What to eat, if you want sweet, but I don't want to get fat


What to eat, if you want sweet, but I don't want to get fat 35436_1

In the spring, we begin to follow everything that I pull in your mouth, with a tripled force (hussars, silent!). But if a spring exacerbation caught up, the mood - sucks, and is unbearable I want sweet? We collected 5 sweets for you, which will definitely not damage the figure!

Smoothie and Freshi.


First of all, the sugar, which is contained in fruit, is split and contributes to the production of serotonin and dopamine - hormones of joy and satisfaction. And in the second - it is true tasty and unusual. While cleaning the orange, the whole graze, as it is, it is not clear - everything flows, and some Fresh is almost the same: all vitamins in place, but quickly and without unnecessary trouble.

Smoothie is still cooler. If you do not have a blender at hand to grind a pair of apples with a banana in dust, you can buy a ready-made fruit puree and mix to taste, adding juice so that you can pull the smoothie through the tube. Only imagine: Spring, Park and you with a smoothie. Beauty!

However, remember that with Freshams it is necessary to be careful: the fiber in them is zero, and the sugar is still there, so it is better to start a day with them.

Dried fruits


Dried fruits are a real chopper, if you want a sweet, tasty, natural and useful. Dried fruits retain all vitamins, while they are easy to store: in the office you can remove them into a dry dark place, and it will not happen to them.

Forget about the boning prunes and the kuragu, now you can find everything that your soul is pleased with the apricots, figs, dates, cherry, strawberries, peaches, mango, melon, bananas and even dried aloe (you won't believe it, he is also eating!). Be careful and choose only proven manufacturers who do not use artificial dyes or chemical compounds to extend the shelf life of sweets.

Fruit chips


If you do not sweet life without chips, then we have excellent news for you: finally it is not only tasty, but also useful. Moreover, they can not even buy them, but to make themselves: to shorten the banana, an apple or anything with thin slices and send it into a fitted oven, warmed up to 180 degrees on the baking sheet, shifted with parchment or baking paper.

It turns out sweet, crouches on the teeth, and it delays no worse than the same chips or popcorn. See movies, pour in a hammock at the cottage, read your favorite books. And, by the way, after the fruit chips, the hands are not fat - Profit! If you gather buy them in the store, be careful - it is easy to make sugar, syrup and other sweeteners into the product.

Chocolate without sugar


Manufacturers have long learned to replace sugar with various chemical compounds, not always useful for health. However, progress does not stand still: for example, not so long ago the first chocolate without sugar with Stevia and Inulin appeared on the Russian market. And releases it - the confectionery factory "Victory".

Plant Stevia is one of the best modern natural supporters, even people with diabetes are recommended. Chocolate with such a sugar substitute by 12% less calorie than ordinary chocolate. In addition, this chocolate contains an inulin prebiotic, which helps the intestinal work.

But hope you will not lose your head and do not become even useful chocolate packs: the Ministry of Health warns that the daily chocolate rate is slightly less than half the tile - about 40 grams.

Oatmeal and / or Granola


Many since childhood hate oatmeal with hatred, despite all its usefulness and need. However, do not forget that oatmeal cookies are the same oatmeal, only much more tastier. Here, as elsewhere, it is worth paying attention to the composition of the product and choose the most natural, not containing sugar.

The oatmeal contains phosphorus and calcium necessary for bones, besides, oatmeal dishes positively affect the operation of the stomach and purify the intestine. Old school is not yours? Oatmeal cookies are not suitable for smoothie? Choose the Granola is American delicacy, a mixture of oatmeal, honey, nuts and berries baked to crunch.

Usually, Granola is sold in the form of bars, which is convenient for traveling, but you can buy a folding for a home to refuel yogurt or milk for breakfast.

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