Loneliness by 32% increases the risk of getting a heart attack


    Loneliness by 32% increases the risk of getting a heart attack 22814_1
    The negative impact of solitude and social insulation on the body, scientists compare with the effects of severe stress at work or experienced fears. British scientists analyzed the data on the health of 181 thousand people.

    It turned out that among single people, the statistics of heart disease increase by 29%, and cardiac attacks are 32%. Researchers call it a "quiet epidemic". More than half of the residents of Britain at the age of 75 years and about 1 million British aged 65 live alone.

    Experts have long been talked about the harmful effect of protracted loneliness on the mental and physical condition of a person, but these recent data confirm the disaster scale.

    Scientists from Universities York, Liverpool and New Castle held a series of 23 rounds of calculations: from 181 thousand patients. 4628 people suffered from heart disease, and 3000 had a heart attack or stroke.

    According to Dr. Kelly Pain, loneliness significantly increases the influence of such negative factors as obesity and smoking.

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