Antonio Gaudi: the most mysterious architect in history that wonders worked


    Antonio Gaudi: the most mysterious architect in history that wonders worked 35056_1
    We often hear about ingenious musicians, writers, poets. With regard to architecture, the word "brilliant" is used much less frequently. Perhaps because it is much more complicated to implement such a talent than any other. The more valuable for the story, everyone who managed to replenish the architectural heritage of mankind unique on the beauty of creations. The most bright and mysterious among these geniuses is the Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi - the creator of the legendary Cathedral of Sagrada Fomilia, Palace Guell, Batlo Houses and other unique masterpieces, who are decorated with Barcelon today, making it a truly unique city.

    Antonio Gaudi was born in Catalonia in 1852 in the family of the Blacksmith, Francisco Gaudi-I-Serra and his wife Antonia Kurt, and-Bertrand. In the family he was younger of five children. After the death of the mother, two brothers and sisters Antonio, he settled in Barcelona with his father and niece. Since childhood, Gaudi was very painful, rheumatism prevented him from playing with other children. Instead, he performed long walks alone, which over time he loved. It was they who helped him get closer to nature, which the whole subsequent life inspired the architect on the solution of the most incredible constructive and artistic tasks.

    Antonio Gaudi: the most mysterious architect in history that wonders worked 35056_2

    While studying in Catholic College, Antonio was most interested in geometry and drawing. In his free watches, he was engaged in the study of local monasteries. Already in those years, the teachers admired the works of the young artist Gaudi. And he fully said that his talent is God's gift. In the process of creating his creations, he often turned to the topic of God, and did not deviate from her even when choosing artistic aspects of his creativity. For example, he did not like straight lines, calling them a human generation. But Gaudi adored the circles, and was convinced of their divine principle. These principles are clearly traced in all its 18 architectural creations, which today are pride Barcelona. They are characterized by a bold combination of materials, textures and colors. Gaudi used its own insanid overlap system, which allowed not to "cut" the premises on the part. The repetition of its calculations was only possible after the creation of NASA calculating the paths of spacecraft flights.

    The first buildings of the architect - "House Vicens", "El Capricho", "Pavilion of the Manor of Guele". They differ significantly among themselves, however, everyone is decorated with a large number of decorative details in the style of neoatics.

    Antonio Gaudi: the most mysterious architect in history that wonders worked 35056_3

    In general, the Architectural Style Antonio Gaudi is a phantasmagoric, difficult to definition, although, the architect was called the genius of modern. Gaudi was the most striking representative of his national and romantic flow, Catalan modernism. Incredibly, but the designer engineers did not help him, he acted on his own, relying only on his feeling of harmony, often improvised and tried to convey his idea to assistants using drawings on the board. In his architectural creations there are all: fancy structural forms, sculptures, painting, mosaic, color plastic. They are present in them and animals, fantastic creatures, trees, flowers.

    Antonio Gaudi: the most mysterious architect in history that wonders worked 35056_4

    Antonio was very beautiful, however, in his personal life - alone. Of course, he had novels, but none of them ended with marriage or at least any serious relationship. In fact, he was married to his creations. Antonio was quite a well-handed person and had the opportunity to remove any accommodation, but during work on the next project I invariably lived right on the construction site, equipping for myself a small camork, and wore an old special special.

    Antonio Gaudi: the most mysterious architect in history that wonders worked 35056_5

    So during his work on his beloved and, perhaps, the most grand creation - the Sagrada Cathedral of Familyna, the redempuating temple of the Holy Family, the construction of which he never happened to finish. It began in 1882, when Gaudi was 30 years old, and was not completed to this day. The architect gave this project for 40 years of his life. And on June 7, 1926, Gaudi left the construction and disappeared. On the same day, at one of the streets of Barcelona under the tram got some kind of poor. Only a few days later they identified the greatest architect Antonio Gaudi. He found the last shelter in one of the chapels "Sagrada Familya".

    Antonio Gaudi: the most mysterious architect in history that wonders worked 35056_6

    During the funeral procession, Gaudi, in which Poliorod probably participated, a mystical thing happened. Many townspeople, among whom were very distinguished person, argued that they saw ghosts in the crowd of people who came to say goodbye to the genius. For example, Salvador Dali said this.

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    Today, this mystery, extinguishing Barcelona at one time, has already become history and the subject of excursions. But still there are people who believe: if you exactly repeat the route of the last way Gaudi, you can get a part of its incredible talent. And we should just be grateful to the genius for his selfless devotion to the art and love for people who left the invaluable architectural heritage.

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