Mysterious literary characters whose personalities argue today


Many great writers when creating their works drew inspiration in real people. In some cases, a person who motivated the author is well known - from Beatrice Portinari, who inspired Dante, to the wife of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Zelde, who was the prototype of Daisy in the Great Gatsby. But more cases when Muse remained a mystery. We have collected 10 great literary music, about the true personalities of which today are a dispute.

1. Petrock and Laura

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Francesco Petrarch was one of the founders of Renaissance humanism, and one of his most famous achievements is the poetic collection "Kanzonier". The main topic of this collection is a kind of laure - a woman who inspired the poet, and which is described in verses as an object of unrequited love Petrarch. Who was this laure, remains a mystery: the poet never mentioned her last name. Some argue that the mysterious "muse" was most likely Laura de New. But it was never finally established (still Petraque wrote 7 centuries ago), and Laura could be anyone.

2. Shakespeare and inspiration for his sonnets

Sonnet William Shakespeare caused great interest for many reasons, including the fact that it seems that they were inspired by two different people (one man and one woman), but who was a mystery. 126 sonnets are addressed to a man known as "Fair Youth", and a 26-woman called "Dark Lady". Both remain unknown to this day.

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Sonnets as a whole were also devoted to a person named "Mr.", and it is unclear whether he is someone from the previous or third. Someone suggested that "HY" - A friend of Shakespeare, William Herbert, who provided financial support to the publication of the First Folio - Shakespeare's Pieces Collected. Others believe that it is Henry Rizli, and claim that Shakespeare has changed the order of man's initials to leave his identity in secret.

3. Alexander Pup and Character "Elegy in memory of the unfortunate lady"

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The search for inspiration with great writers is not a new phenomenon. Examples of this can be seen in the distant past, when Chemuel Johnson's biographer wanted to find out the personality of a woman who inspired one of the works of Alexander Poru. In the poem entitled "Elegy in memory of the unfortunate lady," the personality of a woman is not disclosed, which is discussed. However, as Johnson later stated later in the biography of Po Poets, "All my investigations regarding the name and life of the lady turned out to be fruitless." Subsequent investigations of other people were also unable to establish her personality.

4. Byron and his alleged son

George Gordon Byron, most often known as Lord Byron, was known not only to his poetry, but also the infamous personal life. One of the riddles is associated with the children, which he was allegedly. It is known that Bayron had a daughter named Hell from a legitimate marriage with Anna Isabella Milbenk, and his other daughter, Allegra, who was born with a consolidated sister of Mary Shelly, Claire Claermont. He recognized Allegra his child. However, in addition to these confirmed examples of fatherhood of Bairon, there were also assumptions that the poet could have another child, and that one of his works was dedicated to him.

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It is believed that the poem "My Son" talks about a boy born by a woman named Lucy Monk. She worked as a poet when he lived in New Sextian abbey, and some people believe that Byron, perhaps, was the father of the boy. Nevertheless, Bayron never confirmed this, and another unknown child who was born from him may be mentioned in the poem. It is also possible that this is an imaginary scenario.

5. Edgar software and twins from the "Fall of the House of Ashers"

One of the most famous stories of Edgar Allan on the "Fall of the House of Ashers" tells a gloomy story about the twins Roderik and Madylene, members of the House of Ashers. The creation of these characters according to may inspired two real twins with whom he was familiar. James Campbell and Agnes Pay, as a brother and sister in the story, suffered from issues with mental health and join the recovery existence. Like Roderick and Madylene, James and Agnes were also the last in their family. Edgar himself never confirmed that they were a source of inspiration for his story, but parallels are amazing between fiction and reality.

6. Alexander Dumas and a man in an iron mask

The legendary man in the iron mask, which inspired the third part of the novel by Alexander Duma "Vikont de Brazhelon: 10 years later," is one of the most famous examples of unresolved puzzles of the individual. It is also an unusual example of how the Museum of the writer puzzles not only readers, but also the author himself. Neither Duma nor anyone else knew who in fact this man actually was. He was a prisoner, which was kept in Bastille at the end of the XVII - early XVIII centuries. His face was always hidden, and therefore his personality never was confirmed. Louis XIV was the king of France at the time, and this led to the assumption that the mysterious prisoner had some connection with the monarch.

This assumption was used by Dumas in the novel, in which it becomes known that the prisoner is Philip, the secret brother of the king. In real life there was a lot of assumptions about his true personality, but hardly anyone ever recognizes for sure.

7. Emily Dickinson and Master

Most of the life of American poets Emily Dickinson remained a mystery, so it is not surprising that the question of people who could inspire her work is also ambiguous. One of the most intriguing issues is the personality of a person to whom Dickinson wrote love letters in 1858-1861. They were addressed to a person known as the "master", but his name never mentioned in the correspondence, and his personality remains unknown. Letters mysterious in many ways.

It is not known whether the master was a real man or imaginary invented by Dickinson. Even if the letters were sent to a real person, it was unclear whether they were ever shipped or read by the alleged recipient. It was assumed that each of the men with whom Dickinson, which was known, was rewritten during her life, including Samuel Bowles and Thomas Higginson's journalists, was intended. Dickinson was also friendly and exchanged letters with Otis Lord. However, scientists could not come to a common opinion regarding who was the most likely "candidate."

8. Flaubert and inspiration for Madame Bovarie

The story of a young woman named Emma, ​​whose attempts to avoid restrictions in everyday life leads to her fall and death lead to her fall and death, tells Madame Bakov. Flaubert, as they say, once stated: "Madame Bovarie is me." It was sometimes considered as the final act of the author's self-identification with his character. But was the real woman who inspired Flaubert in his "History of Provincial Life." It was alleged that the prototype of Madame Bovarie was Louise Kola, a woman with whom Flaubert had a novel when he began to write a novel. Flaubert himself never confirmed this, preferring to argue that Emma is a reflection of himself.

9. Tolstoy and Anna Karenina

As in the case of Madame Bovarie, the plot of the novel "Anna Karenina" Lion Tolstoy also focuses on the fall of a woman in society, not accepting "errors". In the first draft, the book was more told about the husband of the main character, but Tolstoy gradually reworked the novel so that instead he became a story about Anna himself. Equally, as in the example with Flaubert, it was argued that the tolstoy when creating a character screams inspiration from the history of the woman he knew in real life. So who could be this woman. Some believe that Anna Karenina's prototype was Maria Gardung, whose father was Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. However, Tolstoy never made any statements as to whom the image of Anna Karenina was written.

10. Capote and model for Holly Golightli

The novel of Trumen Had "Breakfast at Tiffany" introduced the world with a character of Holly Golightli, which became even more signs after her role in the same film was played by Audrey Hepburn. But who was originally a model for Holly. Many women who knew the hood could be the prototype of the heroine. But others believe that Holly is a totality of different women with whom the hood was familiar at the time in New York. These include Gloria Vanderbilt, Maeve Brennan and Unaw O'Neill. Even Marilyn Monroe mentioned. Ultimately, it is already impossible to determine whether a particular woman was used as a model for a character.

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