What to do when it seems that everything goes wrong


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Achieving emotional balance is very different from physical or mental balance. Human emotions, especially sadness, pain, depression and anxiety, tend to appear suddenly and what is called "without an invitation." Sometimes it may be the impression that "everything goes on everything" and nothing is impossible to change anything. It only makes it difficult to "get out of a closed circle".

These emotions (especially sadness) each evaluates in different ways and may feel especially strongly at certain periods of life. But if such situations like parting, a loss of a friend or a loved one, a sense of failure or even long-staying houses, they happen regularly, to be asked for a question - but how do not be sad.

There are 3 things that should be remembered when it is felt

that everything goes wrong

1. For all of its time

As well as the seasons in nature, people are also experiencing "seasons" in life. Some seasons may seem longer than others, especially when it comes to emotions such as sadness, sadness, longing and depression. But the same as in nature, they have the beginning, and shift to another "season".

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It is worth finding a minute to remember the last five years. Most likely, everyone had their own ups and falls, and perhaps one more concrete year was released more than others. At that particular, an event or even a year may have been difficult to see the "light at the end of the tunnel."

It should be believed that even when it seems that everything goes awry, there are cycles in life. And these periods are also intended for mental, physical and human spiritual growth.

2. Domino effect

In other cases, life will seem in life that everything collapses like a bone line of Domino. But it is worth thinking, maybe this universe wants to clear the place for something else, and no one knows that fill this space.

Everyone is a director and screenwriter of his life, so it is worth just trying to perceive everything differently.

The unknown can be something exciting, but can also create anxiety and uncertainty. In any case, this is not the end, but the "reset button" for what will happen next. This cleansing in which a person needs, as well as a reminder that he may need to change his perception.

3. Find for yourself the pleasure of

It's time to finish with a purposeful desire for happiness and focus on what is right now and that brings pleasure. Everyone copes with sadness in different ways - trains, draws, dancing, communicates with friends or spends time with his family.

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You just need to find what it makes someone happy. It is individually for everyone, therefore it is impossible to give a unified council. It should be found a few things that bring spiritual, physical and, most importantly, an emotional equilibrium.

How to do it?

Start keeping a diary for 5 minutes a day

It doesn't matter if someone wants to write or not, he should try to keep a diary, paying for him 5 minutes a day, and writing everything in him, for which grateful life during this day. Of course, at first it may seem tedious, but it is only 5 minutes that you can carve out instead of thoughtless rubbing tape on social networks or watching TV. Such a simple reception can help change emotions.

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Many successful entrepreneurs begin their day with gratitude. Just listed the simple things that a person appreciates daily, he begins to notice other things for which he should be grateful during the day. Here are some tips to start:

- Who forced to smile over the past 24 hours, and why this man brought positive emotions;

- Whether on the radio a special song that reminded the cheerful time in life;

- Think about what ate for breakfast and how it charged the energy for the whole day;

As soon as a person begins to notice the little things for which there will be grateful, it begins to become a natural habit, which then begins to automatically improve all emotions.

Contact someone with whom you can talk to the general topic

The presence of support is just wonderful, but there is always someone with whom you can communicate on a deeper and personal level.

The circumstances and situations of each person are different, and, although everyone usually believes that he is the only person who can experience certain feelings for some reason, will not be superfluous to communicate with other people who could also feel the same.

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Ripples occur in a number of different reasons, but the sense of grief about man and relationships there is almost every time.

Life is designed not to live alone, but in the company of others.

Change your perception

Consider the situation when a close person dies. It is difficult to convey this despair and a gradual immersion in the pulp of emotions, from which it is difficult to return.

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It should be understood immediately that there is no end of this puchin, and the person must stop himself from falling into it, and find the power of the will to get out of the abyss of despair.

Changing perception changes the whole situation.

We give examples of issues that will help switch the current perception of the situation to more positive thoughts and ideas:

- What can you learn from this situation, and why she happened now; - How can you help other what someone is experiencing; - To be negative - whether it helps to someone or the person himself.

It should be borne in mind that denial and sadness are two completely different emotions. To be sad - it is natural, and sometimes you have to experience these emotions; But the denial sometimes stems from unrestrained sadness.

Put yourself in the first place

You need to put yourself in the first place, especially in the most difficult times. All people are different, and there is no simple and simple solution to the problem of sadness.

If this helps, you can surround yourself by people, it does not matter to distract, or in order for someone to empathize. Another can help turn off the phone for half a day and depreciation from the whole world. If someone prefers to be alone to release any contained emotions, or just be in full silence and loneliness - you need to afford it.

As soon as a person comes to himself and starts to put himself in the first place, he will begin to appear in other spheres of life.

Get compassion and provide it to himself

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Compassion is not always a skill that is given from birth, sometimes it is a skill who learn. Nevertheless, there are some areas in life that no one can truly and fully understand if it does not pass through it. In most cases, this may be an understanding of any traumatic experience.

Sadness and sadness are healthy human emotions experienced by everyone. It is always better to seek help close, especially with whom there is a special connection.

Having spent some time to show compassion for other people and their sadness, you can feel a big connection with this particular person, even if I did not come across the event, because of which he is sad. In turn, compassion also always returns back.

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