How the signs of the zodiac


Last time, our editorial magic ball was infused about marriages, so now she said that he would talk about breaks so that we finally realize that he would be impersonal as fate, stopped playing them into a lunch break.


How the signs of the zodiac 22835_1
Capricorns do not part at all. They are too lazy, whether they are hidden maniacs who are not able to finish the sacrifice of the control shovel in the head, and they need to be disturbed as a victim. It does not matter, the result is one - Capricorn will not leave and pretend that everything is fine. Even if the blind from the neighboring continent can be seen that nothing is normal, everything is bad and we will die, Capricorn will ghost dinner sullenly and sullenly go to bed. And I will catch my shoulders for all questions to sullenly. As a result, he dumps when you already build up. It would be better if it was right away.


How the signs of the zodiac 22835_2
Aquarius parting cinematic. He must certainly say a monologue as a negative hero of the militant. The monologue lists in a very detailed: that was not the case, why, and what exactly you had to do, but did not. And other hardcore. It is so long that the sacrifice, continuing the analogy with the militant, is quite capable of waking up from a gravily shot and to get off the team. "I am pregnant," for example, or "Yes, I have changed you for a long time, scarecrow." But even if it does not get out - do not essence. Aquarius will still be terribly suffering. Especially if he threw it. "Ah, I'm a scoundrel" and that's all this. Aquarius - kings in public challenges.


How the signs of the zodiac 22835_3
These are also part of extremely cinematic. But if the Aquarius had a fighter, then there is a solid Venezuelan Carmelitis with a director of Old Bollywood. In parting the fish there will be all - chopped veins, abandoned children, shoots on the night, standing on the wind-swinging bridge and bloody snot in sugar syrup. This is if you left fish. And if the fish itself decided to dump, then everything will be exactly the opposite. Then the fish will turn into catfish, it will be born under the root and will eat to death when trying to pull it back to the joint life.


How the signs of the zodiac 22835_4
Aries partitioned professionally. Aries so often part with someone that, about twenty-five years old, they can protect the thesis on the topic "Features of the behavior of abandoned women." But, as a rule, this running anniversary annoyed to the third-fourth wife, they sit down with a cigar by the fireplace and already exclusively with deceic love are watching young innocent lambs. From this point, it is impossible to part with them at all. It is like a laid "Oscar" on the garbage to throw out.


How the signs of the zodiac 22835_5
Tales break reluctantly. First, they have an amazing ability of decades to devoteally to love the same rubbish. Secondly, they have an amazing stubbornness and the complete absence of the ability to lose, and, it means that they may not surrender. Well, and, thirdly, the calves are very attached. And their memory, like a computer. That is, the calves remember how many strengths and funds were invested in this relationship. And they are stupid stupid. In general, breaking the connection with the Taurus is the same quest. Not for the weak spirit.


How the signs of the zodiac 22835_6
Twins break up, blasting brains with a hydrogen bomb. Not only your brains, of course. And all, to whom will reach - the second side, parents, friends and fellow travelers in the train. In principle, everyone knows that the twins are terribly chatteries. But only the one who broke up with the twin, he knew himself to fully, what to get under the present tsunami from letters, dash and exclamation marks. If the twin is an abandoned side, then he will immediately try to negotiate and bargain - and if I? And if suddenly? But if all the same? Etc. If the twin is a cast side, then it will still start chatting. Because it is very important for him not to feel cattle. Until the forgiveness will stop - you will not go back. Quicks anyway, but will walk and demand to say that you are not offended at him.


How the signs of the zodiac 22835_7
Cracks part painfully. When the crayfish will conquer the galaxy, no one will not part with anyone. Cancer can not just part. He will keep you in sight and clarify if you atheel. And don't you need anything. And you yourself will not notice how you with cancer went to the second approach, and now it snores again. Cancer can easily be found in the company of five former mistresses, and with all he will have friendly and very touching relationships.

The author, oh, sorry, our editorial magic ball, knows one exception from such crayfish, but we will be spoken by the error. And, in general, cancers such bunnies are that to part with them is a der'ing nonsense.


How the signs of the zodiac 22835_8
Lion breaks up scale. Everyone who unsuccessfully turned out to be included in the phone immediately in the know who scounded. At the same time, it does not matter - the lion leaves or leave the lion. In any case, the scoundrel will not be lion. It will be either "the tiller who stifled the knife in the back and left when I am for him / a long list of good deeds of a lion made for this scum that did not appreciate and left /", or "Dryan, who did not appreciate / long a list of good deeds Lion made for this rubbish, which did not appreciate, and therefore the lion leaves it /. True, the lion quickly cools and becomes ready for "Let's be friends." A proven person in retinue is always useful.


How the signs of the zodiac 22835_9
Virgo partitioned, trying to get a maximum of the suffering of the former second half. If Deva is the initiator of the break, then it will chop the tail in parts. According to very small, tiny even parts, to carry out a stupid razor in nerves each time. For years it can. If the initiator of the gap is not a Virgin, then this is a suicide one. Being an abandoned party, almost all people dream at night, as they move their former asphalt rolf. But only Virgo almost with the guarantee embodies their night dreams into a harsh reality. She is pedantic, not devoid of fantasy and sadist in nature. So if you are going to throw a girl - stay away from asphalt rollers.


How the signs of the zodiac 22835_10
Scales break up for years. They need to weigh everything, yes. And calculating the coefficient of the rupture flaw - the point is responsible. There is any argument a bowl of scales there and here shakes. Look, understand what to do. Therefore, by the way, scales are the leaders of family existence in two families at the same time. Then one will outweigh, then the second. And everything is so tasty.

But you can be completely calm if you throw scales. Even if you throw them without money, without housing and with ten children in your hands. While the scales will calculate the coefficient of suicide naphygroup, then either will meet new love, or die from old age.


How the signs of the zodiac 22835_11
Scorpions break up ... Our magic ball does not know suitable for the publication of words, and we do not allow him to be a matte, we are a decent edition.

Max Fry in Labyrinths Echo had such a wonderful race - Arvarohtsy. If something went wrong, they said: "It's easier to die," after which they walked into the corner and died. So if you are going to part with scorpion, then go to the angle. It is easier to die, honestly. Regardless of the one who is the initiator of the gap, the scorpion will split everything around to hell, so that only fragments and ashs remain. Scorpio is not cancer and not lion, Scorpio will burn all the bridges so that on both shores many years has not gone anything for many years. In general, do not offend Scorpio, it is not lazy, extremely poisonous and very angled.


How the signs of the zodiac 22835_12
Sagittarius breaks up light. Just takes you to Kotomka with a simple scrambon and, gently hugging for a farewell, goes to a new dawn. No reasonable arguments in attempts to stop the Sagittarius do not work. He still smiles as gently, kisses her nose and says: "Well, do not dumb." And leave. If you try to take away the kitomka, the Sagittarius frowner's eyebrows and starts to quote some wise writers, which allegorically described the freedom of choice, the desire for novelty and the unworthiness of the selection of Kotomok in the seeming distance of Streltsov. Most likely there were no writers. Just the Sagittarine is very convincing when it really wants to leave.

Magic Ball Operator: Alexander Smilanskaya

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