How to teach a child to order


How to teach a child to order 35292_1

In the family where there are children, it is difficult to maintain the perfect order. Parents themselves are not always able to monitor everything, but after cleaning, everything is often rapidly returned to the situation that it was before cleaning, especially if there are several children in the family.

Parents must necessarily tell children about the need to maintain cleanliness in housing, and also to cultivate the desire to maintain order.

The importance of order

Initially, a child must be conveyed why order is important. Make it easier will be on the examples. Interesting will be the proposal to store all your drawings in a separate folder so that all its achievements it is easy to share with the grandparents who came to visit the grandmother or just friends of parents. When a child tries to adhere to the order at least on his desktop and in general in his room, it is necessary to consolidate his such actions by praise.

It should be explained that guests are unpleasant to come to the house to people who have eternal mess. The next time, before the arrival of guests, he will strive to put everything in its place so that his friends were nice, and they also wanted to come to visit. It is important to learn not only to clean, it is important to convey that nowhere cannot be littering, it is necessary to follow the purity of your body and clothes, you can even bring negative examples, since in comparison information is perceived by children better.

Independent cleaning

Initially, the child is difficult to deal with this. The first time should help him, identify places for different things that he will remember, and next time will know how and what to do. Sometimes the nursery seems too big to make it take to clean it all right away, can be divided into separate parts and make cleaning in them gradually. Children's decor is important to a child to enable the room as he wants it himself. If he has ideas for organizing a room space, it should be allowed to implement them. Experts believe that a room that meets all childhood requests, like your owner, children try to maintain in order with great desire. Convenient storage is often a child himself cannot sort out his things and toys. It is necessary to fill its rooms with boxes and containers, folders to help divide toys, leaflets with drawings, magazines, etc. In the future, the child will be easier to take those items that he needed at this moment, and not to look for them everywhere and it will understand that order It is not only beautiful, nice, it is also convenient. Useful rules should be told with the child that it is much easier to maintain purity and order than to clean up. Less time to leave it, if you immediately remove your belongings, after changing, put items into our places, raise the fallen things and close open lockers. Before you get another game, it is important to remove your place the previous one. You can start cleaning from any part of a room that is more like, and gradually move to less pleasant procedures. Tricks for small little children love to imitate parents very much, and therefore, to teach them to order, it is very important and mom with dad to observe it. You need to act as you want to act a child. If the visual example does not help, the child believes that the guidance of the order is an extra unnecessary procedure, since it is boring, uninteresting, you should try to turn it into an exciting game. For example, to transform the collection of toys into a real basketball competition, where you should hit the special basket with different toys as many as possible. At the same time, the role of the basket can play any boxes that are used to store these the most toys.

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