10 recipes from "Game of Thrones": Feel yourself Queen!


Starks with Lannernisers not only watered friend. The friendship love, but also to be angry well - with feeling, with a sense, with the arrangement. Fortunately, their overall "dad" George Martin knows in treats. By the way, all these delights can be prepared in a modern kitchen.

Fans from the Blog Inn at The Crossroads restore recipes from Martin's books, relying on medieval sources and modern opportunities. So we drink together with our excellent militant friends!

Carrots with carrot in wine sauce for DeEneris

"A paractery with grapes and carrots brought to her dinner with grapes and carrots in wine sauce and hot, fraught with honey puff cake. But the piece did not go to her throat. Did you ever feel Rayegar such fatigue? Or Eihegon after his conquest? "


For carrots in the sauce, we take: robust carrots and raisins (which, in fact, there are grapes, only in adulthood), on a pair of tablespoons of olive oil, honey and sweet wine, cumin, black pepper. Carrot cut into circles, put in a saucepan with water, bring to a boil and immediately remove and drain. Now, together with raisins, we lay in the container, watering wine and vinegar, then with oil, mix well - and torment in a preheated oven to full softening.

For the lamb we take: lamb for 4 servings, in a pair of tablespoons of wine and honey, on a spoonful of vinegar and olive oil, a handful of currant, pepper. Maranu can be furious on the grill on both sides, and ingredients for sauce mix and sausage on a slow heat before thickening, after which they pour meat with this delicious sadism - and shut down with a side dish.

Chopped lamb for Salladora

"I remember it. - Sallador Saan got up from the table. - I apologize. From grapes, I was hungry, and on the "Veluric" a lunch is waiting for me. Chopped lamb with pepper and fried seagulls, stuffed with mushrooms, sweet dill and onions. Soon we will go together in the Red Castle, and the dwarf we will sing. "

The "chopped lamb" is the second name of the meatballs, and the authentic medieval recipe offers for taste and tend to cook them with eggplants.


We take: shelter stuffing from lamb, large eggplant, a couple of sesame oil, 100 ml. Yogurt without additives, a pair of garlic cloves, olive oil, gradually cinnamon, coriander and Alepps pepper (who did not find - you can just red).

Sliced ​​eggplant weganize 5 minutes, to a soft, we give the fork and add yogurt, garlic, salt and spices. From the minced meat (putting it - with it) form meatballs, fry in oil to golden-brown, then fill with water and the pastry for another 10 minutes. We add eggplants, bring to a boil and get ready to eat. Roasted seagulls, of course, also an interesting thought ... But surely the same realistic in our conditions, how ready to sing for us Dwarf!

Breakfast in Winterfelle

"Before Robb managed to answer, servants with a dish of food sent from the kitchen. It turned out to be much more than asked Camelin: hot bread, oil, honey, black currant with sugar, a piece of bacon, a boiled egg, a hunk of cheese and a dirt of mint tea. "


For two we take: a couple of eggs, 6 slices of good bacon, 4 pieces of bread (good home!), Oil, honey, black-core jam. From cheeses with this company, white cheese type Cheddar will not be quarrels.

Bacon torshable in accordance with your taste. In the meantime, we make toasts, smear their oil, and on top of the jam, part of honey. Cooked bacon cover with a plate so as not completely cooled, and go to our eggs. Cook them exactly four minutes, dip in ice water - and, immersing in pieces of bread, filigree beat up the tops. Mint tea is already brewed and cooled in a jug? Rather, enjoy the perfect Winterfelle breakfast!

Stuffed peppers for seven gods

"Pier, chaired by the skull on the column, dragged up to late night. Change was seven in honor of seven gods and seven royal guardsmen. Soup with egg and lemon; Long green peppers stuffed with bow and cheese; Pie with eels; hoods in honey; Som with green blood, which four servants carried to the table; Roast from seven types of snakes, seasoned with dragon pepper, red oranges and a poison ... "


We take: for 200 g of soft cream cheese and grated solid, bulb, one and a half dozen sharp green peppers, a couple of eggs, a couple of chopped corn flakes, a little milk, cumin, cayenne pepper.

Cheeses mix with chopped onions and spices - and stuffing with this mixture cut peppers with extracted storms. Heat the oven. Eggs are whipped with milk - and macuvy every pepper first into this mixture, and then into corn breading, put them on a baking sheet with a foil and bake all this sharp beauty of half an hour. Dragon pepper and poison found? Okay, without them, too, rolling ... with beer.

Tyrion mushrooms

"Mushrooms," the master announced, releasing the cloud of the aromatic steam. - In oil with garlic. I was told, the taste is simply amazing. Try one friend. Or two. "


We take: shelter mushrooms, a couple of tablespoons of capers, three large cloves of garlic, a couple of olive oil spoons, butter.

Mushrooms are frying (if large - it is pre-cutting), stirring, in a frying pan until goldenness. Oversion while heating up to 200 degrees. Now we connect in a shallow shape of a fungi with crushed garlic and other ingredients - and send in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Let's give immediately, the fragrant sauce with the sauce we collect fresh bread.

Pork Pig for Lord Mandley

"Do not like pork pie, my lord? The best pork pie, which we ever tried, as our fat friend assures. - She pointed to the bowl on Lord Mandley. - Have you ever seen such a happy fat man? He almost dances. Blends over both cheeks. "


We take: 200 g of pork tenderloin, near a pork kilogram, half an hour of chopped carrots, onions and parsnips, a small river, half an hour of beef broth and dark beer, a cup of fungi, 6 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 3 flour. For test: 3 and a half cups of flour, oil pack, pair of eggs, salt.

Pry the chopped clipping, then the rest of meat in the same pan. In a saucepan, we mix half the oil, a drop of broth and vegetables mushrooms - and let it be smoldering on a slow fire for 10-15 minutes. All this pour into meat. Now in a frying pan - the second half of the oil with flour. How to acquire a pleasant "tan" - we pour the remaining broth, beer and sausage to sauce consistency. Pour meat and vegetables to all this - and torment until thickening. While cool, we cook from the specified ingredients of the dough (leaving a little eggs on the "namazka"). Then we divide into two somewhat unequal half - and larger fit into the form to form a "capacity". We put meat filling and the second half of the test in it as a "lid". Click the edge and lubricate the egg. We bake for 45 minutes in a closed form, then open the shape and keep the cake in the oven for another 10 minutes. How cool is cool - you can dance and fly for both cheeks!

Wine and snack for Davos

"Mason Map, be good eunuch and conducting my dawa friend to the master cabin. Yes, bring him hot wine with a carnation - I do not like this cough. Lemon, too, lick there. Feed another white cheese and bowl of those green olives that we just thought. I will come to you now, Davos, just talk to our glorious captain. You excuse me, I know. Watch just do not eat all the olives, I will not be angry! "

For those who tired the previous recipe - and it is necessary to reinforce moral forces with something easy and encouraging.


We take: a bottle of white wine, lime, 3-4 tablespoons of honey, vanilla wand, a couple of laurels leaves, a dozen naviffs, a pinch of white pepper.

Half Lyme cut, squeeze juice from the halves. Wine - in the pan, in it - pieces of Lyme, and juice, and zest too. Then - everything else, except honey. And heated well, but so as not to allow boiling. Now there is honey, all stir, strain. Ah, yes, we completely forgot that it will take more white cheese like feta and delicious green olives! Take them here, if I haven't eaten yet!

Mashe Hedl Honey Pies

"Caytilin still remembered the stative courtyard's sophisticator, Tolstuh, named Masha Headl, in the afternoon and at night a chewing oxygen and a smile and sweet cake for the girl. Her pies fought honey and were pleasant to taste, but then Catylin was afraid of this smile ... "


We take: 2 and a half cup flour, half-spoons of baking powder, by half a cup of butter and brown sugar, egg, a cup of honey, a glass of kefir, on a teaspoon cinnamon and ground ginger, salt.

Connect dry ingredients. Now in a separate container whip oil with sugar. Next - the egg, well to smash, and then - honey. We snatch our "powder" and pour kefir alternately, starting and ending with a dry component. Then all this - in the molds, and bake about half an hour in the oven, until it shakes and does not ask the stomach!

Salad with apples from Serne

"SERSAY TABLE, IT IS A REQUIREMENT, CLEATED ONED. They started with a thick soup from chestnuts, hot bread and lettuce with apples and forest nuts. This was followed by cake with minors, honey cooked ham, stewed in oil carrots, white beans with lard and fried swan, stuffed with mushrooms and oysters. Tyrion was kept with exquisite courtesy, offering sister the most lacrimal pieces, and ate only what she eaten. "


We take: two apples, a bunch of greenery (Masha-Salad recommended), grams 50 cheese type feta, 3 tablespoons of heated honey, 2 teaspoons of balsamic vinegar, nuts (you can not forest, and cedar nuts), pomegranate grains for decoration.

Apples cut plates, removing the cores, between them put the pieces of cheese, and they themselves in greens. From above - nuts and pomegranate grains, then we water the mixture of honey with vinegar, and slightly pepper.

Cheese with baked apples in the royal harbor

"Finally, the guests came the goat cheese with baked apples. In the hall smelled cinnamon, and the Kettlblble was the knees before the queen again. "


We take: 2 apples, 2 tablespoons of salted oil and honey, one and a half cups of cider, 100 g of goat cheese, nuts and currants (and what else is for topping), a little cinnamon and ground pepper.

Creamy oil calm on a frying pan, topping and roasting apples chopped on slices. After pouring all this, Sidrom and slightly "fit" to soften. Now lay out on a baking sheet with a parchment, sprinkled with an accomplished cheese and try in the oven until the cheese is melt. Meanwhile, in the remains of the cider pour honey, pour nuts, dried fruits and spices. And boil on low heat before thickening. Now we water the apples with this sauce, we sprinkle with a drop of cinnamon on top - and the bloodthirsty devour!

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