# Anti-Soviet. How to spend your wedding so that everyone is already behind! 39 Bombing ideas


When you plan a wedding, people love to tell how to arrange it right. We, too, with tips, but a little different. Here you have 39 ideas for the wedding, and the correct will be the one that will have to do you and your great love.

# Anti-Soviet. How to spend your wedding so that everyone is already behind! 39 Bombing ideas 22789_1

1. Make him the proposal itself as the heroes of films - heroines.

2. Public and beautiful!

3. And captured this in social networks.

4. Or not capture. Who did not have time to see, he was late!

5. Reduce guests list to a minimum. That is, until the minimum. "I, he and a cat", for example, an excellent list.

6. Code a picnic instead of a wedding banquet! Salad kebabs, sodium grass.

7. Move the budget for the wedding about about the size of the birthday and sleep at night calmly.

8. Acceptance money from relatives if they offer them right now.

9. Hold unpleasant subjects away from your wedding, even if you are related to them.

# Anti-Soviet. How to spend your wedding so that everyone is already behind! 39 Bombing ideas 22789_2

10. Take and invite all your relatives and all your childhood friends. Summagners, classmates, yard.

11. Do not call someone just because it was on his or her wedding. Allow yourself.

12. What about the wedding-masquerade?

13. Or thematic! In the spirit of the Middle Ages, the fifties or an excellent era.

13. Or invite only those who have multicolored hair or there are bright tatoes!

14. Or not to make a party at all. Painting, Picnic, So far: Enjoy the rest of the day off!

15. Make up your bouquet itself. Even make it completely, from flower and leaflets from paper or flaps.

16. Yes, hammer on a bouquet. As if you have nothing to throw girlfriends. Chocolate medals throw. Or a beloved teddy bear.

17. Purpose multicolored wedding dress.

# Anti-Soviet. How to spend your wedding so that everyone is already behind! 39 Bombing ideas 22789_3

18. Or black.

19. Or mini!

20. Or pants.

21. And the hair is short. And you can shave at all.

22. Do not even sit on the diet to the wedding.

23. To Chörta Registry Office. Slap where it wants, such a service exists.

24. Invite the crowd of children.

25. Ask not to bring children.

# Anti-Soviet. How to spend your wedding so that everyone is already behind! 39 Bombing ideas 22789_4

26. Mock wedding waltz under the fatal composition of your youth. There are many three quarters. "Dustworn Wind" crematorium, for example, or "NOTHING ELSE matters" metallic.

27. Walk to the table of the registrar, too, under the rock instead of Mendelssohn.

28. Commander the registrars as in the cinema, accompanied by small girls with flower.

29. And even if one of the girls will be your beloved Granny.

30. Exchange with something completely different instead of the rings. Cloaks, like in the "Game of Thrones", for example.

31. Or let the rings will not be gold. And bizarre form.

32. Yes, the rings are not mandatory. And raincoats too. Do not exchange anything if reluctant.

# Anti-Soviet. How to spend your wedding so that everyone is already behind! 39 Bombing ideas 22789_5

33. Do not prepare and distribute toasts. Read in a circle in turns text, which is really important to you. Even if it is a very specific text.

34. Enter the dry law, if you are afraid of drunken faces.

35. Let the wedding cake be not a cake. You never know why you can still nourish and eat.

36. Cook itself wedding cake. Or not a cake.

37. Replace the bride's dance with the fiance of something else. Joint acrobatic number on skates, for example.

38. Nadya Dress, which will emphasize your Tatuchs. Code Tattoo Show!

39. Range. Let the people enjoy the part "for people". And you can go stagger in the park under the stars or ride on the maps.

# Anti-Soviet. How to spend your wedding so that everyone is already behind! 39 Bombing ideas 22789_6

Source of inspiration and pictures: buzzfeed.com

Adaptation for Russian realities: Lilit Mazikina

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