How do the celebrities write grandfather frost? Cool!



Cumberbtech, Tom York and Co. were good boys and girls. Very good. And, we believe, have the full right to the world around the world, the light sword and all that!

Read the fresh messages of celebrities in Lapland - and inspire! Maybe you're not too late to draw a couple of lines in such a spirit? And suddenly send - peace, Moleskin, cute Sherlock under the blanket ...;)

Benedict Cumberbtech


Dear Santa Claus, I asked me to write you a friend. I confess, it was difficult to decide what to say. Like most adults, I feel that it is ridiculous to ask something, because our train went. Now it's time for us to get our own gifts, to build our destinies, answer for your actions, live in the world that we ourselves have created. So there is nothing to fall into childhood and poke: help us with an ecology, migration crisis, a national health service, education, food for the poor, human rights, fundamentalism and wars. Although God sees, how do we need help with all that people have done.

And it's not that you have no compassion and joy. You are awesome! Although they were repainted for the sake of corporations, and in general, the pagan rituals are infinitely far from the current requests to throw a bad hoverboard. You are not for us. You are for children. Who need a slightly magic in this world, where innocence and responsibility, bold imagination and irregular circumstances were mixed.

That's what I would ask you and asked. Let the children stay for children. Provided the moments of fairy tales and games. Distract them from the madness of this world, let them laugh longer and cry less. Especially those who fell concerns about loved ones, illness, hunger or poverty. Those who hide from shells or tremble from fear, fleeing a catastrophe in a fragile boat. Give them the light of joy and hope.

Yeah you turned out to be difficult. When I think about it, I understand that, perhaps, you should not ask the light sword (although I never had it!) When you can be controlled with space and time and renew your childhood. But you inspire those who write you letters and go to sleep with the hope of fulfilling desires. For you try to behave better - and desperately try to somehow compensate for bad behavior. Think about those who would like to write to you, but can not. Let them learn - and will get a chance to improve their lives and run away from poverty.

Sorry, I seem to begin to do what I promised not to do - ask for help with adult problems and troubles of our children ... I promise to share with you portwide and pies!

With love, Benedict

P.S. Can I still still a light sword?

Jarvis Cocker


Dear Santa,

1) Caps for "Chrysler" 2) Fast noodles 3) Boneless tangerines 4) A controlled rocket that kills only evil and does not touch the good (for the details - to the British Ministry of Defense) 5) Pants (waist 32, length 35, clash 15 ) 6) Mask Batman (A la 60th) 7) Vegetable cutter 8) Guitar pedal Vox 9) Sodafream siphon (so that all extra carbonate gas shot far into space) 10) blind faith 11) Personal Wi-Fi and coating "Cold point "(I don't know, maybe already invented - it would be necessary) 12) Subscription on the club" Sheffield Wens "13) Warm briefs 14) Sexy glasses 15) Suitcase with remote control 16) Light chair 17) Hard chair 18) Easy boat 19) Soft Toy 20) Fishing Hat A la Jeremy Corbin 21) Driving Gloves 22) Silent Player 23) Headbands on Fur 24) Electric Mobile (with removable batteries to change at service stations, and not charge the car all night, which is a bit Hemorrhino)

Hi, Jarvis

P.S. Chimney cleaned, the nest removed. Pie, carrot and beylis where always. With the carpet neatly, he is new.

Tom York


Dear santa claus,

I have not written you for a long time. I hope the letter will reach, and in Lapland is still snowy. There is a solid rain, the weather is not even sweater! But Christmas music playing in stores. You are probably embarrassing for us.

I know, you have an exceptionally heavy year. Probably, we expect from you too much. And on TV a lot of impostors. And on the streets too.

The last time I wrote to you at 9, then I tried to be good, but I did not always succeed. I tried to do what we were told, but was happy when I did it all the opposite. But I always tried to bring love, not pain.

So, dear Santa Claus, then so ... Now I have 47, and if I have not yet exhausted my credit, then here are my modest wishes. So my children had a wonderful Christmas. Love, understanding and peace. Maybe some snowfall, eh? It would be really great! And you can send cool things that would be important for them? And even hope for the future. It is very necessary.

I will not ask you to solve the problems of mankind. These are our problems. But maybe this year you will leave without gifts the management of oil companies and politicians purchased?

What am I? I only read glasses ... Congue.

P.S. Thank you for that computer ZX81, which I received in 11. It was a real cool.

Tim Minskin, actor, comedian and musician


Dear Santa Claus, did you ever think that you can be something like the essence of the conductor? What I mean: the more we learn about neurology, the more we understand that what has imprinted in our brains from childhood, affects how we process information in maturity. Maybe the story of you then directs us to find some such entities ... the same unreal, but not necessarily good?

In short: are you looking at my children?

And I still want a bike.

With love, Tim.

Matt Hayig, writer ("Shady Forest", "Radley Family")


Dear santa claus,

To begin with, I have to specify my age. I am 40. Yes. Four. Zero. Or 14,682 days, if it is accurate that for your work is probably important.

I know that mostly you write to the people of voyagla, since we are growing, we are more dependent in achieving our goals not from the miracle, but from reality. But I still believe in a miracle, in the inability - after all, life itself is impossible miracle, eh?

You know what I know. The wonderful thing that happened to each of us is just the fact that we are here. When you think about everything that could hurt us, about everything that could go wrong in the uterine pipes, about all these ten thousands of generations in front of you ... And still a miracle is still cooler, because life cannot be guaranteed.

And yet we are here, and not in the form of null beetles, but as people who can not only believe in Santa Claus and write letters, but also create art that helps to understand the most important thing:

That we are alive

Nevertheless, we are so often port this miracle. We were mired in non-magic, anti-magic and small differences. We do not treat each other or to themselves, as something wonderful. So everything I want for Christmas for us - see what is already there. A solid year-round miracle to be alive, among living people, understanding that life is she, and we must appreciate it. And not believe in magic - it does not believe in yourself.

Like this.

Pass hello to deer.

Hopefully, Your Matt Hayig

Victoria Hislop, writer ("Not for me, I am Russian", "Island", "Return")


Dear santa claus,

You now have a busy time, so I will be brief. I always sent Christmas cards with the words "the world's lands, in person in favor." This is from the gospel of Luke, 2:14. More than 2000 years most of the world dream about it, but perhaps we did not ask, because, honestly, he somehow does not respond to this prayer.

So, I ask you instead of you. Yesterday was St. Nicholas Day, your day. You were known as Nikolai Wonderworker, I committed so many miracles, so I ask you about one thing. I do not need any gifts this year (although the new Molekin will never hurt). I just ask the world around the world.

Thanks for all past gifts. Especially for the Trescy doll, which you gave me when I was six years old. Although when I turned it out, my hair did not get angry, as promised on the box.

With love, Victoria Hislop

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