5 Legends of Georgia that need to know before going there


5 Legends of Georgia that need to know before going there 35059_1
Georgia is one of the oldest countries that is famous for its beauty, hospitality and delicious cuisine. Not for nothing This mountainous edge travelers from around the world. Gorgeous Landscapes, Majestic Ancient Temples, Original Architecture ...

And one of the main attractions of Sakartvelo - this is exactly the same name to their country of Georgians, its legends are. Mythical legends create a mysterious area around this land and its inhabitants. But among all the 5 main legends stand out, with whom everyone should meet, who are interested in this extraordinary country.

Georgia - Oasis of God's grace

One of the main Georgian legends talks about how the most beautiful corner of the Earth went to life. After creating the world, God began to distribute territories to all the peoples that became their home. So each person received a place that Motherland could be called, and all Territory of the Earth was divided into countries. And when this difficult occupation was completed and there were no longer divided places on the entire planet, Georgians came to the creator.

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For a surprised question, why they were late for the settlement, people responded that they did the magnificence of the created peace so they loved on the way that they forgot about time and late. And then, a flattened God decided to give them an oasis, who left for himself. So the Georgians got the most picturesque and charming corner of the universe in their native land.

And in return, the creator took the promise from them that they would always meet every guest with an open soul and take it in their land as a native. In order for the fame of the beauty and hospitality of a mountainous country around the world.

Legend about Tbilisi

In the native language of the mountainous inhabitants, "Tbili" means "warm." And about what sense is laid in this word, another legend says, which can tell any Georgian for a glass of delicious wine.

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According to legend, one of the rulers of an ancient country went on a falcon hunting around Mtskheta (the ancient capital of Georgia). Long trampled in lovely forests, while the king did not notice at a long distance wonderful phase. The accurate shot struck prey, and the beloved falcon of the Lord was released. But the bird did not return for a long time, and the hunters went to look for her.

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The fate of pheasant and falcon is sad. Both birds were pleased with a hot source, where they died. But the place found the place was struck by the king with its location. It was protected from all sides by mountains and forests, but at the same time an important trading path passed through it. It was here that it was decided to lay a city, designed to continue to become the heart of Georgia. And he received the name of Tbilisi in honor of hydrogen sophisticated sources, thanks to which the wise lord could find this place.

Holy places

There are a lot of religious monuments and holy places in Georgia. These are related to special reverence. One of the main legends says that Christianity originated in these lands, on the shores of the merge of the Rivers of the Aragva and Kura.

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Here many centuries ago came in search of Hiton Lord Holy Nina. According to legend, the Mother of God posted on her the purpose of enlightening the ancient Georgia. Virgo Maria put in the hands of Nina's cross from a grape vine, which she set on the hill over rivers, so that he was visible far around. In the VII century, the Jvari Monastery was erected here, which is currently included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Legends of Mountain Svaneti

One of the most mysterious regions of Georgia is Svanetia. And among her mountain verses, the Ushba is allocated - a counying mountain, which is considered one of the most dangerous peaks of the world.

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There is a legend that in the ancient the Goddess of Hunting Dali loved the young man from the local village. She lured a young hunter to himself and made his house and beauty bride forget. But one day, looking down and seeing the towers of the native village, he remembered everything and escaped from Charov.

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But Dali could not forgive treason. And on a festive day, let me down to the foot of the Mountain Tour. The hunter, seeing rich prey rushed after the beast, which climbed above in the mountains. But under his own step, the Earth fell into the abyss. Only on the top of the top noticed the young man, which is surrounded and there is no way back. Then, not wanting to live without a loved one, he rushed into the gorge and died. And since then, the blood stained the slopes of the mountain in red, about the glaciers of the seats whiten like the bones of the young kettle.

Georgian wine

Georgian wine is famous for the whole world. He is considered a drink of gods. Without good wine, no feast is done, and Georgians rightly recognize the best storytellers toast.

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Many legends are associated with wine. But the essence of them comes down to the fact that God, prank people expelled from Paradise, decided to create a drink that would help them at least a few moments to return to themselves the state of lost bald and bliss.

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But this legend has a continuation. Having created his creation from a grape vine, God suggested to taste his angels and demons. All appreciated the nectar. But the devil did not want to give up the championship and made a chance from wine. He also offered to taste his drink to the Lord. And that drank. And 4 times filled his cup, after which he said: "Those who drink three glasses of this drink will stay with me in Paradise, and after the fourth one will become going to your dark side." That is why the fourth cup of Chaqi is called the devilish, and during the feasts Georgians carefully monitor that the fun does not move the line, turning into drunkenness.

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