Women's Time Management: How to do everything and even a little more


Women's Time Management: How to do everything and even a little more 34914_1

A modern woman optimally organized its time is even more necessary than a man. After all, a man, by and large, should be collected and active only at work. The house for him is a recreation area. While women and at home have to work "on a complete coil" and try not to lose sight of hundreds of different little things. For those who seek all the time, various time management techniques are being developed. Let's get acquainted with some of them.

Case - time!

The main principle of the high-organized lifestyle of the working woman is to accurately place priorities and get rid of extra.

Someone manages to do this, relying solely on its own intuition. Others will help such interesting methods:

"Suitcase Rule" - It is used to revise goals on any temporary segment (from day to half of the year). The principle of it: Rate what is recorded in your organizer from the point of view of collecting a suitcase, i.e. Leave only the most important and necessary.

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"20-minute rule" - helps to be taken for affairs that are postponed for a long time. Without any preliminary preparation you take and make what planned - for only 20 minutes. And then you can arise a break. Continue, from a psychological point of view, it will be much easier.

"Tomato rule" - Again, it should make you work, and not to think. "Tomato" is a timer that you start for 25 minutes and engage in the necessary affairs. Then make a 5-minute break. After four "tomatoes" will be held, it is possible to rest for rest until half an hour. Often with scheduled cases manage to cope earlier than we thought.

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In order for the released time to be productive, always make up and carry a list of minor questions that should also be solved. In these mini-intervals you them, just, and do.

With a creative approach

Often, women are not so easy to get used to the tough time management framework, where everything is painted in minutes. Bring emotions and paints in such a routine of the day will help the creative approach to planning.

For this you can:

- Every day, to spend under the special motto - choose the case of the day and organize everything "based on the topic", of course, considering such details as a suitable costume, hairstyle, makeup;

Women's Time Management: How to do everything and even a little more 34914_4

- Apply multicolored stickers or knobs for entries - this is not only beautiful, but also allows us to share the tasks for important and minor.

At the same time, make sure that your time does not flow, like water through your fingers. It is just known that the precious minutes are the most "steal": TV, Internet, talking on the phone.

Rest is needed, but it should be full, in a special day specifically for this.

Mini Secrets of Successful Mom

Moms with a small child should also pay attention to the organization of their time, although their work and rest mode often depends on the behavior and whims of the baby.

As articles perfect mom.

Time management experts assure that in the priority for Mom in maternity leave should be a concern for themselves, thanks to which the strength and mood appear. Then take care of the microclimate in the family, and all the home affairs and childcare troubles are better to share with other households. Let everyone contribute to the guidance of order in the house.

It is noticed that more time:

- those who do not sleep until lunch, and gets up at 6-7 in the morning;

- People immediately "straightening" with small matters, and not waiting until they accumulate a whole bunch;

- preferring simple and healthy food - cooking culinary masterpieces too "time-in-time lesson", leave it for the holidays;

- owning "household logistics" and able to build a chain of affairs, based on the principle "along the way."

And, of course, you should not postpone affairs at the last moment. When the time in the edge, you just can not qualitatively cope with the task.

Women's Time Management: How to do everything and even a little more 34914_6

His time management has its own, and each of us constantly improves it, seeking order and success in his life.

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