What kind of hair coloring is chosen modern fashionista


What kind of hair coloring is chosen modern fashionista 35019_1

From time to time, every woman wants to change, transform. The easiest option is to experiment with hair, and it does not have to be a haircut or on the contrary, build up. The option with staining is fairly common.

Before you go to the hairdresser or fashionable salon, many browse information about new products in the field of coloring technology to choose a specific option for themselves. You can do without it and listen to the recommendations of your master, but still many women are not ready for the procedures whose results cannot imagine.

In the current year, such staining technologies are very fashionable as Balazh, Shatuch, Kolomber, Babylights, Ombre, Sombrov. It should be remembered that many modern staining techniques are quite complicated. That the result pleased and was like this, perhaps you may have a lot of time to spend on finding a good wizard.

Coloring hair

Today, many masters are offered to carry out hair prevention. Variants of such staining set. Girls and women who want to stand out can paint the bulk of the hair in one color, and bangs other, which will contrast on a general background. It is possible not so cardinal changes, as well as the use of coloring techniques using the paint of one color of only different tones. Such options are considered the best solution for the owners of short hair and hair medium length. When coloring long hair masters can use more paints and turn hair into a real masterpiece.

Ombre and Somographer

Ombre's hairdresser came relatively recently. She had to do with many representatives of weak gender, and therefore still remains in fashion. The peculiarity of such hair coloring is that a smooth or sharp transition between different shades is created. Especially impressive looks at long hair. In Ombre technology, the transitions are still quite clearly visible, if this option is unacceptable, attention should be paid to the Sombrian technique. In such technology, paints of one tone are used, but different shades and the transition boundaries are practically not noticeable. This staining looks natural and fits fashionists who want to just make their own hair color more expressive.

Shatuch and Ballyazh

Shatus staining technology is suitable for medium and long hair, as it requires space to pull paint from dark to light. This variant of staining is not only fashionable, but also the safest, and therefore suitable for thin and weakened hair. More such a variant of staining is suitable for the owners of dark hair - brunettes and brownmas.

Very interesting is the technology that got the name Ballozh. The main feature is to use contrasting paints. After the procedure, it seems that the hair naturally burned in the sun. So that in the end of the hair looked beautiful and naturally after such staining, you should choose the paint only for a few tones lighter than your hair color.

Kolomber and Babylights

Not everyone likes boring natural staining. Young person, and some women prefer more bold bright decisions. They should pay attention to Komomber. In this technique, painting in bright colors of the hair tips is carried out. To bright often unnatural colors fastened well, the clarification of this part is performed first. Since only tips are subject to lightening and further staining, it can also be considered gentle. Among the latest technicians who may not even be offered in all hairdressing and beauty salons include Babylights staining. Its feature is in the simultaneous connection of two techniques at once, such as highlighting and bally. Features of this technology create a flicker effect that looks like blond hair.

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