What do actresses that were "stars" in the years of restructuring look like today


What do actresses that were

In the Soviet Union, "sex was not", but there were actresses that did not need to be undressed on the screen or for a gloss to love with men. For this they had enough talent, and beauty. And charisma. In this review, the story about how the fate of the most popular actresses of perestroika time, and how they look today.

Alexandra Yakovlev

Fame Actress brought her the very first role - stewardess in the film "Crew." Then she once played attractive and proud women. Millions of fans wanted to be similar to her heroine from the films "Wizards" and "Man with Capuchin Boulevard". But the difficult 1990s came, and the actress graduated from her film. She became a branch, and then the head of a large transport company. And recently, completely unexpectedly Alexander Yakovlev said that he was returning to the cinema.

Natalia Andreychenko

What do actresses that were

When the film "Mary Poppins, goodbye" came out on the screens, all Soviet kids dreamed of such a nurse as Natalia Andreichenko in the film, and their doves dreamed of such a woman nearby. Today, the actress who managed to live in the United States, and survived not one bright novel, 62 years old, and she is little similar to Miss perfection. However, you need to admit that the actress looks great for its age, and the short haircut is very good.

Tatyana Drubic

What do actresses that were

She starred in the films "ACCA", "Ten Negroit", "Black Rose - Sobble Emblem, Red Rose - Love Emblem", which enjoyed great popularity in the audience of the 1980s. And then beauty and talent conquered the audience. But Tatyana, who at that time he studied in a medical institute, he decided not to refuse a doctor from a career. She became an endocrinologist. Tatiana Drubich is one of the few who managed to combine acting skills and medicine. From the latest filmmakers of the endocrinologist - Anna Karenina in the film "The Last Fairy Tale Rita", which removed Renata Litvinova.

Elena Safonova

What do actresses that were

After entering the screens of the film "Winter Cherry" in Elena Safonov, who starred in the lead role, all men of a big country fell in love, and women wanted to be like a fragile beauty and made a haircut "under Olya".

Career Elena Safonova was very successful, but the actress did not succeed in the actress - she repeated the fate of his film heroine in his life. After she broke up with her husband, the Frenchman, she was tried for three years that the Son go to Russia to go to Russia. But the court remained on the side of the ex-spouse, and the Son remained in France.

Natalia Egroh

What do actresses that were

When Natalia was 25, she starred in the scandalous, perhaps the restructuring film "Little Vera". It was her, Natalia, a naked breast on the big screen, the Soviet spectator saw the first. After the film came out on the screens, Natalia starred for Playboy magazine and became the first Soviet model of this magazine for adults.

A few years later, Natalia went to the States, but there she did not work out her film. But there she remained a rig: in 2012, in support of girls from the Pussy Riot group.

Elena Yakovlev

What do actresses that were

Since the release on the screens, the Interdestochka film became incredibly popular, and Elena Yakovlev, who played the role of a "currency prostitute", immediately became a sex symbol. The actress has become a pleasant exception to the rules - after the sensational film from the screens, it did not disappear, but continued to be removed. Today, its account has more than 70 films and TV shows. Elena Yakovlev and today is in demand.

Ingeborg Dapkunayte

What do actresses that were

Another actress who loved the audience for the role in the film "Interdestochka". But today, there is no trace from her frivolous past, except for the Lithuanian accent and the immediacy, for which the actress fell in love with millions. Today the actress is very in demand. She is filmed in the cinema, plays the theater, participates in charitable promotions, is filmed in advertising.

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