Yakutian Death Valley: Where did the mysterious "boilers" come from


Yakutian Death Valley: Where did the mysterious

On the ground there are many places of mysterious, scary and unknown. About them tale of legends. Often this is the fruit of the enjoyment of imagination, but there are often cases when authentic facts are hidden under the myths. Only to distinguish fairy tales from real events is very difficult. Especially if fairy tales are already one century, they hurt the mythical details and additions. It is difficult to get to the truth. But it is still, still, try.

What is the Yakut Death Valley?

Yakutian Death Valley: Where did the mysterious

The exact coordinates of the place are unknown, presumably it is located in the Vilyuh River valley, the north of the Vilyuy reservoir. It is believed that for the first time on this abnormal zone, the world learned in the mid-19th century. Russian Researcher, Naturalist R.K. Mapa was surveyed in Yakutia during 1853 - 1855. He explored the terrain, geological features, and at the same time local legends.

It was then that he recorded the Yakut legends on unknown huge "copper boilers." These mysterious objects were located in hard-to-reach places and half went to the ground. Of course, the boilers could be called very conditionally - they were the size of the house. But there were rounded shape and metal.

Yakutian Death Valley: Where did the mysterious

In these "houses" or boilers on the stories of local residents in the winter was warm, as in the summer. And some tired hunters would get lost there to spend the night. However, the overnight ended the deplorable - spent people began to be incomprehensible from what is hard to hurt. And those who visited the "boilers" more than once, soon died. The terrain began to use bad glory, and there they stopped going there.

Facts, of course, very interesting. But to equip an expensive expedition to find some mythical "boilers" in the 19th century, of course, did not. And, most likely, they simply counted stories not by facts, but fairy tales.

All nations have heroic legends about glorious ancestors - heroes who fought evil and defeated. Yakut Epos is called in honor of the main character of Nuregun Bootur's rapid. One of his opponents was the evil demon Wat Usuma Tong Durai. According to the descriptions, he pulled the fire, and his residence was a tract of Chirkycheu, the same valley of death.

Historical evidence

With historical data in such cases it is difficult - they are usually or not at all or very little. Such abnormal zones are usually located somewhere in the wilderness, in hard-to-reach places and with a harsh climate. There are nothing to do with strangers there, and local residents who are well aware of these anomalies bypass such places by the party.

So often researchers are forced to rely on all sorts of rumors, legends and speculation, where the truth from the fiction is almost not distinguished.

About the valley was safely forgotten and for a long time. Only in the 20th century they began to talk about it again. For example, when building a Vilyuskaya hydroelectric station in Earth found some kind of metallic "propellant." But there was no time to mess with her, so now the find somewhere under water. In the 70s, UFologists began to investigate this topic in more detail. A lot of evidence of local residents, which are there, are there, they stumbled here on strange "boilers", metal dome and similar incomprehensible objects. Basically, they all deeply went to the ground, so that there are not even visible on the surface.

Nevertheless, even clear instructions, where exactly the abnormal place is. M. Korotsky, who did not once visited these places (according to his own testimony) in the 30s and 40s of the 20th century, said that the anomalous zone was on the right bank of the Vilyui River. Yakut hunters claim this place in the upper reaches of the river. Newer evidence is associated with the Valley of Death with the Olgidakh River. Translated from Yakutsky, it sounds like a "river with a boiler", everything seems to hint just on abnormal objects.

But it is a huge territory. However, like any in Yakutia. So it seems in detail, given the inaccessibility and very harsh climate - almost unreal.

There is no single description of the abnormal location. According to one information, this place is surrounded by swamps and nothing grows there, and even the birds are dying if they fly there. On others (M. Korotsky) - there are beautiful green forests and vegetation in human growth.

Genuine evidence?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to clarify the question with "boilers". Koretsky letters in archives are not. This does not mean that it does not exist at all, but also to confirm the written written. Numerous evidence of local residents and expeditions are not confirmed by any material evidence. The expeditions found only indirect evidence, they were either lacking appropriate equipment, or just time, given the huge distances and a complex climate.

In addition, it is believed that over time, these structures went into permafrost and now even more difficult to see them. While Yakutia stores its secrets.


According to Ufologov - Legends and Epos reflect real events. What happened on this earth in ancient times: the war of the aliens among themselves, cataclysms. It also has the opinion that this is an ancient alien base that protects the Earth from cosmic cataclysms. Skeptics believe that the accumulation in these places of methane could provoke explosions and fires. As well as mass hallucinations.

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