15 interesting facts that radically change the idea of ​​pregnancy

15 interesting facts that radically change the idea of ​​pregnancy 35092_1

Despite the fact that most people never recognize what is "to be pregnant" (given that about half of the population - men, and not all women are "hardened" children), pregnancy has always played an important role in the life of every person. First of all, it is thanks to her that all appear on this light. Also, this is the reason that the human society can develop at all.

Pregnancy treated in different ways over the centuries. Even today, it is still closely related to various cultural and public standards. For example, in some places it is considered quite normal to give birth at home, and in other places it is something unheard. So, let's talk about the curious facts that are associated with this process.

1. Although there is no single opinion as to why this is so, many pregnant women argue that the china seats for the toilet acquire a purple shade after they sit on them. Possible explanations range from the level of alkalinity to muddy domestic trousers.

2. The kangaroo females almost always get out of the cub. However, during drought or hunger, they can suspend their pregnancy.

3. Some women refuse to believe that they are pregnant, and instead they believe that the tumor develops inside them. They can even hide their pregnancy, which can be dangerous for the fetus. This happens with each 1 of 475 women on a period of 20 weeks.

4. The denial of pregnancy can become much stronger than many might even imagine. Each 1 of 2,500 women denies that it is pregnant even ... during childbirth.

5. Pseudocyse is the opposite of negativeness of pregnancy. This is a condition in which a woman believes that she is pregnant (and she can even appear signs of pregnancy, such as bloating), but in fact it is not.

6. Up until the 1960s, it was the only way to determine whether a woman was pregnant or not, it was the introduction of her urine into an African Shortse frog. If the woman was pregnant, the frog ovulated for several hours.

7. Although adolescents in the US and Europe demonstrate the same level of sexual activity, European adolescents have lower pregnancy rates, because they often use contraceptives.

8. Hormones highlighted during breastfeeding help reduce the uterus before the size that was before pregnancy. If a pregnant woman suffers from damage to one of the internal organs (for example, a heart attack), the fruit sends stem cells to restore this organ.

9. In 2014, the Court of Washington investigated the case of Lydia Fairchild. She was accused of fraud in the sphere of social security, since its DNA did not fit the DNA of her children. In the end, it was found that it is not even their biological mother, although she really gave birth to these children. But as a similar possible. Apparently, she was chimera and absorbed in the womb of his twin, whose genes she was passed.

10. Pregnancy does not always "turn out according to plan." Each twentieth American faces an unplanned pregnancy every year.

11. It would seem that the times of biased attitude towards working women have long passed. But until 1978, it was quite legitimate to dismiss a woman if she became pregnant.

12. The price does not necessarily mean quality. Pregnancy tests in the store "All at 55" are just as reliable as more expensive tests.

13. Each woman who was pregnant knows perfectly, how difficult it is at this time. Biologists from Cornell University found that the morning ailment of a pregnant woman is a way of the body from itself toxins from the body (by vomiting).

14. The first pregnancy tests were invented in ancient Egypt. Woman urinated on bags with wheat and barley. If wheat germinated, then it was possible to wait for a girl, and if barley, a boy had to appear in a woman. If no grain did not sprout, it was not pregnant.

15. Mosquitoes usually drink nectar. They suck blood only during pregnancy.

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