Do not make children eat boiled vegetables


Do not make children eat boiled vegetables 22831_1
It is useful, on all forums is written! It is prepared by all the rules, with the compliance with the recipe! Dad, three guests and I myself eat and praise! And he, you see, tastefully! Once persuaded, promised cartoons out of turn ... so it broke it !!!

Little prehistoric excursion. Our tastes are formed, mainly in ancient times. We consider the meat of young animals and ripe fruit with a better meal with very, very long time. Throughout the time, the person remained inherent in the omnivorous animals, the most healthy, strong and much physically working person will be dissatisfied if it is daiffed to feed something the same. Even if this is the same will be perfectly balanced in composition - the same taste will make us start to spit at most on the fifth day.

Do not make children eat boiled vegetables 22831_2
What was the man eating then? Millions of years we did not have something not that chocolates and nuggets - there were no cereals, there were no dairy products (except for female milk for babies). Meat, roots, grains (not a grind of grief - and grains), fruits, berries, fish and mollusks.

And all this could be fresh, and could - tied. Sweese. Fallen. Discarded. A hungry man who has been touched by rotting the fruit, abdicted by the lions of the Tshau Zebra or the dead dolphin thrown ashore - stood before the choice - to eat and risk die of diarrhea, or continue to die from hunger. We are with you - descendants of those who have done the right choice once. The remaining descendants did not leave.

Do not make children eat boiled vegetables 22831_3
And one of the moments of the choice turned out to be the fact that the requirements for the freshness of food, which the children must comply - were much more stricter than adult requirements. The body of a child is accurately vulnerable, plus a small child could always count on any one, and in the form of a maternal milk (and if he could not - he had little chance to become our ancestor). And the children became selected.

What is it? I do not know this meal. Eat this meal in my eyes since the month. If you stay alive, I will try. So, try ... it is smoking !!!! Slicky fruit - rotten fruit. No no. And what's that? Pure muscle piece? FIR. With vest? FUUU !!! What if it is a bit? No, no, without me. Mushrooms? Sorry, the children's body is very poorly absorbed by mycoid squirrels. So mushrooms are tasteless. I love to collect, and so - no.

Little little, every time a child whose body led him in a similar way, survived (and someone next to him - no) it became automatism. We do not need to teach young children to be selected. It makes it nature. Vomble reflex will not deceive. And these things are most often caused by a child's feeling that the native family wants his death?

This is a food with too soft texture pieces.

Do not make children eat boiled vegetables 22831_4
Homogeneous Cashier is normal because the little Heidelbergis was not treated with cascidious meal. And the consistency of boiled cabbage so, sorry, and shouts "I am rotive !!!" And - surprise - often shove a plate of borscht in a blender - it means to persuade the two years to eat this borsch. You just output suspicious soup. It is clear if the grandmother and the kindergarten have already achieved the fact that the client begins to cry at one form of a borscht, then the blender will not save - but you can not bring. If you respect the suspicion of the child to a soft and slippery - broccoli dry in breadcrumbs in the oven, to give pizza without mushrooms, the bow in the soup is not in small pieces, but to throw the bulb entirely, and boiled to press and throw out - you can get rid of many microconflicts.

It is acute and spicy food.

The smaller the body, the smaller the toxins it is necessary in order to feel bad. Birds, including homemade, can get sick and even die from dill seeds. And we put them in the sauer cauldron and praise. And slightly annoying our taste olives, garlic or European "Middle Spoxes" - for a child, they are also carried out beyond the permissible, as for you - Thai folk "Hard Spice". There are really mucous burns, yes. And for us, food may not seem too spicker at all - think, slightly different to the taste from the simple boiled rice! - And the child will fight and will sit hungry. Not because it is nasty and dreams of bringing to white cation, but too sharp to him.

What can be done. We cook Presno, and put two or three sauces on the table in the piles. To whom you like, he adds. One day you will find something that makes a piece of bread in soy sauce.

This is a food with unusual flora.

Do not make children eat boiled vegetables 22831_5
Each human society has its domesticated microbes. In Chukotka, this is some creatures, in Africa or on great plains - completely different. Scientists are distinguished by them as easily as we can distinguish a comfortable lobe from the riding dog. Microbes live in a person inside, but not only. These are usually those microbes that people in this community enzyme food. Somewhere we get fish in the cranberry, somewhere grated between the two stones of Mais, somewhere a miso-paste, and somewhere cabbage with the above-mentioned dill seed. Someone Kefir, someone Maconi, someone Kimchi. And on huge spaces, where people grow cereals - these are yeast. Yes, our friends are yeast.

Flora, who is friendly with this population of people, the baby receives from his mother - from her kisses, sucking her finger, chewing a slice alone. Usually by the year, the child in the intestine is sitting enough familiar and familiar bacteria that they know what to do with the food accepted in this community. And do not know what to do with not accepted. Therefore, the children of the Indians or Eskimos were eating sauerful fish without problems, but they suffered terrible diarrhea from cow's milk. And if the child of the will of the fate fell into the terrain, where people eat another food, he had to replace his flora to the local. And it was not always successful.

So children relate to new fermented food even more pickyly than just new. New fruit to try it, a healthy baby takes from one day to seven-eight attempts; The shrimp, on average, is recognized as edible for five to six meetings, but some bridal quashenina can be "fu" for years.

Do not make children eat boiled vegetables 22831_6
Nothing terrible, in fact, this is not. If you already need to move (you left for permanent residence in New Zealand), then the safest way is to put a lot of food on the table on a slightly. Always. In safe quantities, microodos, children still go to go. Especially if there is the opportunity to drag out of the mother's plates. And three times a tried - no longer so terrible. But it is very important not to force. And then the vomit reflex will consolidate and, perhaps, for life. One girl in the editorial board loved bananas very much. So far (and it was still with Brezhnev) Dad did not bring them 20 kilograms from Moscow. As before - oranges. 10 kilograms, as always, distributed, the rest left for the Baby, and then it turned out - surprise! - That bananas are not oranges in the sense of storage. And the girl scored all 10 kilograms.

Even remember scary. And no, it has not eats bananas since then it is already thirty years. Children buys, and herself - does not take in his mouth. Sick.

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