25 Documents that will give you a huge world

  • "Who taught you to drive?" (2012, Germany, France)
  • "Stephen Fry in America" ​​(mini-serial) (2008, United Kingdom)
  • "Happy people: year in Taiga" (2010, Germany)
  • "Book Tundra: Tale of Vukvuka - Little Stone" (2011, Russia)
  • "River changes the current" (2013, Cambodia)
  • "Great Silence" (2005, France, Switzerland, Germany)
  • "Odessa, Odessa" (2005, France, Israel)
  • "Outlines of the Moon" (2004, Netherlands)
  • Iraq on Fragments "(2006, USA)
  • "Cumbha Mela" (2013, United States)
  • "Salt of Earth" (2014, Brazil, Italy, France)
  • "Invisible Wall" (2009, Germany)
  • "Negro Tango. African roots tango "(2013, France)
  • "Sacred Roman Ring" (2013, Italy, France)
  • Roman Catacombs Mystery (2013, United Kingdom)
  • "Move the line" (2006, United Kingdom)
  • "Long live antipodes!" (2011, Argentina, Germany, Netherlands, Chile)
  • Dragon Girls (2012, Germany, China)
  • Gardener (2012, South Korea, United Kingdom, Israel, Iran)
  • "London - Modern Babylon" (2012, United Kingdom)
  • "Life in photos" (2011, Germany, Israel)
  • "Children of God" (2008, Nepal)
  • "Arabia 3D" (2010, USA)
  • "Mongolia - in the shadow of Genghis Khan" (2010, Slovakia)
  • "Sushi: Conquesting Peace" (2012, Australia, Poland, Singapore, USA, Japan)
  • Anonim

    There are somehow a German, American, Japanese and Odessa ... All the same - two legs, two eyes - but all such different! How about concerning the ball around the globe? PICS gathered for you 15 of the most interesting documentaries that will help you learn the culture of different countries and peoples. You throw the faded popcorn, stock chapati and sushi - and dive!

    "Who taught you to drive?" (2012, Germany, France)

    Where is the brighter of all possible differences in the "mental code" of residents of different countries? And here is not in the office, not in the temple and not in the restaurant. And driving! Try to pass on the right if you, say, you need to "first hear the train, and only then make sure your eyes" ... American in Japan, an Englishwoman in India and Korean in Germany equally feel strangers on this holiday of life, where their former knowledge about the road And the rules are unsuitable.

    "Stephen Fry in America" ​​(mini-serial) (2008, United Kingdom)

    Sting sang heartfelt on Togo What is the Englishman in New York, and the Englishman Fry drove throughout the fifty (fifty, sting!) The states of land, where basically the rules of Britain. I sat down in my black English Cab - along with my British WSC-Shny group, with its British inglishes ("What is your interesting accent!") And your English sense of humor ...

    "Happy people: year in Taiga" (2010, Germany)

    You do not have a TV, nor mobile communications, not to mention the Internet. On the street minus forty. A tree fell on your house and broke the roof. Food you get literally in the sweat of your face. Are you happy. Literally, without irony. This is about hunters and fishermen from the Siberian village. The tape is very promoted all sorts of life rethinking!

    "Book Tundra: Tale of Vukvuka - Little Stone" (2011, Russia)

    The life of Chukchi-reindeer breeders is also not a jacuzzi with mascarpone. "Little stone" - so translates the name of the main character of the picture - not so small: he is 72 years old. But that the stone is for sure: in such conditions, weak body and spirit do not survive!

    "River changes the current" (2013, Cambodia)

    Also about people living predominantly traditional waybill, only quite in other conditions. Floating villages on the river, huts among the mountains and rice fields ... And there is an industrial pendant. This is Cambodia, baby!

    "Great Silence" (2005, France, Switzerland, Germany)

    The film is almost without words. Because his heroes are quite happy without them: in this monastery, in the depths of the French Alps, the monks are accepted by silence. The observation of their simple and harsh life is particularly good for the soul to those who are tired of the fuss, noise, gama and any mess and in the depths of the soul dreams so that everyone around closed the mouth and thought about the soul. Almost three hours this pleasure is guaranteed!

    "Odessa, Odessa" (2005, France, Israel)

    Odessans - they are in Africa Odessans. Not to mention Israel or New York. Probably in Odessa air there is something that is why you become just inimitable! But "Odessa syndrome" is not only humor and charm, but also nostalgia, and some kind of inequate longing along the quiet and cozy earthly paradise ...

    "Outlines of the Moon" (2004, Netherlands)

    Dutch-Indonesian director Leonard Retail Helmrich explores the life of a Christian family in Indonesia, where the vast majority of the population are Muslims. Life, as guess, not the simplest. Did you really change the religion - the only way out?

    Iraq on Fragments "(2006, USA)

    The film nominated for Oscar was removed without a certain plot and a clear plan. The purpose of the director James Longley was to try to show how Iraqis live after the war ended in the country. This is such a simple and superficial - and terribly severe and multifaceted task ...

    "Cumbha Mela" (2013, United States)

    This is the biggest religious holiday on the planet. Millions (millions, Karl!) People simultaneously perform ablution in a special place. And the most sacred of all earthlings - where several sacred Indian rivers merge at once. The spectacle of this action scares or leads to ecstasy - but at least impressive.

    "Salt of Earth" (2014, Brazil, Italy, France)

    Here Vim Wenders was, and this name already means that the tape fascinates. And here was no less cool photographer - Sebastian Solgado. This mad braziletz was oblivioned the whole world, special attention to the strange and few raised civilization to the places. About his finds, in fact, this picture.

    "Invisible Wall" (2009, Germany)

    The director of Cyntyia Bitt and Actress Tilda Suinton drives on a bike along the Berlin Wall shortly before it was to fall. Now they repeated their way - in two decades after she fell. What has changed in the lives of the Germans "on that and on this side"?

    "Negro Tango. African roots tango "(2013, France)

    If the flower is a rose if the tango is Argentinean. And such a passionate young lady in Alom, and eyes so - Wow! And by the way, the word it came from the Nigerian people of Ibibio, from which it meant "Dance for the sound of the drum". And he danced him initially only men ... An interesting story of super popular and mega-passionate dance.

    "Sacred Roman Ring" (2013, Italy, France)

    The longest motorway in Italy "circles" the capital, and the director Gianfranco Rosie moves along it, showing the life of ordinary Romans and everything that is coming away from the Colosseum and the Vatican. I must say, no wonder at the seventieth Venice festival "Golden Lion" got exactly this documentary!

    Roman Catacombs Mystery (2013, United Kingdom)

    Under Rome, a whole separate Rome underground: six dozen diverse catacombs, about 750,000 burials up to 170 kilometers long and age up to two thousand years. The WCW film literally immerses us to these acute and mysterious dungeons.

    "Move the line" (2006, United Kingdom)

    Do not confuse with a biographical film about the life of the famous Country Artist Johnny Cash. This is about other Americans. About those soldiers of the American army, who made a very radical choice: remained in North Korea. The hero of the ribbon lived there four decades. How does he in this very closed country of the world, where there are no ATMs and no one knows Michael Jackson?

    "Long live antipodes!" (2011, Argentina, Germany, Netherlands, Chile)

    If the fishing fisherman who fishes in Argentina, mentally continue, then she, having passed the entire planet through, will come out ... right in the center of Shanghai. Interesting thought: how do people who, who each friend "go down their heads, live", that is, they are maximally distinguished from each other? New Zealand and Spain, Siberia and Chile, Hawaii and Botswana ...

    Dragon Girls (2012, Germany, China)

    All girls dream of becoming princesses, but these small Chinese women are real masters of Kung Fu. Together with thousands of other children, they are brought up in one of the closed Chinese schools, from morning to night, honing combat skills. There is no place of weakness and tears, but they are in the soul - ordinary little kids ...

    Gardener (2012, South Korea, United Kingdom, Israel, Iran)

    Surprisingly, this is the youngest of religions - Bakhamism ... Beautiful gardens, ideas of love for all living beings ... Maybe this is one of the options, how to "save and pour everyone"? Or after all, according to the second hero of the documentary - "any religion is evil and deception"? .. A beautiful movie, giving food for reflection, and not unambiguous answers.

    "London - Modern Babylon" (2012, United Kingdom)

    Landon from not only Ze Capitel of Greate Britan, but also a real melting boiler, in which gentlemen with their oatmeal is melted with multi-colored, multicolored and various folk masses. Historical excursions suggest that the ancestors of the "most English" British also once "ponheli" ... What is cooking in this boiler for the print of oatmeal?

    "Life in photos" (2011, Germany, Israel)

    Miriam Weizenstein and her husband in his Tel Aviv photographer in almost a million (!) Photographs captured Israel's life almost in the history of the state. The striking collection of a 96-year-old woman is threatened, and here the grandson comes to the rescue ...

    "Children of God" (2008, Nepal)

    Docuqing tells about homeless Nepalese children. The film has a bunch of awards - and absolutely not decorated manner. Scary things happen on the screen, without any retouching and romance. It is better for the night, perhaps choose something else.

    "Arabia 3D" (2010, USA)

    This is the first cinema, completely filmed on the territory of Saudi Arabia. In it, Arabian, student of the University of Chicago, talks about his homeland. He helps the writer and the archaeologist, and in the role of "from the author" - a famous actress Helen Mirren.

    "Mongolia - in the shadow of Genghis Khan" (2010, Slovakia)

    The starry hour of this country happened in the XIII century, when her leader managed to light up and ralling his subjects that the Mongolian world was getting to the heart of Europe. True, after his death. But for the Mongols, this man in some sense remained immortal - the hero of all time!

    "Sushi: Conquesting Peace" (2012, Australia, Poland, Singapore, USA, Japan)

    Why, in fact, this uncomplicated food, this fish in Rice - in recent years has won the whole planet invented ChingiShana: from New York Avenue to our "Susharen", which grow like mushrooms? What is this in it? We look, not forgetting to pre-order with delivery it is clear that :)

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