Survival game: how to reach the salary to still and money remains


The writer Daniel Vagaska is a family budget control, which can easily stretch 14,000 dollars a year. In rubles it is 78 thousand per month. And the family of Vagaska is a big - five people. But none of them is starving and does not undergo. And all because it is necessary to save with the mind. That's what Daniel advises those who live from salary to salary.

Writing all the moves


You have already spoken it, but what to do: in order to save, you need to know what you descend money. Prevent the application for planning budget or write down everything in the old manner, pencil in notepad. Save checks - and absolutely everything, without tricks. Even 20 rubles on the cheese - this is also a consumption.

Turn off cable

Of the 100,000 channels offered to you, you look 3. and they can still be found on the Internet.

Buy something smaller and easier


Do you really need a wheelbarrow with an Esminets? Or a three-bedroom apartment - if you live alone and expect to use one of the storage rooms of the junk? What, really potatoes in the Ponte supermarket 10 times better potatoes from the shop near the house or you just like that in the first case you will give you a beautiful bag with a logo? Choosing options easier and smaller, you reduce spending without noticeable losses as life.

Postpone shopping for a day

I saw dreams of dreams? Adjust, put in place and go home. Tomorrow you will return and buy. Although a great chance is that during the night you will come to yourself and understand that they did not surrender to you.

Remove money in an ATM of his bank

Or in ATMs of partner banks. Because third-party ATMs will easily facilitate your account of rubles for 30 at least. 10 such removal - and now the kilogram of tomatoes.

Use the envelope system


Simply stools: Take a few envelopes, spread money in them to different needs and sign: "On the food", "on the clothes", "on restaurants". When you pay everywhere card, you do not feel like a cash cake melt. But the type of skinny envelope is very spaced. And as soon as the envelope "on restaurants" was empty, stop walking in the publication - until next month.

Go to the supermarket less often but buy more

Remember how you last went to the store for a pair of apples. Remember? Yes, except for the pair of apples you bought some socks, cinnamon cookies, a bottle of yogurt and a flavor for the cabinet. It was embarrassing to stand in line with some small garbage, you were seduced by the sale - no matter why, but you gained a complete basket of optional nonsense. And so happens every time, you should cross the supermarket threshold. Purchase largely, but 1-2 times a month.

Buy less meat


No one calls you to hit in strict veganism. But the pair of vegetarian days a week will save you and money, and health.

Buy products of their own brands of supermarkets

All major networks have their own brands that cost 30-50% less than exactly the same thing, but from another brand. Because the supermarket does not advertise them and is not particularly spent on the packaging. And the meaning is still to buy a basket brand toilet paper only in the "basket" supermarket. The quality of such products is not fundamentally different from the brand. This is especially true for milk, meat, household chemicals, semi-finished products.

Prepare at home


Previous food from supermarkets first, not always unconditionally fresh, and secondly, many times more expensive. It is not only salads concern. You are able to make homemade candies, bread, muesli - all that people usually buy in the store, although they could easily do themselves.

Let almost all things in the wardrobe are basic

Creating a wardrobe in which everything combines with everything - thin ice. But you can cope. Because the bold designer dress made of foamed polyurethane with sequins, of course, will delight everyone, but brazenly fit into your budget, demanding the same supper handbag, shoes, raincoat, furniture and lifestyle. And you put it with it once. And jeans and t-shirts behave modestly.

Reker insurance


Even if you are already 10 years old, do not forget from time to view offering of competitors. You did not get married for these insurers and did not swear in loyalty. And over the past year, many more advantageous offers may appear.

Do not save on how you will use long

Coffee maker. Washer. Bike or computer. Cabinet or sofa. It is better to spend a little more and buy a serious thing than one-time noime, which will fall apart in six months.

In the restaurant order water


Drinks are a real benefit for restaurants. A gas production bank can cost there like a Vints bottle in the store, and the ordinary vino - as a collector Bordeaux. 200 rubles per glass of cola? Come on. Order just water.

Watch for gasoline

Consider short routes, do not cut circles around the city just like that, because the sun, the wind in the face and music playing the topic. Do not forget to change rubber and check the tire pressure - this will also help reduce its consumption.

Look for free pleasures


Not all the joys of life are expensive. Walk through the boulevards or ride in the park on Velika - for free. To arrange a home film with friends - not only for free, so you also bring chips. Museums often arrange days of open doors, you just need to follow the schedule. All sorts of "monopolies", "Ratings" and other desktop courts require minimal investments and are happy for many years.

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