Roman holidays: Little-known sights of the Italian capital


Roman holidays: Little-known sights of the Italian capital 35308_1
Tourists are traveling to the Eternal City of Rome to, as if on the magic "time car" to ride on the history of mankind, ranging from the forum, where the legionnaires were proudly marched, and the Colosseum with his fights of gladiators, to unique medieval basil, Trevi Fountain, "Performed" Desires, and "typewriter" complex Vittoriano on Venetian Square.

Of course, if you are in Rome for the first time, then it is just a mandatory program, like the Castle of the Holy Angel, the Spanish staircase and much more ... But if you have repeatedly breathed the air of this amazing place, where the colossal layers of the history of mankind are pronounced, then you will want to see that Yes, new, unknown from its attractions. Here is the surprising places of the "eternal city" we will talk ...

"Locking well" on the Hill Aventin

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By itself, the hill Aventin - the place is amazing! There is a temple of San Sabina, a messenger from the fifth century, and even more old Sant - Alleso and the fourth century, circus ruins and a wonderful orange garden. By itself, one of the seven rome hills is beautiful to madness, but there is one "secret" place, about which few people guess from tourists.

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At the top of the hill there is a residence of the Maltese Order, and on the gates of this residence there is Buco della Serratura, or a "key well", from which the Dome of St. Peter is visible. Thus, the "tourist look" from this well covers the territory of the three states at once!

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The gate belongs to the Maltese Order, all the airspace to the cathedral belongs to the blessed Italy, and St. Peter's Cathedral is the main temple of the Vatican. Just one glance - and three states will welcome you!

Observation deck of janikolo.

Rome stands on seven hills, and on one of them - magnificent auentine - we have already visited. But Janikolo is not included in the list of these noble hills, as it is a little bit away, which does not prevent him from being the most interesting place, as the district of the Tustevere of the current Rome, next to which he is. View from here on Rome is just wizard!

Roman holidays: Little-known sights of the Italian capital 35308_5

Here the noble Spanish staircase is soothing, here the dome of the Pantheon is visible, and this is what? Baaa, however, after all, the monument is vittorian like an ancient typewriter, especially on top! And at 12:00 do not be afraid, on Janikolo Hill, the guns shoot, many on the contrary combine the strongest sensations from the magnificent views of Rome with this sound effect.

Criminological museum

In Rome, many places where the pretty dark pages of the past are opening. For example, in the Coliseum, so that the majestic structure, you will definitely tell about the bloody gladiator battles. And the Castle of the Holy Angel will open his veil of a harsh prison, from which only a brilliant benvenuto of Cellini succeeded, but how many human lives ended here - one God knows!

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But the Museum of Criminology in Rome is simply located in the building of the former prison and is actually completely devoted to criminals, and how they were punished in the history of the eternal city. And here it will not seem little to anyone, since they punished them very cruel! The Museum has three sections, and in the first of them just show torture torture inquisition, guillotine, even there is a cell size in a human body, where there is a genuine skeleton, he was found in a Sicilian prison in the 20s of the last century. Staraaaashno, Already horror!

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The second section tells about the 19th century crimes, by the way, there is a criminological technique for the study of crimes that were committed during Sherlock Holmes. Of the interesting exhibits there is a gun from which Gaetano Bresci shot in the king of Italy Umberto first. Well, and the third section is the 20th century, and the crimes associated with it, including the most mysterious. So this museum:

  • not for the faint of heart! From one species of the uniform of the treasury of ancient Rome, the very impressionable is already badly becoming;
  • very interesting! The mass of genuine exhibits, while they are very "lively", they are very similar about them and interestingly tell;
  • informative! Some expositions of the evidence on the incomparable business of the 20th century are worth ... Maxim Cloaca

In general, the word "Cloaca" occurred from this ancient Roman sewage, which is already two and a half thousand years! Well, there is no more ancient fruit of human hands in the world than this system of structures built with a very prosaic, but necessary goal.

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Not far from the Basilica Julia on the Antique Forum is the door through which the fragment of this system can be seen. By the way, it still serves as Romans. So not only the water supply, "worked with another Rome's slaves," as Mayakovsky wrote, entered our time, but also the Maxim Cloaca. It is necessary! Two and a half millennia!

Enoteca Konstantini

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And finally, about pleasant. And the fact that we are all about criminals, yes about Cloake? On Kavur Square near the Vatican there is a unique Enoteca Konstantini, where you can see more than 4,000 names of wines with all sunny Italy and its 20 regions!

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There are also rare wines, and some of them can be rolled up so that the memory of the magnificent Rome remains also in order of tangible and very pleasant sensations! Try!

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