How not to fall into depression and feel happy this fall


    How not to fall into depression and feel happy this fall 34898_1
    When summer ends, many women begin to gradually lose a good location of the Spirit, slowly, but rightly plunging if not depressed, then to a state very close to it. After bright, enthusiastic summer days, the autumn months seem to be endless, gray, nothing attractive, and so they consider not only residents of the northern regions, but those who are lucky to be born and spend all their years in the south. Autumn for many of them - there is autumn and there is no salvation from it.

    She will certainly overtake, take captive and will keep to the last, and there - winter, which is even worse! We assure you, it's not like that! Autumn - not the end of life, not the end of joy and good mood! And in the leave season, you can also be happy! Do not cross out this time from your days, these three magical months. And they must bring you positive emotions.

    Summer, as a rule, is always noisy, violent, burly ... It is with the arrival of September there is a possibility of a little bit wrong to slow down the tempo, rather to become more balanced, even if all inevitable things. Over the summer, our body gained strength, rapid, was domico. In the summer months, everything, for the most part, is actively relaxing, rushing from place to place in search of entertainment, pleasure, buzz. Autumn time for another kind of activity. Reveay the fact that you turn on the job again. Even if she is not too beloved, anyway, feel a positive charge - you are ready to work, you are full of energy, you have something to tell what to convey to others.

    How not to fall into depression and feel happy this fall 34898_2

    Autumn - time is multicolored. She also pleases us with her beauty, with his gifts. In your free time, go to nature, it does not matter what it will be: a forest, and there may be a cozy square or park. Enjoy falling leaves, clouds floating across the sky, flowers, such as chrysanthemums ... If you have children, walks with them turn into whole excursions: you together again open more familiar things, but now you can explore them more carefully, In detail and feel all the soul, every cell of your body any little thing. But happiness, as a rule, hides in the trifles!

    If the weather does not allow you to go outside, "Catch" Hyugge in his apartment or house. Sake cookies, make simple, but delicious sandwiches, make the fragrant tea, coffee or cocoa, and perhaps you can weld and compote from quince, dogwood or apples. Cover the table, and it is better to stay on the floor. Choose a beautiful dishes, a tablecloth for a great mood. Enjoy food, every piece, every sip. Even raindrops driving on the glass can give a feeling of happiness, incredible comfort!

    How not to fall into depression and feel happy this fall 34898_3

    Perfect pastime in the fall is also good books and movies. Remember about such famous paintings as "the most charming and attractive", "service novel", "love and pigeons". These are the movies that you can watch the whole family, they are kind and bright.

    Music accompanies us always and autumn too. Modern, classic ... without it it is impossible to imagine a harmonious life!

    How not to fall into depression and feel happy this fall 34898_4

    Autumn Happiness is your favorite pets, acrylic plaid, cozy pajamas, a warm bath with aromatic oils and air foam, a lit candle, a kiss and an embrace of a loved one, a children's smile, rustling leaves under the legs, walks under the umbrella, shouting in the warm edges of birds ... such happiness, really a lot, just need to learn to notice him. And then autumn will be even better than summer!

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