The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs


The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_1

There are a lot of wonderful things that can be done at home with a child when it is impossible to go outside. And yes, we are not talking about watching TV or play computer games.

Prepare pizza

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_2

Pizza is just a damn, on which you can cut around everything that is in the house, draw funny faces and then solemnly devour.

Make a kitchen orchestra

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_3

From saucepan, plastic bottles and glasses filled with water and play music.

Make a homely puppet theater

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_4

Decorations of paper and cardboard, dolls from everything that is at hand. Plays can be composed on the go.

Build a house from pillows.

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_5

As well as blankets, mattresses, mop and other things.

Open fashion house

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_6

Draw sketches, cut out of colored paper patterns, then transfer it all on the fabric.

Build a "raft" from a sofa or bed

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_7

And go to the imaginary journey through the Pacific Ocean.

Arrange a picnic in the living room

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_8

Play snowballs at home

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_9

Snowballs are made of socks (clean, of course).

Draw graphite at home

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_10

Of course, not spray, but with tassels and gouache, but what prevents from drawing a marine battle right on the refrigerator?

Make vases and statuettes from papier-mache.

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_11

Sollar Figures

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_12

These are cheerful than from plasticine, in addition, ready-made art objects can be baked in the oven, and they will be stored almost forever.

Making knight armor from cardboard

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_13

From the same cardboard you can build swords and cloths and arrange a small battle.

Make a movie

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_14

If you give to the child a camcorder and motivate it correctly, he can remove either a documentary about his family, or something doll-gaming.

Collect constructor with cogs

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_15

Unlike "Lego", it can be collected from it not only what is indicated in the instructions.

Organize a blacksmith at home

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_16

Steel dumbbell will be anvil, nails - billets, the hammer will remain a hammer. With a well-known skill, you can order the mass of everything interesting, master the method of cold forging and pump the neighbors (although in fact the neighbors in the middle of the working day are hardly affected by this).

Work with wooden storage designer

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_17

And build a real terme on your own project.

Come up with your own desktop game

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_18

Draw a playing field, compose your rules and chop up.

Fold out the fictional country

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_19

Draw her map, come up with a political system, ruling dynasty, armed forces, economic development - everything that is just enough fantasy.

Make clothes from newspapers

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_20

Publish your magazine or home newspaper

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_21

Cut pictures from old real magazines. You can write your articles. Well, your own photos will not interfere.

Build a ship or submarine and run it in the bathroom

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_22

Food plastic containers are suitable as billets. A submarine is made from a plastic bottle, in which the holes for water, hose and rubber pear need to cut.

Find treasure

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_23

It must be hidden.

Appoint a child with president

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_24

Let him accept all the decisions, let his orders (well, except for quite criminal) will be mandatory. It is fun and very helpful.

Writing homemade postcards and paper letters to friends

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_25

So no one does no longer, but in vain!

Open home hairdresser

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_26

Tow the dad. It is best to do this if the dad still was going to shake naked.

Arrange a home disco

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_27

To do this, it will be necessary to make a mirror ball from the papier-mache and the spotlight from the lamps and lanterns. Well, the music is found honey.

Put home chemical experiments

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_28

The easiest - home volcano with vinegar and food soda, for something more complex you will need a "young chemist", they are still sold.

Describe paper airplanes

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_29

They are not only two standard school varieties, there is a lot of patterns and drawings on the Internet.

Just talk

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs 35047_30

On philosophy, relationships, money, children, plans, fantasies and fears. Excellent lesson in a rainy day.

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