7 rules and prohibitions when communicating with a man


7 rules and prohibitions when communicating with a man 34892_1

In a pair of men and women, a woman always remains an amateur. In men, on the contrary: less words are more. But whatever the lovers do not chat the representatives of a wonderful sex, they should understand that you can talk to your man, but what is not.

There are such topics from which the strong floor comes into indignation. This article contains the most annoying male themes and models of the behavior of women, about which she should forget forever. Otherwise, harmless at first view of the conversation will turn into a terrible scandal, and even worse.

1. Past relations.

Women should not raise this topic. In any context! Even if you really want to tell a harmless story about a cat, which was at the former guy. The current man will hear only the word "former", it will immediately switch his attention from the cat. In his head, there may be thoughts that she still did not forget him, wants to return the relationship, and why they broke up at all if she still remembers about him. Yes, and his past relationships are better to leave in the past, for their own calm. Past - in the past!

2. Others are no better (especially former)!

A woman chose this man that means he is the best! A neighbor does not nail the shelves better! Colleague does not boil coffee tastier! No way! You can praise, for example, a great scientist. He is well done! Made a great discovery. Or actor received an Oscar. How he played the role perfectly! You can praise. But if this is an ordinary colleague, friend a family, a girlfriend's husband, just a common acquaintance, do not say phrases: "But he has ...", "but he is unlike you ...", and the like. Men do not like when they compare them with someone.

3. humiliation to the public.

No need to laugh or humiliate your man publicly. They like praise, but not mockery. Let him be a good husband, but in humans do not need to put it with a repeater, mock it: "Oh, yes he does everything that I will say," I always accept important solutions. " It is important for him to be meaningful in society.

4. Unnecessary details.

If this is a detailed story about how a woman made sugar epilation, increased her hair and updated the manicure, then let him stay for a conversation with a girlfriend. Or discussion of a new series of Brazilian soap opera. Do not need a man to tell this. It is also not necessary for him, as well as the process of training fishing rods.

5. Hints.

Men do not understand the hints. They need to speak directly, do not press. It is clear that the woman wants to be a mystery for her man. But if she wants earrings on his birthday, then let him say: "I want to earrings" - and not: "At Katki earrings with bricks, such cool, so they are", "today in jewelry big discounts". A man needs logic in a conversation.

6. Do not know - do not say.

If the woman does not understand some topic, then it is not worth arrange with a man's discussions. He does not like arrogant. Nobody likes. Yes, and the themes in which the woman disassembles a better man, also better not to discuss. This puts them in an awkward position. Be in conversation on equal!

7. Family, friends, hobbies.

No need to negatively speak about his family. The family is holy. Even if there is a reason. And friends are personally his business. Unless, of course, they do not interfere with the relationship and obviously do not make nasty. And if a man seems to you, a stupid hobby, let him do it. Yes, even let the hooks for the fishing rod collects! It is better than to grow beer stomach in front of a TV or to sit behind computer games.

Of course, each man may have a few more forbidden to talk. It is advisable to discuss these moments at the initial stage of relations. After all, if you frankly talk about your desires and needs, then many disagreements can be avoided, which lead to the sad finals in the relationship.

Woman must respect her man. Understand him and listen. If some topics are too sharp for him, they need to be eradicated. What to talk about always. But at the same time, the woman should be open and sincere with his companion. So they will have complete mutual understanding and trusting relationships.

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