10 trifles that get a woman


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Trying to look younger than my years, many ladies spend significant amounts from their budget, regularly visiting beauty salons. Of course, well-groomed and taut facial skin will "reduce" your true age for several years, but there are still a number of ways that can make you much younger.

Here are 10 trifles that will get a woman. Try to exclude them from your life, and the result will not wait long for a long time.

1. Dull look

This is a frequent woman satellite tired of daily home worries and routine work. It is he who is the most important enemy of youth. Try to look at your problems at a different angle - maybe this is invaluable life experience or simply temporary difficulties?

2. Lack

It can pick up the whole dozen with you. Inhale full chest of fresh air, straighten your shoulders, smile yourself and walk in life with confident solid gait!

3. Bright Makeup

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Saturated paints and a thick layer of a tonal cream can in minutes turn a young girl into a mature lady. Therefore, it is better not to abuse dark lipstick and too bright shadows.

4. Incorrect clothing

A strict suit can add several years at once to your true age, so try to avoid long jackets hiding the figure. Get rid of both black hats (handkerchiefs, hats), balachonov and "ladies" blouse. Shoes are better to choose an elegant: "boring" shoes with a wide nose on a stable low heel will turn you into a woman aged.

5. Non-dimensional hands

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Drawn, weathered hands leather always plays against a woman in her desire to appear younger. Output one is regular hand care using moisturizing creams and masks, as well as exercises for the muscles of the forearm. And do not forget about the manicure - a qualitatively performed, it can "steal" you immediately have a whole dozen years.

6. Perfume for women aged

Using the "grandmothers" perfume, you can psychologically feel older than your age, and this usually causes psychological discomfort, so it is better to pay attention to modern flavors.

7. Excessive tan

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Ultraviolet can not only adversely affect the skin of the skin, but also add you for several years. No one recommends completely abandoning sunbathing, but it is still worth observed.

8. Sedina

This feature is known is a satellite of the natural aging of the body. However, he often appears in 30 summer women, visually adding the year. Best "masking" - regular hair coloring. Taking advantage of this opportunity, you can even radically change the color of the hairstyle.

9. Bad mood

Any negative emotions are negatively reflected not only in the appearance, but also on the inner state of the woman. The lack of positive energy causes dissatisfaction with itself, lethargy, weakness and can even lead to illness. From this, other aging factors appear even more clearly.

10. Smoking

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This habit has long come out of fashion and stopped being a symbol of a liberated woman. Today, it can only testify about dependence, and therefore - about weakness. And if you add to this unpleasant odor, yellow nails, the darkening of dental enamel and the unhealthy skin color, it becomes clear that smoking can significantly harm your image.

To the question "What does a woman start?" There are many answers. However, there is no single recipe that returns youth.

Someone will advise you to turn to a professional cosmetologist, and someone is to visit the stylist. But psychologists are confident: the best way to turn the time to reverse is to put love to your life - to my family, to your family, to work and just to life.

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