Favorite magazines from the past: we know where to read them online


Long ago, when mammoths still went on the ground in the fawn caps and dyes "Two Balls", we read paper magazines and every month (or more often, or less often) I was looking forward to this joy - a new, fresh, silent, with not carved yet With the pictures, not worked with the ones with the continuation and not infused crosswords ... Let's quietly, let's in a low voice, let's posstalling light!


Favorite magazines from the past: we know where to read them online 22790_1

Instead of demotivators and cool status we had caricatures and funny stories! With the same pleasure, the main humorous magazine of the country and adults, and children. Satura spurted on all sorts of bureaucrats, whipped on the Red-axis drunks and reinforcing bourgeois in the cylinders - and happily rusted over the funny checks "Ice cream in the eye" in the heading "We will not think about the purpose".

Archive "Crocodiles" from 1935 to 1991

Community of Crocodilovydov and Crocodyluvo

"Funny pictures"

Favorite magazines from the past: we know where to read them online 22790_2

Wake us up at three o'clock in the morning - and we will find out as a reported and frost-and-sun-day-wonderful: pencil, parsley, self-blind, Chipollino, Dunno, Thumbelina, Pinocchio and Mysterious Gurvinek! With this cheerful car, we were painted and gone out, cut out and tinted in full growth. And in this magazine there were no censorship and official. Even portraits of whoathe leadership, the editors did not print, reasonably motivating the fact that somehow weird will look next to the title ...

Archive "Merry pictures" from 1956 to 2011


Favorite magazines from the past: we know where to read them online 22790_3

This is me, Postman Pechkin, brought the magazine "Murzilka"! Hurray, Hello, Yellow Fluffy Unknown Science of Breed, in red bechers and scarf, with a camera and a bunch of bright beauty! Fairy tales, poems, several pages of cool tasks - and a fascinating comic "Adventures of Murzilki and Birds Chirik," in which our positive heroes certainly defeated the nimble wizard of Yabeda-Koryabeda.

Online archive "Murzilki" for 90 years

"Bonfire" and "Pioneer"

Favorite magazines from the past: we know where to read them online 22790_4

In both magazines, it was interesting for schoolchildren, so now they don't even always remember what kind of cool story of Krapivin or Bulychev was published in one, and what in the other. However, the "pioneer" distinguished himself very cool, promulgated the story of the Assumption "Red Hand, a Black Sheet, Green Fingers" - that the most, which, with a fading heart, read in the toilet and terrible voice quoted into a quiet hour in the pioneer camp.

Online archive "Campfire"

Archive "Pioneer"

"Circle" and "Kolobok"

Favorite magazines from the past: we know where to read them online 22790_5

The most valuable source of beautiful in the form of blue flexible plates for the player - in two versions: more adult and more childish. In the "horizon" there were not only the speech of party leaders and folk yes classical music, but also fashionable hits - from Rotaru to Michael Jackson. In the "Kolobka" - fairy tales and songs, with the help of which it was possible for some time to hypnotize the Soviet child so that he would sit smartly, waving his ears.

Archive "Kolobka" for reading

Archive "Kolobka" with the ability to listen

"Young technician"

Favorite magazines from the past: we know where to read them online 22790_6

Not a magazine, but a treasure: the secrets of nature, scientific discoveries, great inventions ... and most importantly, the most bold homemakes! We have not yet served the words "creatively", but they were able to build a radio station from wiring and detailed, to launch some spring, great with wings, chemical experience with fireworks and colorwoman for dessert. And there they told the secrets of foci, they printed fiction and spent quizzes with prizes.

Archive "Us" from 50s to 90s

Up to the 2000s

"Young naturalist"

Favorite magazines from the past: we know where to read them online 22790_7

As a child, everyone loved animals, and the most passionate fans of all sorts of nature and livelihood were running into a mug of Yunnists and necessarily discharged this magazine. It was about the most important thing here: how to feed the hamster and how to determine the time on the flower, where the crayfish and who is found in Madagascar. Plus our adorable Darrell and other bianks.

Archive "YU" since the 30s


Favorite magazines from the past: we know where to read them online 22790_8

You are not a fashionable pioneer and your life has not been set, if you are caught not caught with clippings from this world magazine. For the "peer" is the surest way to get si ketch in a swimsuit or "Moden Tokin" with "Deposte Fashion"! Well, and an unforgettable "rock encyclopedia of the" peer ", and no less unforgettable funny recommendations" School of survival for adolescents "from rocker di snider.

Archive "Pelevock" since the 60s

"Around the world" and "seeker"

Favorite magazines from the past: we know where to read them online 22790_9

It is not true that the Soviet people did not know in the bulk of their mass, what other countries and continents look like and what is happening there. They knew - primarily from the magazine "around the world", which took place since 1861. He gave the opportunity to feel himself Mikludo-Maclary and Tour Heyerdal in one face! And to join the treasures of world popular literature - first of all the fantastic, adventure and detective - helped the application to the "Sun" called "seeker". These publications were mined with battle and carefully built on the shelves in the ranks.

Archive "Around the World", including even the XIX century

Archive "Seeker" from 1962 to 2011

"Science and life"

Favorite magazines from the past: we know where to read them online 22790_10

Another such an ancient that almost prehistoric scientific and popular magazine. From it it was possible to learn about how the pyramids were built, and about which microbes are found on the North Pole, and how to properly enhance the tomato on the garden plot. The three-millionth circulation diverged at the speed of light and hot pies.

Archive "Science and Life", including even the XIX century


Favorite magazines from the past: we know where to read them online 22790_11

He performed as an intelligent intellectual spell, possessing, at the same time, according to Soviet standards, fair entertainment. The great rise of the fame of the magazine occurred in the restructuring, during the editorial time Vitaly Korotich - the magazine became the same sharp and progressive as the "Look" program. And many many collected thin books series "Library" Spark "."

Archive "Sparky" since 1927


Favorite magazines from the past: we know where to read them online 22790_12

That's where it has always been to read! "Chonkin" Worthanovich and "Island of Crimea" Aksenova, Evtushenko and Voznesensky, the first publication "Fedota-Sagittar" Filatova - and another carriage and a small cart of stories, leads, poems and other of the most diverse advanced literature. And more excellent graphic illustrations.

Archive "Youth" since 1963


Favorite magazines from the past: we know where to read them online 22790_13

The first half of the magazine could be elected to the boring minutes: the role of the party in the life of a woman, transfers of production and any such. Next began more valuable: how to bake and put it, carve out and tie. And more - than decorate uninteresting wallpaper! From the "workers" cut out not only fashionistas and reproductions, but also pop stars. Remember, there was a page "Courier of Phonotheki" with four covers for the cassette, on which "Scorpons" met with "affectionate mam"?

Archive "Workers" since 1936

"Burda Moden"

Favorite magazines from the past: we know where to read them online 22790_14

This magazine is happy owner gave girlfriends for the evening. And those feverishly copied with the help of a folk panoskop from the tracing, glass and light bulbs. Who did not know how to sew - that they carried the schemes and patterns to familiar crafts. Looks like the German aunt on the cover of "Burdi" - the same was the highest chic! And rubrics dedicated to needlework and cooking, read as exciting fiction. There were no such ingredients in our stores ...

Archive "Burdi" in Russian since 1987

"Tram" and "We"

Favorite magazines from the past: we know where to read them online 22790_15

The awesome journals of the nineties whose life was like a comet - the same bright and the same short. Hams, Usachev and others are in good mad puski wielded from the pages "tram". It was some kind of impossible riot of paints and fantasy. In "We" discussed such nonsense, but those who are burning in adolescence themes as employment at the employment, loneliness in the crowd, early sexual relations, drug addiction. And about any art, of course, we also wondered.

Online archive "Tram"

Archive "We"

"Zabriski Rider" and

Favorite magazines from the past: we know where to read them online 22790_16

If you were informal in my youth, your heart is simply obliged to sausage and plush from this phrase - in the most buzzing sense. Serious cartridges about hippize sources in ancient Greece, Morrison and Keroac, Rastamannia, and Castanedishchi, Benches and LSDs - shorter, nishtyak and dedication in full. One copy of the magazine went through the entire part of the circles, especially interesting corresponded from the hand to the notebook painted by pacifies.

Different zealies nineties

"PTYUCH" and "OM"

Favorite magazines from the past: we know where to read them online 22790_17

Oh, as it was fashionable, stylish, advanced and cool. It was possible to not even read the texts - all the more, we were in my youth themselves such such as a kilometer per hour: with irony, subtext and sonorous names. It was necessary to consider, suck, inhale, sense the atmosphere and serve signals to relative souls in the ocean of Sovic Blessness and post-Soviet Gop Stop, Popsni and Chance. These were not periodic editions, these were the objects of the cult.

Archive "Ptiuch" from 1994 to 2003

Archive "Oma" from 1995 to 2006

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