What to do mom if the child has no friends


What to do mom if the child has no friends 35309_1

What's the child, the less you are responsible for this situation. In his (her) thirty years you are no longer in business. Five is completely your headache. But until the finished beech has grown, you need to do something.

This problem may have three different reasons, which means that there are three main approaches to solving it. There are, of course, mixed cases, well, no one bothers the methods to combine.

Child Noncommunicable Blen

Yes, it can be just a character of character. But even if you don't give God, a small Aspi is growing, no one bothers to teach him small receptions "how to arrange people to themselves."

The word "sociability" itself is not synonymous with the word "sociability" - the sociable communication is like, and the society can know. Everything knows how: how to approach the one you want to talk to what to say, and what actions, on the contrary, strongly offend people and spoil relations. Normally, these issues are discussed and running around, starting from the middle group of kindergarten.

To school, a person already knows that there is no friendship, but a gift for the new year or the eighth of March increases the chances to start communicating with a classmate, with which you want to make friends, and to get up for the comrade in the face of the enemy - dangerous, but the numerous winnings will decide (and comrade And opponents, oddly enough, will be more respectful). If you can only help with the Council, then the question of the gift in your hands - the child can be prompted and the idea itself, and help with the choice, and, of course, you will have to pay. And it is for you to figure out which price category gifts are adequate to this particular children's team. There are places where a sheet of stickers will take with admiration, and there are those where applications should be redeemed.

By the way, money and material opportunities will facilitate the child only in the case when they do not exceed much medium values ​​in this particular team. In different groups (school, section, team), these average values ​​may differ, and to ensure that your child does not get in the eyes of a group either by a noschlebhod, nor bourgeois, you need to. You can discuss this with a child, but the child himself is most likely to calibrate it.

There is no one to be friends with

This turnover of speech is often used by unaptive people, but it is impossible to say that in fact it does not happen. It happens. The class in which the tough staya hierarchy has developed with a teacher's close-up, will reject the novice, not flexible enough to become a six and not enough aggressive to get all the flock for itself. (Separately, at home, it can be in 70% of cases completely normal children. But the dynamics of groups sometimes builds such grimaces). And not even a newcomer, but simply to someone who does not want to be nasty, nor to fight for power, in such a class will be tight.

That the situation is just as easy to understand how much your child is easy to communicate in other teams. For example, in art, everything is fine, girls and boys are calling out with your child, they eat ice cream friendly after classes; With children of your friends - everything is fine too; And in the stall class.

This usually means to change the class. But it makes sense to discuss with teachers the ability to re-form a class. The mood in the class, for example, can be varied for the next year after GIA (guess why). In general, the stronger the children are engaged in an important thing for them (preparation for admission to the profile class, sports or musical performances, the release of intralass anime, anything), the less time they have and interest in baboine games in Alpha Omega. So a strongly hierarchized class is usually a class in which children are licking a lot. Maybe it's really better to leave.

No contexts for communication

But this is if, of course, the child is not yet thirty - entirely your responsibility. Those years have passed when in the courtyard of each five-story building was the choice of three companies of the peers with different rules and interests. The child himself will not create a group of himself, now it is necessary to take care of adults. That is why we have to carry young people from kindergartens on all sorts of mugs and groups of non-obvious utility, all these designers, racing machines, sewing dolls for dolls and sports springs of soap bubbles on volume. Moreover, it is desirable to choose where teamwork is required from children. Theatrical studio, by the way, is generally an ideal place from this point of view - and you want real communication, you do not want to learn, and to portray something face in the event of needs too. Children may not even become close friends in the first school years; It is important that your child's teenagers have a stock of sane peers who can be sent to the inactactics of heart-free piccchi, and they will answer something in the spirit "Yes, Sista (bro), you understand how bitter life." You yourself know how important it is.

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