9 faithful signs that you are unscrewed jealous and it's time to stop


9 faithful signs that you are unscrewed jealous and it's time to stop 34905_1
Found yourself in a blond wig and huge sunglasses sitting under a bush in the ambush? Or searching for his pockets? Careful, so before the crime to roll for a short time: remember Othello!

Here are another 9 signs that your jealousy comes out from under control. If you find more than three, think about it - maybe it's time to say "Stop"? Or does he - "So far"?

1. You read Him Mail

9 faithful signs that you are unscrewed jealous and it's time to stop 34905_2

And also sms, make up the schedules of calls and correspondence in all messengers that are in the phone. In addition, you know passwords from all social networks and regularly check whether your faithful to someone else has no bit like, you climb on the history of the browser - God forbid, dating sites! - And with suspicion refer to working meetings. Soon you will start to doubt: Does he constantly speak with you by phone and writes romantic messages?

2. You check his clothes

9 faithful signs that you are unscrewed jealous and it's time to stop 34905_3

Pockets, internal pockets, hidden pockets on shorts, all branches in the working bag, folders with documents - nothing can hide from your attentive look! Came and threw a shirt in the washing? Surely on the collar track from lipstick! Does not allow her favorite jeans, because "they are not still dirty"? Exactly something hides in the front right of the pocket - you saw with my own eyes, as something dranks out there! Do not even know how to tell you what exactly.

3. You keep you constantly following him

9 faithful signs that you are unscrewed jealous and it's time to stop 34905_4

Agent Mulder and Agent Scully - miserable clowns compared to you! Only a surveillance - only hardcore! If your beloved is traveling on a business trip and comes to the airport 2 hours before departure, then you are there for 4! Moreover, you already have addresses, phone numbers and insurance policies of all those who go with him! You have a collection of wigs that you use to change appearance, one and a half dozen SIM cards, from which you call him and a languid voice, if he did not order leisure, and your best friend - part-time his colleague - a terribly nasty maiden, but you Should control the situation!

4. At parties, he prefers to walk one

Because still remember how Masha was left without a substantial part of the hair and - we will be honest! - Dresses when risked to get closer to it less than a meter. Or the grand scandal that you have rolled down when he stayed in the toilet for the whole 2 minutes! Queue? And what is the queue - went to bushes and pissed, not in vain men given a great opportunity to write standing!

5. You are scandalous

About and without. Your displeasure can cause anything: an unlucky bed, it is too long a conversation with mom on the phone, another corporate party, fishing or light hotness (which, if you remember, at first you really liked it). Psychologists say that either in this way you attract his attention, or the despot lives in you and Tyrant, the prone to control everything, or you blurted out. In the latter case, jealous meaningless, as you understand.

6. You know the name of all his female colleagues

As well as the names of their boyfriends and Gerlfrends (these too can not be written off with accounts, lesbians are so unreliable: today in girls, and tomorrow, how to throw on mine!), Pet puddles and affectionate nicknames, which their parents called 20 years ago. You're even thinking about getting a cleaning woman in his office to keep abreast of all the workers and the ever-minded affairs. And another courier on the Polish.

7. You hate women

This beauty, this skinny, this gave birth to five, and the figure - we will envy, this has this business, this does not work, and constantly flying around the world, this hanging around the clubs, this buys branded things, this, of course, is a slut, because What with such an appearance is only to be a slut, this one knows nothing and in general a fool, and this read books on psychology and imagined himself a home-grown specialist, too! We advise you to get a bag on the wheels and find the nearest barbolavel - you will be there a star!

8. You Clear Grumpy Cat

And your friends have already with a dozen photozab, where you are very dissatisfied with everyone. I agree: it is convenient incredible, it is immediately clear that you are tuned seriously and extremely carefully consider everything that is connected with your boyfriend. One view - and a pretty saleswoman runs away in tears, his girlfriend is given by a cocktail, and a casual girl on the street bypassing you for a kilometer. Soon itself in the mirror will begin to be afraid.

9. You abandoned yourself

It is clear: all the forces go to the experiences and anxiety about his imaginary infidelity. Nails shredded to elbows, in the hair of chopenas, because you constantly spin on the pillow, the clothes are not styled for the second week, because you are not up to garbage! You imagine a million different situations as he changes you and deceives your trust, watch millions of talk shows about humiliated and offended (at the same time you do not forget about ice cream, chips and chocolate) and wipe the clock with a girlfriend, what kind of goat in general. By the way, he has not been riding?

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