gray mouse. Even the Hollywood stars are changed that do not go with the covers of glossy magazines and flashed on the TV screen. Therefore, before getting upset, remember: you are not alone!

Sandra Bullock and Jesse James

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After the wedding, Sandra and Jesse in 2005, everyone decided that the actress finally found her happiness. But fate-ordered otherwise. In 2010 they spoke about the treasures of James. His girlfriends did not consider the model Kat von Di, known for its tattoos, only one of them. Sandra did not forgive treason and filed for a divorce. And it despite the fact that Jessie, trying to save the family, declared his sexual dependence and went to the clinic for treatment. Today, spouses remain friends. After all, however, they have common children.

Eva Longoria and Tony Parker

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This couple was considered one of the strongest in Hollywood. But something in relation to them went wrong, and Tony, instead of making a compromise and make up his wife, decided to relax on the side. And three years have not passed, and Idylli ended. Initiated the divorce of Eve, calling "irreconcilable disagreements" as the cause.

And only a couple of years, the wide public found out that there were always a woman near the basketball player, and not alone. Spouses broke up without scandals. And although the divorce everyone experienced hard enough, today each of them has a new life and everything is fine. They talk about each other only by = -dobrome and do not regret what they were together.

Sienna Miller and Jude Low

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Jude Lowe won in Hollywood a reputation as a real March cat, who went to the left of all his girls and wives. And yet, with Siena, he entered the crowded. Jude has changed his beautiful wife with a nurse of his children from the first marriage. It was rumored that on such a "brave" step he went due to the fact that his feelings were frightened to Low. In order not to get married, he made such a provocation. Anyway, but Miller did not forgive her boyfriend to betray, and found him a replacement - a partner in the film "Puff Cake" Daniel Craig.

In 2009, Jude and Sienna made an attempt to resume relationships, but they were enough for only 2 years, and it did not reach the wedding.

Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt

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Once, except that the lazy did not discuss the treason of Pitt with Angelina Jolie, and Jennifer could not come to himself after this betrayal long 5 years. It was rumored that she was completely decided not to get involved in any relationship, but Justin Tera appeared here - a beauties-man who simply thought was dissolved in Enison. Jen and Justin played a wedding only after 4 years. Today Jennifer Aniston is a happy wife. And nonsense ... it is possible that today he bites his elbows, which threw the perfect Enison and hesitated on Jolie with her zakydon.

Ji Zi and Beyonce

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They had a lot in common: they are rich, love shocking and luxury, they like to demonstrate feelings on Ruble, and they are also rich. It seemed that the couple was just perfect. But it turned out, everything is not definitely. And although the hot rapper did not typus, but in her album Beyonce poured the soul to fans in full.

Ji, however, he himself admitted not so long ago that he really changed his spouse (though he did not admit to whom) and very regrets it. However, the relationship of a pair to find out once, because the daughter of Blue Ivi will grow up, and recently they had twins.

Jessica Bil and Justin Timberlake

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And here is a real drama! Justin - the famous walker aside - changed all his beloved without exception, and Jessica did not avoid this fate. They met in 2007, when the singer was with Cameron Diaz.

Literally 6 months after the acquaintance, Jess and Justin went on a journey, and then another 5 years just endured the brain to all their fans: they disengaged, converged, they dispersed again, and then played a secret wedding at all.

And then everyone decided that Timberlake finally met his perfect woman. But Lovelas, as they say, and the marriage will not fix. He was not going to tie with his intrigues. Bil the same husband forgred absolutely everything, and then she gave him his son. And suddenly, a miracle happened: Timberlake in the moment became a caring father, an approximate husband, forgot about the intrigues, putting a family in first place.

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