Fantasy of the Soviet Union: remember your favorite films


When we were small, then everyone was watching the sort of space expanses. If not like brave discovers, then as tourists are certain.

Our dreams were fed at the expense of fantastic moviestin. Now these films seem slightly naive, but, nevertheless, terribly cute and relatives.

Solaris (1972), Andrei Tarkovsky

Culting film, mandatory for viewing to every educated person. The effect of the picture occurs at the intergalactic station near the planet of the Solaris coated with the ocean. On the one hand, scientists in space suffering from the impact of the mysterious planet, and on the other - people on Earth, which forever spent them into the space flight.

Big Space Journey (1975), Valentin Selivanov

In the seventies of the last century, all schoolchildren dreamed of becoming cosmonauts. The film "Big Space Journey" is just about it. Three teenagers take a competition for participation in flight and go to space. It turns out that the only adult man falls on the ship and falls into the insulator, and as a result, the guys have to get out to themselves.

I was a satellite of the sun (1959), Victor Morgenshtern

A film about the scientist who is being decided to go to the Sun following the spacecraft that has disappeared twenty years ago. The film is especially interesting for details, as people in the fifties represented their future: VCRs, satellites broadcasting television shows. The scripts were not so far from reality.

Flying to thousands of Suns (1963), Alexey Jerin

The film combines the features of a popular science and fantastic movie. During the fishing, the scientist tells the boy about the device of the Universe, about the stars and galaxies. And then in a dream, the young dreamer is postponed to the future, where he focuses on a star pilot.

Aelita (1924), Yakov Protazanov

The film is removed according to the novel of Alexei Tolstoy. Scientists have calculated when Mars will be closest to Earth and send an expedition there. An engineer, Red Armyman, who wants to arrange a revolution there, and an investigator suspected of an engineer in the murder of his wife flies.

Star inspector (1980), Mark Kovalev, Vladimir Polin

On the remote planet, scientists are working to create artificial intelligence. But something goes wrong, and the super-brain created by them subjugates the will of people. As a result, dramatic events unfolds, and it is not clear who can resist evil.

Inquiry Pickrs Pilot (1978), Spring Marek

Joint work of Soviet and Polish cinematographers. Space ship is launched to Saturn, the crew of which consists of human-like robots. The only person on the ship was Captain Pirks. But his honesty and principle may prevent the plans of the corporation that organized flight.

Planet Sturgee (1961), Pavel Khuchantsev

A joint Soviet-American expedition is departed in Venus, but when landing one ship out of three crashes. Other two starship lands, and their teams move to meet each other. There is a bunch of dangers on someone else's planet, not all of them come from local nature. The characters of astronauts forced to act in extreme conditions are also exposed to a large test.

Through thorns to the stars (1980), Richard Viktorov, Nikolay Viktorov

The action of the film occurs in the twenty-third century. On the backyards of the universe, Pushkin spacecraft came across the "dead" ship of an unknown design. There is only one surviving - a strange girl who can instantly move in space, to do without oxygen and has the ability of telekinosis.

Lilac ball (1987), Pavel Arsenov

Favorite film of all Soviet schoolchildren. The case is at the end of the 21st century. Space expedition under the guidance of Professor Seleznev found information on a distant planet that a lilac balloon was sent to the ground, which generates anger on the plane. Alisa Selezneva goes to the past to find and get rid of the ill-faced parcel.

Moscow - Cassiopeia (1973), Richard Viktorov

Earth scientists received a disaster signal from the distant Cassiopeian constellation. They send to the revenue to the brothers in mind the expedition consisting of Moscow schoolchildren. The flight should take about 50 years, so it makes no sense to fly adults. Everything was fine, if the ship was not penetrating the ship before shipping, Fedor Lobanov.

Founders in the Universe (1974), Richard Viktorov

Continuation of the story about schoolchildren who flew to Cassiology. Because of the boots, awkwardly abandoned on the control panel, the spacecraft with adolescents reached the destination much faster than planned. There, the guys had to join the fight against robots who captured the planet and help indigenous people who sent a signal for help.

High Orion (1980), Vasily Levin

In the solar system there was a strange phenomenon - a mysterious bunch of energy, which scientists called "Orion's loop". To explore the phenomenon, the crew consisting of people and robots is sent to space. Cosmonauts meet an alien civilization, which has created an Orion Layer. Aborigines say that the loop was created to protect the Earth. But the earthlings do not really trust them.

Andromeda Nebula (1967), Evgeny Schestobits

Space expedition hit the magnetic field of a strange iron planet. They cannot escape from it, because Lack of fuel. They have two options: either to circle in orbit forever, or try to get on the planet fuel for further flight. The second option seems more real, especially since an unknown spacecraft is found on the surface of the planet.

Return from orbit (1983), Alexander Surin

The orbital station arose emergence. The ship fell into a meteor flow, the crew commander got a serious injury, and it should be urgently delivered to the ground, because Otherwise, he will perish. But it is not easy to do it. The Flight Management Center sends the crew to revenue, before which the task is to deliver the wounded astronaut to the ground.

Dream towards (1963), Mikhail Kariukov, Otar Kobheridze

From the planet centuries to the ground, an alien ship is departed. But complications arise in flight, and the crew makes a forced landing on Mars. Earthlings, wanting to save an alien expedition, send them two spaceship for revenue. In this film there is all: love, adventure and very good for 1963 special effects.

Moon Rainbow (1983), Andrei Ermash

A few years ago, a large geological catastrophe occurred on the satellite of uranium. Of the eight earthlings, who operated on the site of events, survived only four. But they got superpost, which began to manifest themselves on earth. Cosmonauts caused the inexplicable magnetic anomalies who put scholars from different countries in the dead end.

Space flight (1935), Vasily Zhuravlev

This is the first Soviet film about the conquest of space. In the thirties, there were no practical research yet, a solid theory. Therefore, it is especially interesting to observe how the creators of the film imagined space flights. For example, in this film, the rocket started from the overpass, and the astronauts used overload baths. By the way, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky consulted cinematographers.

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