Angela Davis: from the black human rights activist popular in the USSR to Lesbian


Angela Davis: from the black human rights activist popular in the USSR to Lesbian 34969_1

The name of the American black human rights activist, communist and fighters with Ageid Angela Davis in the 70s of the last century was known all over the world. She enjoyed specially popular in the Soviet Union and the countries of the socialist camp as an activist of protest, left movement. "Freedom of Angele Davis!" - It was the most popular slogan for all progressive humanity of that time. She became a symbol of resistance to the capitalist regime in the United States.

Her name threatened around the world. But epochs and ideologies changed, and little young people know about Angele Davis. Yes, and the people of the older generation are unlikely about it often remember. Many believe that she has long died. But it is not. Davis alive and healthy, and still engaged in public and political activities. Only here too, I changed my views a little. In accordance with the coming times.

Childhood and youth

The future human rights activist was born in 1944. In the heart of American racism - Alabama. With all the manifestations of racism, she met even early childhood. Segregation - separation of skin color - was the norm. There were only places for whites and only for black, for the passage of blacks in places intended only for whites, could finf and plant.

Ku-Kux-clan was not, of course, legally resolved, but was not particularly persecuted. Quarters, shops, churches and schools for black were the most poor in the US south.

Angela Davis: from the black human rights activist popular in the USSR to Lesbian 34969_2

However, the Davis family was more prosperous, compared with the total black population. They had enough money to teach her daughter. Angela studied perfectly at school and was going to continue their education at the university.

She met the ideas of Marxism, still learning at school when he went to a circle where Marx was studied. So with political glances, she decided on early in his early youth.

Then she managed to enter the university. It was then a great achievement for a black girl: such as she, on the course there was only three.

She studied well and at the same time worked, earning money for further education. In the material plan she did not have any problems, because Angela was able to afford to go to study to Europe. In 1963, she was in the very thick of the protest European movement. During these years, the struggle for political and civil rights has taken great scope. And not only in European countries, but also in the United States. Angela managed not only to learn, but also to participate in protest promotions. She met many left-handers and even ultrasound movements.

Public and political activities

Against the background of lifting the left movement, the right forces were activated. Especially in America, where segregation was still the norm. Rasists and Ku-Kloux clan intimidated black activists, threatened them with violence (and not only threatened, Martin Luther King in 1968 killed) and performed shares. For example, they threw the church for blacks once grenades. It happened in the hometown of Angela Davis. She decided to return home and already there to continue the struggle.

In the US, Angela immediately joined the American Communist Party. And quickly became its activist. Oddly enough, her left views did not interfere with entering the University of Los Angeles California. Rather, the University's leadership did not immediately pay attention, did not notice or did not consider it necessary to somehow suppress the spread of left ideas. But then the leadership of the state reached the eradication of left and communist glances in the environment of professors and students. At that time, the governor was the notorious investigator of the conservative sense Ronald Reagan. He ordered to dismiss the communists and sympathizing. Subsequently, he became president of the United States and continued his conservative policy.

So Angela Davis remained without work. But public and human rights activities did not quit. She also engaged in the protection of the rights of prisoners. In prison, she met the leader of the Extremist Movement "Black Panthers" Jackson. Jackson received a term for an attack on a policeman. Angela arose with Johnson a rapid novel. According to, she wanted to free it. When the court was going, the Armed Brother of Jackson with accomplices broke into the hall. But during the special operation, the police shot the invader himself, his accomplice and judge. Although Angela was not in the hall, the attacker gun was bought for her money.

Davis found, put in prison. But it was not possible to prove its involvement in the attack, the jury's court (who, by the way, consisted only from white!) It was acquitted, Angela was released. All the time spent in prison and the trial they wrote thousands of letters of support, held rallies in her defense.

Further activities

After the liberation, Davis took a trip to the USSR and Socialist countries. In 1991, Angela leaned the Communist Party, because US Communists supported the GCP. It is still considered to be a left radical, conducts social activities, fights for the rights of women, political tagging and ... people of non-traditional orientation. Suddenly, she called himself a lesbian. I wonder when Mrs. Davis managed to change orientation so drastically?

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