10 films that are worth looking together with girlfriends


10 films that are worth looking together with girlfriends 35342_1

Evening, delicious dishes, fragrant drinks and the company of the best friends - this beautiful holiday after an active labor day perfectly complements the female movie, which you can discuss fun with which you can smile and for a while forgot from the worldly bustle.

1. "Change Road"

At first glance, it is not clear that it may be interested in the average viewer in a film that tells about the life of an ordinary family with two kids worrying a personal crisis in the twentieth century. But starting viewing, towards the end you understand that this film is not only about unfamiliar people, but also about each of us. You can, like key characters, wave in Paris, is unlikely to help, because it is impossible to escape from ourselves. And if inside the emptiness, then wherever you left, with whom you would not be - longing will remain with you.

2. "Fried green tomatoes"

Having visited your husband's nasty aunt in the hospital, the main heroine of Evelyn makes acquaintance with a pleasant woman Ninny, who fascinates her with his narratives about the life of two girlfriends Ruth and Izhi. The girls held a joint cafeteria "Wisl Stop", where the main dish were fried green tomatoes. This film is about fate, about the difficult female fate, about domestic violence and how a person can be at the head of his life.

3. "Where the heart"

This film is pushing the history of love, forgiveness and friendship. On the one hand, the film with a fairly primitive plot - the guy throws a pregnant girl who hoped very much to him. However, the film is not once again reminded of how important it is not to despair in difficult moments, not to lower your hands and not to call the world, but to continue to rejoice in life and help those who need it. And then everything will be fine.

4. "Proximity"

The film tells about the love quadrilatement with the participation of a gloomy macho, a stripper, a writer and a photographer. Kinokartina turned out to be very sensual, when viewing which it is simply impossible not to empathize with the heroes.

5. "White Oleander"

The main character will be 35 years in prison after poisoning his beloved man for his betrayal. And from this point on, her daughter will start a wandering on adoptive parents, and not finding his happiness, being under the powerful influence of his native mother. The film pretty quickly captures the attention of the audience and does not allow to break away from the screens throughout the entire viewing time.

6. "Fall in love with me if you dare"

The main characters are avid hooligans and great inventors who still have little children invented their own game for themselves. Time went, Marion and Guillaume grew, and with them they grew up and the game that came very far.

7. "In bed with the enemy"

For someone, a glass house, located on the beautiful coast, is a paradise life and a dream, and for someone, such a beauty personifies a golden cage, from which it is really free to get rid, only starting his life from pure sheet. It is about this that is narrated in the film. The stunning game of Julia Roberts and Patrick Biggina in the lead roles are attracted to the screens from the very first minutes of the film.

8. "Bridget Jones Diary"

The secret of the success of the film about Bridget Jones lies in the fact that in the main heroine every woman necessarily finds himself. Whatever the life of this girl would have fallen, there is always something to laugh and make some conclusions. Bridget Jones Diary can be bolded to call the therapeutic female film, which is recommended to watch together with a large jar of ice cream.

9. "Magic"

A new mom appears in the house, which dad led. But the old mother put a lot of effort so that children do not accept her. But then she learns that he is fatally sick, and now she changes his tactics of behavior, doing everything that her children be happy with a new mother without her.

10. "My Blueber Nights"

Elizabeth girl experienced many disappointments and is now looking for himself and trying to reanimate a broken heart. She is constantly meeting with new people who help her to open new sides of life. This film is unusual in that the enormous work of actors and the entire set eventually created the effect of the easiest unreality of everything that happens on the screen.

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