Clark Gables: How the first Lovelace Hollywood became an ideal husband


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The idle of the whole generation, the favorite of women and the target for paparazzi. In the time of the "Golden Age" of Hollywood Clark Gablez was a real star. He was married five times, and his numerous novels regularly and to the smallest details reported tabloids.

And suddenly - ah, what disappointment! Gable marries Yes Actress Carol Lombard - the ascending star of the Great Factory.

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They met on the filming platform of the film "Difficult Man". At that time, each of them had families, but this did not prevent Clark to fall in love at first sight and irrevocably. He achieved a divorce and became the wife of Carol. And then the journalist just became not about to write - all the novels ended. The main Lovelace of Hollywood became just an ideal husband.

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But the Clarke and Carol began to write as an ideal pair. They did not partitioned almost never and pumped with touching gifts. Somehow Carol presented as a gift to her husband all in hearts. It seemed, happiness would not be the end, but the tragedy happened.

When the war began, Carol decided to participate in the assembly of the army. Artists had to visit several states within this action. Flipped from Las Vegas, the plane crashed.

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Clark Gable Death of his wife worried incredibly hard. He went to the front. It seemed he was looking for death. But the fate was pleased that the Gable became a hero. He served in the Air Force, on his account there were many combat departures and well-deserved combat award. He returned home in 1943 in the rank of Major and without a single scratch.

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Then he married and more than once. He starred a lot, he had a lot of fans. But Clark Gable himself believed that he died with Carol.

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