30 April Friends from Top Universities


30 April Friends from Top Universities 22784_1
In the spring, I want not only love, but also activity, knowledge and development. By the way, they sometimes help in love ... But now we are not yet about that. Catch interesting and useful courses that you have time to sign up right now!

About money

30 April Friends from Top Universities 22784_2
Search and selection of business ideas (authors - entrepreneurs Yury Mitin and Mikhail Khomich) tired of working for uncle, I want to open my job? A practical entrepreneurship guide will give specific skills, detailed "instructions", as from scratch to create your own business, attract financing and achieve success.

Innovations for business or business for innovation (author - Anna Dokokin, Associate Professor Ra. Plekhanov) What is innovation and what are they eating? The course will determine the stream of innovative terminology; understand the idea of ​​modern entrepreneurship and business organization; evaluate the features of the business environment of the XXI century; identify the characteristics of innovative solutions in business; Prepare to practice the formation of innovative focus of the company.

Introduction to Marketing (University of Pennsylvania, English and Ukrainian subtitles) The course will teach three key strategic moments of marketing: it will be about branding, customer-oriented and market entry strategy (GO-to-Market Strategy). This is the first of five business foundations specialization courses.

Investments in bonds (Higher School of Economics, in Russian) The course will make a great and complex bond market, will help to acquire knowledge about the bond market and the skills of calculating the profitability and assessment of investment risks in various debt instruments.

Personal Finance Management (Higher School of Economics, Russian Subtitles) Finance Singing Romances when they do not manage. The study of the course will allow you to better navigate in current financial issues, almost daily emerge each, and find optimal for you to manage personal capital.

About computers

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How to create a website for the weekend (State University of New York, for those who know English) we will design, build and launch a website with text, sound, images, hyperlinks, plugins and other addicts. Step-by-step instructions, exercises, tips and tools will make it easy to go all the way from the domain name before attracting and tracking visitors.

Programming for Everybody (Getting Started With Python) (Michigan University, for those who know English) The course promises to teach programming on Python anyone who at least at the user level can use the computer and remembers at least the basics of mathematics. This is the first of five python for everybody specialization courses, who will pass - can move on.

HTML, CSS and JavaScript (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, for those who know English) Course will learn programming using HTML, CSS and JavaScript even those who have never worked with them. Those who have any programming skills already exist will even easier and more interesting.

R Programming (John Hopkins University, English subtitles) course will learn to program on R and use this language to effectively analyze data. This is the second of ten courses of specialization "data science".

About languages

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Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On The Phone (Technological Institute of Georgia, in English) For five weeks, you will tighten your English and learn how to explain and squeeze it, chatting and by phone, increase the vocabulary and learn how to use it in the most different situations.

WRITE PROFESSIONAL EMAILS IN ENGLISH (Georgia Institute of Engineering) in the modern world is not enough to spice in English, it is necessary to apply it appropriate and professionally. The course will teach the business letters of different types of correct and competent way.

Business English: Networking (University of Washington, in English) Business communication in English - personally, by phone and by electronic. The first of five courses of specialization "Business English".

Chinese for beginners (Beijing University, English subtitles) Listening to the course, you will be able to talk without straightening with the Chinese to simple topics. For example, order food, ask the way, discuss the weather or hobby. The hieroglyphs will not need to be sucking, so this is not such a Chinese diploma!

Korean for beginners (University of Yonse, English subtitles) Study of Korean from scratch. The course gives 4 main skills: reading, letter, listening and conversational speech. In each lesson - dialogues, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, quiz and role-playing games.

Russian Language as a successful communication tool (National Research Tomsk State University) English We are interested in Chinese, and how are you with your relatives? Literacy is an important thing in any sphere. So the course will also be useful to schoolchildren, and students of any faculties and courses, and foreign citizens who study Russian ... In general, all those wishing to increase the level of speaking oral and writing skills.

About art

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Understand art (authors - Marina Kirilli and Elena Privalova, co-founders of the Medianovation project) Why is this "piece of plastic" is a brilliant creation? What is the "point of watch"? How to learn how to enjoy modern art and "read" artwork? The course gives the basic concepts of the theory, talks about genres and technicians. For those who want to learn to understand art, and not just look at it and shake your shoulders.

Cinema History (Author - Sergey Tyutin, film director, President of the festival "Artkino") love movies, but do you want to know better and understand it? At the examples of the works of famous directors, you can get acquainted with the history of the formation of domestic cinema.

We read Russian classics together. M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" (National Research Tomsk State University) read, seems to be able to all? Moreover, popular and well-known classic? You will be surprised how much new can be understood with the help of a universal phased model of working with the artistic text. These skills will come in handy and in their studies, and in real communication. Well, on the hippopotamus with new eyes you can see ...

About sciences

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Genetics (Novosibirsk State University) Why does the blue-eyed parents can have carrageless children? What is common between daltonism in man and turtle coloring in cats? Why are the horses sad and do not hear a blue-eyed cat? The course introduces the main terms and modern studies in the field of genetics.

Basics of virology (Novosibirsk State University) That's what you know about viruses? How are they arranged than they differ from living organisms and what mechanisms are used to hit human cells? How do antiviral drugs and vaccines work? But this topic actually concerns each, because the science is not yet known human organisms, which have never come across viruses!

Physics in experiments: Mechanics (National Research Nuclear University "Miphy", in Russian) Physics - Science Experimental. It is better to see once than hear or read it! And in this course there will be a lot of exciting experiences. This is not only for those who study physics, teaches or uses in workflows - but for everyone, who is just wondering.

The theory of graphs (Moscow Physico-Technical Institute) The course is introduced into modern theory of graphs. The material is set out available and with the basics, so accessible and "simple mortal". Helps, among other things, to develop a culture of mathematical thinking from unprepared students. To master the material there will be enough knowledge of mathematics at a good school level and basic knowledge of the combinatorics.

About everything in the world

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Introduction to Oratory (Washington University, English and Ukrainian subtitles) The course will teach clearly and convincing their thoughts, not to be afraid of public speeches and to cope with them.

Comparative policies (higher school of the economy, in Russian) How did the wars change political organizations that ended up "habitual" states? Why and when are civil wars and revolutions arise? Why and how to share power? What is modern democracy? Spread everything in the heads on the shelves, "Sofa Strategies"!

Ho Chi Mina's path: Around the world in 5 hours (the authors of the course - leading translators and orientalists) All that we did not know about Vietnam, but it was interesting to know, "through the life path of Ho Chi Minh. The listener will actually travel through half of the world along the "leader" route of the Vietnamese people.

Basics of Graphic Design (California Institute of Arts, English Subtitles) The course will educate the main skills of graphic design. Typography, principles of composition, work with color and shape and this is all this. Maximum practice.

Cameras, exposure, photo (University of Michigan, English subtitles) The course will talk about the main possibilities of digital cameras, will teach to look at the shooting objects in a new way and create interesting works, and not click on the principle of "what I see, I sing." The first of five courses of specialization "Photo for beginners and pros: from smartphones to mirror chambers."

Learn to learn (California University in San Diego, Russian subtitles) The main thing in any science is not to swallow the maximum of information, and to be able to effectively absorb, "lay on the shelves" in the brain, and then remove and apply from there. The course offers powerful thinking techniques that will help to master any complex material.

Baby food (University of Stanford, English, Russian, Ukrainian subtitles) What is healthy eating for children and adults - and how to cook simple, delicious and useful dishes? Problems of a healthy diet in the modern world of fast food and semi-finished products, the problem of child obesity and other important issues also detected.

Education of creativity in the family (Author - Anatoly Gin, vice-president of the International Public Association of Professional Teachers) Every child is talent, but how to raise your data to not be ruined, but to develop it? The course will tell and show how to fill the time of communication with the child in such a way as to awaken it fantasy, thinking and creativity.

Happiness and self-realization in life (Indian business school, English subtitles) Think, happiness is impossible to learn in courses? But so many wise people from antiquity to the present days they studied this question! You can at least get acquainted with their experience in order not to invent bikes and do not open america. And there and to practical exercises. Spring is still in the yard!

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