7 famous actresses that have become moms after 40


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The so-called "Late Mommy" boom began in the United States in the 1990s. And then the Russians have pulled themselves. As a result, the number of women who gave birth after 40, in just 10 years increased by 2 times. And among celebrities there are women who, according to traditional concepts, became mothers later than usual.

Evgenia Dobrovolskaya

Actress Evgenia Dobrovolskaya gave birth to a daughter Nastya in 44 and confident that this is a real miracle. Eugene refutes all their supasses that the childbirth is rejuvenated.

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According to her, late pregnancy for the body of a woman is a real stress. She spent the last months of pregnancy in bed. And also the baby was born with serious spinal curvature. A thoughtful husband helped to cope with all the difficulties. By the way, the difference between the country's Son and the youngest daughter of Yevgeny Dobrovolskaya 23 years old.

Uma Thurman

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Mind Tourman gave birth to a daughter in 42 years. It was her third child. The girl was called strange for the Russian ear long name - Rosalind Arusha Arkadin Altalong Florence Turman-Busson.

Olga Drozdova

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Olga Drozdova and Dmitry Pevtsov were waiting for their firstborn for 15 years. All the analyzes of the spouses were normal, and the doctors only diluted with their hands. When Olga replaced the fourth ten and not even hoped to experience the happiness of motherhood, a miracle happened. The Son of the Spouse called the fabulous name Elisha, and today he is already a schoolboy.

Eva Mendes.

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Eva Mendez has long been listed in the Childfrey lists. And then she had an affair with Ryan Gosling, about which journalists, although they tried very much, but they could not know anything. The couple met for three years, and when Eva was already 40, they had a daughter Esmeralda. By the way, the actress of the fans did not even guess, because she practically did not leave the house. About the newborn baby Eva cares without the help of nannies, believing that this is the meaning of motherhood.

Nicole Kidman

For Nicole Kidman, the pregnancy was a complete surprise, because she was unsuccessful from infertility for many years.

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The daughter of Sandey Rose she gave birth, in 2008, when she was already 40,000. After that, she could not get pregnant, and after 4 years the couple took advantage of the services of a surrogate mother.

Monica Bellucci

The first daughter of Monica Bellucci was born when she was 39, and the second one, when the actress turned 45. In one of the interviews, the actress said:

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"No, I'm not bold, I'm just lucky. I gave birth to my children herself, as the simplest peasant from Umbria. But this does not mean that I need to take an example. At this age it is better to contact the Eco clinic or a surrogate mother. And if I could not get pregnant, I would have shown it too. "

Kristina Orbakayte

Christina Orbakayt in marriage with a businessman Mikhail Zemtsov lived for several years, but he did not think about children, because she was grown up two sons. But according to the recognition of the singer itself, at some point she realized that he began to look at the kids and wants to repeat the motherhood experience.

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Kristina became pregnant, as soon as she wished, the pregnancy passed normally, and Klava was born when Mom had already been 40. Mikhail Zemtsov went to childbirth with his wife and was just a wonderful father.

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