Mangazea - ​​the first city of the Russian Polar region, lost in the darkness of the centuries


Mangazea - ​​the first city of the Russian Polar region, lost in the darkness of the centuries 35325_1

Among the forgotten and lost cities, Mangazea occupies a special place, and not only because it is located in the plagne. If the history of the creation and rapid takeoff of the Mangazea is quite clear and clearly, a certain mystery is connected with her fall and oblivion, which historians and archaeologists are trying to solve.

On the shore of the desert waves

Mangazea - ​​the first city of the Russian Polar region, lost in the darkness of the centuries 35325_2

The shores of the Siberian River Taz and today can not be called lively - the settlements on them are not enough, and nature is striking by their untouchability. And in the XVI century, when Pomra appeared here, this area and was perceived at all as the edge of the world. In the ancient books, the tribes living to the east of Obi were called "Molels": this word comes from the old Komi-Zyryan language and means the "the people of the outskirts". Over time, the name of the tribes turned into the name of the terrain: on the maps drawn up by the Englishman A. Jenkins, it is indicated as "Mirgomosis". Later in the form of "Mangazea" it became the name of the city.

Mangazea - ​​the first city of the Russian Polar region, lost in the darkness of the centuries 35325_3

Pomorroes in these places have led the shipping activities: first they went to Yamal in the ocean, and then dragging their ships by the peninsula (this was called the "Yamal wolf"), went to the ripple. It is believed that it was the pomas that the first wintering on the Taz River was founded. They also told the Moscow authorities about the unheard of the riches of the harsh Polar region.

Mangazea - ​​the first city of the Russian Polar region, lost in the darkness of the centuries 35325_4

And wealth really were great: walrus fangs, mammoth beans, and, most importantly, the fur. One sore skin, purchased from the hunter on the shore of the pelvis, accounted for a merchant in 40 kopecks; If the discoversion was taken into business, it had to pay the ruble for such a skirt. And in the markets of Western Europe for the skirt of a sable could be obtained about three hundred rubles! It is not surprising that the state soon wished to impose his powerful garbage to these wealth and take control of control.


To his goal - the shores of the pelvis - the detachment of M. Shakhovsky and D. Chreipunov had to be made their way with the battles: they attacked them dear Selkup soldiers. Almost a third of the soldier fell in battle, lay down in the cold Earth of someone else's edge. But there was no choice: they did not go to the Polar, and by order of the king Boris Godunov. The surviving in battle was reached and laid in 1600. Ostrog on the deserted holidays. So the mangazee appeared.

Mangazea - ​​the first city of the Russian Polar region, lost in the darkness of the centuries 35325_5

They were overwhelmed, and there came the beam from Tobolsk and Berezov - two hundred serves led by the voivods. It became clear: to be a new city. And indeed, Mangazews developed with extraordinary speed: in a couple of years, a large wooden Kremlin rose, churches and houses appeared. Although even in the period of heyday, the permanent population of the Mangazea was not so great - no more than 1,200 people, the city was hit by landscaping. The inhabitants of Mangazeys fledged in silks and velvet, the streets were paved by boards, and the windows of the poorest house were saliva - in the European part of Russia it was available only to the richest. But, perhaps, the most amazing proof of the wealth of the city is the archaeologists of piles of plum and cherry bones: in 17 century. Mangazeitsemogli to afford the regular delivery in the Fresh fruit plague.

Mangazea - ​​the first city of the Russian Polar region, lost in the darkness of the centuries 35325_6

Even stronger than wealth, Mangazee was surprised by the variegated crowd. Next to the Selkups and Nenets in the Malitsa, rich inrogen merchants were fired in hats with feathers, and the Moscow "Accompany" was mixed with the Archangelogo city. In the afternoon and night, in the city of a brisk trade of fur, which brought huge profits. Historians are estimated that in the year from Mangazei to the West were taken up to 30 thousand people alone alone sobular skins, and there were songs and kuni, and squirrels of fur. For wealth and violent activities, the Mangazee called "Zlatokuppling".

The mystery of the disappearance of Mangazia

Mangazea - ​​the first city of the Russian Polar region, lost in the darkness of the centuries 35325_7

Commercial magnifone defense, which turned the mangaze to the city-legend, lasted very long - about forty years. For some time, Mangazeus wore a pitiful existence as a outpost, but in 1672 the garrison was transferred to Yenisei. And the city disappeared, went to the icepasal land. Only thanks to the efforts of archaeologists who started regular excavations in the 1960s, we know that mangazeeus is not a myth, but a real city. But what happened to him? Why is the population, judging by the results of the excavation, just left there?

Mangazea - ​​the first city of the Russian Polar region, lost in the darkness of the centuries 35325_8

Historians push at least three versions of the fall of mangazeys. According to the first, the fatal role was played by the very state, which founded the city: first, the king Mikhail Romanov in 1720 banned to swim across the Ocean in the Mangazea, and a little later, in 1729, two new arrivals, A. Palkitsyn and G. Kokorev, laughed and arranged in the city civil war in miniature. The city began to christmas and gradually UGAS. Another version of vinit in the death of Mangazei Fire is 1642, really destroyed most of the city. And according to the third version, the gradual disappearance of the fur beast was the gradual disappearance of a fur beaker due to too intensive hunting: there is no product - nothing to trade, nothing to live with citizens.

Mangazea - ​​the first city of the Russian Polar region, lost in the darkness of the centuries 35325_9

As it was on self, we do not know, and it is unlikely that the exquisition of archaeologists will ever give an accurate answer. Obviously one: Mangazea is one of the first in the world of Polar cities, and although she failed to hold out for a long time, its foundation has become an important milestone in the development of the natural wealth of Siberia.

It is worth saying that Russia is amazing and rich in the attractions of the country. These 28 photos of unique natural attractions are to see them, and possibly.

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