We need it! Mobile applications for extroverts



We love introverts very much and constantly write something delicious for them - how to survive in the office or celebrate the New Year, clogging into a safe bunker. It's time, however, take care of the extroverts. In a world where everything is automated, where it is problematic with a living stranger around the solid buttons and order forms, to chat with lively stranger. But we found several services that will allow not only to solve the urgent problem, but also have new buddies.



There are no cars, and you urgently impacted to drive to Kukayevsk? There is a car, but the toad is strangled to spend money on a ton of gasoline (and for the less to Kukuyevsk you will not reach)? Everything is good and with a wheelbarrow, and with flammable, but how do you think about a lone road to Kukaevsk, so Tosca takes? This app is sewn for you. Blablacar is looking for travelers, you yourself can choose a driver or passenger, you choose the price and time itself. It is cheaper than a taxi, and the company will be more pleasant to you than in the suburban train.



As they say, "you have plenty of friends around the world, you just haven't met them yet." Excellent service for travelers who do not seduce lonely evenings in the hotel room, as well as for those who do not care about it. You choose the right city and a cute owner, and for free, aspect on the post. All profiles are open, you can choose whose interests are close to yours - the same comic fan or fighter for the ecology. Guests leave reviews for the owners and vice versa. In exchange for a place on a softener (however, it can be a separate room) provide sparkling trep and stories about your travels, and the owner introduces you to the city. Perhaps this is the beginning of an excellent friendship. And even something more. In addition, it is possible to go around Polmir literally for a penny.



In essence, the same thing is that souchsurfing, only for money - you stay in someone's apartment, they meet you, walk and entertain. Most often, the owners live somewhere else and do not repulse you with their company if you do not want it myself. AirBNB is an excellent option for expensive megalopolises like London or New York, where they are fighting for a flavor on the outskirts of the villa. Airbnb is still much cheaper. This application is for those who have grown out of student nights on the sofa, but did not sober away.



Suppose you have found a companion and housing too, but how to be with a bottle? Bobbiko where to give, while you are cool in Cukuyevka? DOGSY is not a hotel for dogs, but a community of dog lovers who will be happy to shelter a bottle in their apartment, feed it, entertain and scratching him a pumine. You choose the dog-sitter yourself, instruct it about that clockwise scratching Bobika belly or against, and you can contact him at any time so that it allowed you to pink into the phone. Community Dog-oriented, but about Murzika can also be agreed.



The application for finding a company for any classes - from the campaign to cinema and shopping to the Friesbi and visiting the lecture. You leave the application "I want to eat ice cream on the VDNH" and wait when someone will respond, the suffering seal. Well, or the most suitable for someone in the company.

Hello Talk.


The main problem of all who gnawing the granite of a foreign language is the lack of practice. Hello Talk is looking for carriers that do not mind with you chat for life foggy, for porridge manna, and at the same time correct mistakes and reprimand. About hundreds of languages ​​are available (there is even Maori and Gujarati) and thousands of pleasant interlocutors. The cunning application strives to slip up the teacher of the opposite sex.



The service for those worn with their startup in search of money wants to chat with colleagues about the secrets of skill, got off from the legs, trying to find an intelligent salesman - shorter, for all sorts of business. Allows you to find the right person at the conference, make useful dating and seeing a potential investor to business lunch.



Neighbor, salts will not lend? Streetbank displays good neighborly relations to a new level. With this service, you can take a short-term rent from the neighbors anything - roller skates, disco ball, blender and inflatable mattress. And at the same time and get to know those who live through the entrance. Alas, in Western countries, the service is still more useful than in Russia.

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