5 signs of what is worth changing the method of contraception


5 signs of what is worth changing the method of contraception 34911_1

Most women are desperately envying those who, in spite of the age, retained smooth like a child's skin. With the advent of each new eel, acne or wrinkles, the next tool for skin care is added on the shelf - there are those modern realities of life. But if someone knows that the same should be done with the means of fertility control.

Changes on the skin of the face can pass almost noticeably, but the cocktail of hormones in the body never remains the same. And when this happens (no matter, after pregnancy, or as a result of anything), the method of contraception, which is best suited for a particular woman, will also change.

The bulk of women tries three different types of contraceptive means throughout their life, and about a third try five or more methods. There is good news. Considering that today there is simply a huge number of quite affordable fertility control options, theoretically, women will never have to dwell on one method, if they do not like it. Naturally, you first need to consult with your doctor before deciding on the change of the drug. But in any case, every woman should look at, if there are five obvious signs that it is time to change its means.

1 is an annoying side effect

If someone begins to use the means of hormonal contraception, the body needs to give some time to get used to this method. The main rule is to apply it for several monthly cycles. At this time, various side effects can be revealed.

This does not mean that it is necessary to immediately end the use of this method, and to consult a doctor "somehow later" (violation of birth control puts a woman at risk of unwanted pregnancy, regardless of how many myths she heard about how long the hormones remain in organism). It is necessary to clearly write down exactly which side effects are, and immediately go to the doctor. The solution can be very simple - the doctor will register a new tablet with a slightly different mixture of hormones.

2 new job

It can happen that take pills at the same time every evening was very easily and convenient when they worked from 9 to 5, but if on a new work you have to linger and constantly skip the reception of the tablet, it is better to go to a new method. Lifestyle is one of the main factors for choosing the method of contraception. You need to be honest with your doctor (and with yourself) - if the pills do not work at the same time, other options, such as a spiral or implant, can simply facilitate all your life.

3 Changing the Status of Relations

If a woman moves from sexually monogamous relationships to relations with other partners, it will definitely need to use a new method of protection against STDs, such as condoms. And, on the contrary, when you start to sleep with only one person, you can abandon condoms (after both have passed tests on the STD) and go to another reliable method.

4 Strange changes in the menstrual cycle

Maybe the received contraceptive pills cause skin irritation in the middle of the cycle or the PMS began to be moved too hard. Regardless of the complaints, the menstrual period directly depends on the method of contraception, and if something is wrong with it, it is worth changing the method.

5 Moving to New City

Unfortunately, the reality is that in some places it is easier to access certain types of birth control, than in others. If someone lives in a big city, he (more precisely, her) is likely to have all the options for contraception at hand. But if you live somewhere in the area, where there is no easy access to the pharmacy (for buying tablets) or in the doctor's office (for regular injections), the "Install and Forget" method is better suited, such as intrauterine spiral.

Summarizing all of the above, every time a woman has serious changes in life (change of work, a change in relationship or a big crossing), she needs to rethink its fertility control method.

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