"Best teacher": the story of an unloved student


    At the beginning of the school year, the class teacher of the sixth grade stood before his former five-graders. She looked around her children and said that everyone would love them equally and glad to see. It was a big lie, as for one of the front desk, squeezing into a lounge, one boy was sitting, whom the teacher did not love.

    She met him, as with all his students, last academic year. Even then she noticed that he did not play with classmates, dressed in dirty clothes and smells as if he never washed. Over time, the attitude of the teacher to this student was getting worse and reached the fact that she wanted to exhaust all his written work with a red handle and put a unit.

    Once, the teacher's head teacher asked to analyze the characteristics on all students from the beginning of their teaching in school, and the teacher put the case of an unloved student at the very end. When she finally reached him and reluctantly began to study his characteristics, it was stunned.

    A teacher who led the boy in the first grade wrote: "This is a brilliant child, with a radiant smile. Makes homework pure and neatly. One pleasure to be next to him. "

    The second-class teacher wrote about him: "This is an excellent student who appreciates his comrades, but he has problems in the family: his mother is painful with an incurable disease, and his life at home must be a continuous struggle with death."

    The third-class teacher noted: "Mother's death hit him very much. He tries with all his might, but his father does not show interest in him and his life at home may soon influence his training if they do nothing. "

    The fourth class teacher recorded: "The boy is optional, does not show interest in learning, almost no friends and often falls asleep right in the class."

    After reading the characteristics of the teacher, it became very shameful before himself. She felt even worse when for the new year all students brought her gifts wrapped in a brilliant gift paper with bows. The gift of her unloved student was wrapped in coarse brown paper.

    Some children began to laugh when the teacher was taken out of this convolution of a bracelet, in which there was not a few stones and a bottle of spirits filled with a quarter. But the teacher suppressed laughter in the class, exclaiming:

    - Oh, what a beautiful bracelet! - And, opening the bottle, sprinkled some perfumes on the wrist.

    On this day, the boy stayed after the lesson, went to the teacher and said:

    - Today you smell like my mom smelled.

    When he left, she cried for a long time.

    After some time, such training, the unloved student began to return to life. At the end of the school year, he turned into one of the best disciples.

    A year later, when she worked with others, she found a note under the door of the classroom, where the boy wrote that she was the best of all the teachers who had in his life. It took another five years before she received another letter from his ex-student; He told that she graduated from college and ranked third place in class, and that she continues to be the best teacher in his life.

    Four years have passed and the teacher received another letter, where her student wrote that, despite all the difficulties, soon finishes the university with the best estimates, and confirmed that she was still the best teacher who was in his life.

    After another four years, another letter came. This time he wrote that after graduating from the university decided to increase the level of his knowledge. Now, before his name and surname stood the word "doctor". And in this letter, he wrote that she was the best of all teachers who were in his life.

    As time went. In one of his letters, he told that he met one girl and marries her that his father died two years ago and asked if she would not refuse his wedding to take a place at which Mom's groom was usually sits. Of course, the teacher agreed.

    On the wedding day of his student, she put on the same bracelet with the missing stones and bought the same perfumes that reminded the unfortunate boy about his mother. They met, embraced, and he felt his native smell.

    - Thanks for faith in me, thank you for giving me to feel my need and significance and taught me to believe in your strength, that we have taught to distinguish good from the bad.

    Teacher with tears in his eyes answered:

    "You're wrong, you taught me everything." I did not know how to teach until I got acquainted with you ...

    A source

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