How did the fate of children with famous paintings


How did the fate of children with famous paintings 23658_1

In those years, from which classic paintings come to us, no one has specifically thought about the rights of the child to their own image. So many children's portraits remain without names and without biographies. Some girl. Some boy. The same is important who painted them, and they themselves mean nothing ...

For example, we will never learn how the girl lived and was a happy girl on a bowl, and what was the name of a serious boy with a picture of Pinturikkyo, and how actually studied a witchie hero "Again-Two".

And about whom do we know? Usually this is either children of high-ranking specials, or the children of the artists themselves. Occasionally - children of familiar artist. So how did their lives?

Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov

Portrait of Miki Morozov

Mikhail Mikhailovich Morozov, Mastydnaya Soviet literature, Specialist in Shakespeare. He studied in England for several years, but he returned to Russia in the hardest years, he was near his mother, in the 20s it was directed in the theater, he worked as a translator, he taught English. The author of the book "Shakespeare" from the series ZhZL. I survived all the concussions of the mid-20th century and died a respected person for the year before the flight of Gagarin.

Diego Velasquez


Infanta Margarita (fully Margarita Maria Teresa Spanish) was married to fourteen years old. For a relative, both from the maternal and father's side of Leopold I, who called "Uncle". However, he himself was only 26. Leopold was not good, but they and his wife were common tastes and they were laid. But only one girl survived from her four children, besides, childbirth (and, apparently, hypothyroidism) so undermined the health of Margarita, which at the age of 21 she died.

Semen Afanasyevich Chuikov

Daughter of Soviet Kyrgyzstan

Her name was Aimzhamal Ogobayev, and she was from the village of Orto-Sai. When the artist, after the completion of the painting, offered a 14-year-old girl to go to Moscow, forbidden her mother. Little. What if what? The girl instead of further studies married for the former cavalryist, who later worked in the reserve by Events, then PACK COLLOZ Tabun. She was a housewife (the hand does not rise to write - "did not work"), rustled four children, buried her daughter, died at the age of 70.

Vasily Andreevich Tropinin

Head boy

Arseny Vasilyevich Tropinin, as well as his father, was a fortest Count Morovka and received freedom along with Mom, when he was already 20 years old. It was five years later, what was able to free his father. Vasily Andreevich actually bought his wife and son. According to the father's past, on the basis of paintings written by Arsenya, he was officially recognized as a painter, and lived free, working on the paternal profession, to a deep old age.

Francisco Goyia

Don Manuel Osorio Menrique de Zuniga

This boy is the younger son of the graph and the Countess of Altamira. The forty, which he keeps on the rope, symbolizes innocence, and cats are worldly sins that lie the growing child. But the sins were in vain waited, the baby Manuel lived only under 8 years.

Kuzma Sergeevich Petrov-Vodkin

Swimming red horse

Not only the name of the boy is known - Sergey Kalmykov, but even the name of the stallion, whom the boy was just called. Sergey was a student of Kuzma Sergeevich, and it is known that the idea with the image of a red horse belongs to Sergey himself (its work has been preserved). But, perhaps, the teacher and the student discussed the Novgorod iconography, where red horses are found.

Sergey Kalmykov himself grew up in a very serious artist, and today is considered one of the pillars of the Russian avant-garde. And to his youthful portrait, a portrait with humor: "In the image of a languid young man, the banner is depicted by my own person."

In 1935, Kalmykov left live in Almaty, as a result of which he escaped the persecution - in the distant province he was perceived as a harmless psycho, and did not interfere with his painting heavily distinguished from the laid style. He worked in the Decorator theater. Alone lived. He died in poverty. And his work is very highly appreciated - both in Kazakhstan, so in Russia, and in the West too.

Orest Kiprensky

Portrait of Chelishchev boy

Alexander Chelischev in portrait 12. Childhood remains quite a bit. He was only 15 years old when he participated in the battle with Napoleonic troops near Maloyaroslavets. At the age of 17 - produced in the companions. He came into as "his" in the secret society of the Decembrists, but did not participate actively in affairs. Nevertheless, after the events of 1825, he fell under the unclean supervision, the go was not in service, so he retired only 30 years old. He went to his little manor and raised four children there. One of the sons was Lieutenant General, and one of the daughters is a famous nitic.

Ilya Efimovich Repin


Vera Ilyinichna, the daughter of Repin, after the divorce of the parents remained to live with her mother. Some researchers believe that this picture is written by the father of memory, without posing. But, over time, the girl resumed communication with his father - he wrote another picture from her - "Autumn Bouquet". The faith played for some time in the Alexander Theater, but then went to live to the Father in Penates - the manor near St. Petersburg, and after his death was 9 years old was the Keepers of the Museum estate. But with the beginning of the Soviet-Finnish war, Vera and her husband went to Helsinki, from where they did not return to Russia even after the Great Patriotic ..

William Mosman

McDonald boys in national costumes

This is Sir James and Sir Alexander McDonalda. Senior, Sir James, died at the age of twenty-four, and the younger lived for a long time, sent to the Brigades General, took his wife from Boswellov, and they had seven sons and three daughters. To be honest, it was this picture that caused the whole article. One of us had a tin biscuit with these boys. In it, many years laid threads and needles. And in childhood, I wanted to know terribly - how it happened that the boy with a stick, and a girl with a gun? So, morality: Golf is better than shooting. Truth.

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