Which domestic pet start, if you want silence



That would be a little animal to start. You come home as Pechkin - and she rejoices you ... However, sometimes the smaller brothers are so rejoiced (or flarused) that the walls are trembling. So first you need to think about ten times - what kind of sounds of nature in your home will be sat likely!

The dog is ...


All Canis Lupus Familiaris are divided into two breeds: commercial and gabby. Having, as field observations show, is usually proportional to the size. Floor Above me once settled a large owner with a flea dog system. So the sounds that she published, going down the stairs, forced me to think that he was going with the door and continuously whites the favorite. Then I realized that this beast was so happy about life. Twice a day, yeah.

But there are exceptions. Once on the train I met - I will never forget - the dog of the affontantcher constant. This little thing that was silent all the way, only as smart eyes watched eloquently. Then I threw the price for this breed - and understood a lot ...

The spellings are those faithful friends of a person who are ready to visit your grave for years. In the meantime, there is no such need, fortunately, a friend will just suffer whenever you leave it alone. Loudly. Some of my acquaintances eventually made a schedule of duty so that the dog never remained alone. Otherwise, the superstitious neighboring grandmothers began to gather from her in the grave.

Yes, and for lovers of exotic symphony there are pugs. They are better than everyone in the world snoring and boot.

Have you heard how cats sing?


Well, you know that wild cats in adulthood do not me up. This is their person developed, taking advantage of attracting attention and read Shakespeare's monologues "I am the most misconfigured cat in the world, about a rock night." It is possible that the fluffy animal to feed in general continuously, it will come once to that stage, when it can only be reconciled and complacently: "Taiti-Tahiti, we were not in any Tahiti." But earlier it can burst, so that FIG is already with him, let me give up, it is necessary to drown a neighboring telly.

And the cats are toggave. Yeah, these are these mild legs with special velvet pads.

Hamsters and Wheels: Little Night Serenade


It is quite natural that the small poor animal in the afternoon hides from sin away from the eye of large enemies - and expressing in the dark day. Locking the master's reason. It is satisfied with shares like "Freedom to my people". Ponds gnawing, marcelase sings.

In this sense, guinea pigs behave the most culturally. Or rather, reasonably: with some fright it is to make noise when Sapires are still sleeping. That's when they appear in sight - then the pig joyfully throws all the available caps in the air - and actively wishes love, attention and devour. Yes, the smartest animal: the opening of the refrigerator meets a joyful screech. Everything understands, you know!

(So, by the way, and an additional educational point: for silence and peace in the house it is important not to inspect the refrigerator at night, when the forces of sausages rule undivided).

Rabbits: Cute Night Serenade


This is not only a valuable fur, but also a nightlown rodent. All three of the last words are very important for understanding the situation. Night rabbit disco includes a wide variety of dances. Swing with drinking in the role of a shock tool, tango with permutation of all objects of the situation, break-dance with rods - and, finally, rock and roll "Kopai and Roy, Baby!" When you turn on the light to look at a shameless rabbit eyes, they look at you languidly and innocently: "Master, what you can not sleep? What do you need from a small sleepy rabbit? "

Some experienced rabbit rabbits advise to walk and fuck the eared in the evening so that it is good to skit it - after which it will rest without rear paws. However, sometimes this effect is achieved only for a person, and the rabbit is grateful, Bodr and is ready to continue its bugs.

Sleep, bird, do not get together!


With feathers, everything is at least logical. You take it in order for her to please you with a sliding singing or authoritative statements "Gosha good" and "Kiryuch, do lessons!" So she usually comes. And cover with a tissue - gets a signal "to sleep time, fell asleep" and sleeps myself. Excellent relations, no special force majeure, right at least marry do not come out. Well, except that he is heightened and learn some non-parliamentary expression. But here - watch yourself, be careful.

Turtles: And now pull me!


Slow, quiet and meditative design? Yeah, especially when she doesn't like something - and the armored structure on four legs begins to beat the wall of his dwelling or play the quarry. That is, if anyone is astrett and decided to decorate the terrarium pebbles and stones - he will receive the music in the style of Industrial, in the sense of balls-sharahs. Especially when warming up. Even more especially - when it becomes hot. So, or small soft soil - or bullshit parties!

From the snail in the sky rainbow wakes up


Snail - such a beast, which is no reason to noise. Because she doesn't even have hearing. And yes - it does not bother, does not meow, not squealing and does not jump. So when the owners of these creatures complain: "Again the snails awakened at night!", Everyone laughs, ha ha, what a joke. And here is not a joke! Ampuloras (which are water) periodically roll down the glass, making the bucket sheath. Akhatina (which are land, healthy such) drag their houses on glass with the screens of non-lacking doors, and raised on the turns even louder.

And they are crunchy and chasing food at night. Quiet, of course. But if you are not morally prepared for the fact that you have someone from you, someone will write to the post (you do not have anyone, Manyuny-Tikhonya-snail is not in the bill!), I can ask and develop.

Like fish about ice


Another recognized silence with surprises. Who at night loves so thoroughly to breathe in the ground that in the next room heard who stones around the aquarium stuffed, the composition folds. And if you suddenly, what an underground push will happen (such that you won't feel, only chandelier quietly zinking) - the fish immediately learn a separate concert, with trying to throw away from the aquarium and, hiding a sheet, crawling to the ocean.

Do not take a pause!


This is who really behaves sweetering the water below the grass - so this is home spiders. These handsome noise not only create (if they keep them clean on the coconut substrate, then they will not even fall in them), but they do not endure themselves. Swag a timid young bird - will run away on all eight ... but maybe it's true, and bite or comb your protective hairs for you, irritating the skin. Little pleasant.

... In general, there is no perfection in nature! And if you want complete silence in the house, it remains to have a couple of such useful pets as earring. They are not noisy, and do not bite, and they are not required to feed them!

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