What to do if your partner increases your voice


Of course, you love them terribly, but you prefer to do it from afar - your ears are yours, not on the garbage found. Alas, in every third family, screams and screams are the most favorite way to solve any questions.

And if you came to visit the birthday of New Year's holidays, just for today's day questions have accumulated enough. How to survive in the family, where the plaster from the walls runs out, and do not let anyone? Here are some cunning manipulations from PICS.ru.

Give a man to push

I still cannot be voted for a long time if your name is not montserrat and your last name is not the cable. A few minutes later the majority of Krikunov exhale and boil the fountain of their eloquence - first, voice ligaments overheated, and secondly, steam was released and the courage was gone. Catch time and wait.

Feed example

Minutes tick, and your favorite sister continues to scream in the full breath? Let the simplest manipulative technique. That is, also start yelling, but not just so, but with intent: start with the maximum decibel and gradually reduce the tone - and the opponent will do the same. Or immediately start responding very quietly and calmly, as if soothing the screaming baby. Scream on someone who in response is affectionately whispering, very, very awkward and even somehow stupid.

Add a constructive

Reluctant to fuck a sip - not Derie. I wait for the end of the concert and calmly and benevolently tell my mother, what, yes, you understood, to drink a plate with worships of chickens in the dishwasher was not worth it, but you are somehow not ready to discuss the subtleties of this cunning device. Calm down, Mother, and explain calmly, how to use this Shaitan type. Georgians say what to curse darkness, it is better to find a candle. Smart people. They, by the way, and Khinkali came up with red.

Do not calm down

To tell a man "calm down, I'm not deaf" - I don't care what to extinguish the fire with a mixture of alcohol with Napalm. To appeal to justice and argue, too, without a sense - the interlocutor had already taken away from the disposal, he will find a dozen denials for every Velik, and this speech will never end.

Go towards

If you are yelling, ask you that you can make it right now, without getting out this place that the conflict is exhausted and forgotten. The opponent has already sat down at the horse and ready to hate, and you suddenly go to the world. The opponent will be taken into a squabble with a template break, and you try on the wreath of a moral winner.

Dialogue in dialogue

The family scandal resembles operetta: everyone speaks to once and no one listens to anyone. In essence, any quarrel is not a dialogue, but two monologues. Your task is to make a person listen to what you are talking to him. To do this, after each phrase, turn something like "Do you agree?", "Isn't it?", "How do you think?" This technique psychologists are used to bring into a sense of people who visited extreme situations. If this works with victims of the catastrophe, with mom will accurately work.

Turn face

Screaming on someone's indifferent population is much easier than expressing everything, looking into the eyes. Therefore, the tactics "I am not here" is the most losing. When a person sees that you ignore his pipe voice, he begins to scream even louder to get through your ignore armor. So postponing a smartphone, unfold to the source of noise and make the face "I all." You can even nod from time to time. This reaction is discouraged and leads to a sense.

Make Pasi.

Do you remember how the Jedi hypnotizes enemies? Having fluttered with hands, a person can really enter if not in trance, then in a somewhat inhabited state. Lift the deployed horizontally palm at the level of the eye and slowly lower it to about the belt, as if you lower down the volume toggle. Repeat until the atmosphere becomes slightly less than explosive.


If you feel that yourself start to start, imagine that you are sitting in the shell. Or in aquarium. And all the words bounce off from you like balls for ping pong

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