In the distant, distant galaxy: the best pictures of space


WFC3 Visible Image of the Carina Nebula

For 26 years already on earthly orbit, the Hubble telescope is spinning. During this time, he made millions of shots of the universe. We chose for you 30 most beautiful.

Star cluster Westerlund 2.

This Nasa / ESA Hubble Space Telescope Image of the Cluster Westerlund 2 and Its Surroundings Has Been Released to Celebre Hubble's 25th Year In Orbit and a Quarter of a Century of New Discoveries, Stunning Images and Outstanding Science. The image's central region, containing the star cluster, blends visible-light data taken by the Advanced Camera for Surveys and near-infrared exposures taken by the Wide Field Camera 3. The surrounding region is composed of visible-light observations taken by the Advanced Camera for surveys.

One of the most recent pictures of Hubble is the center of the Milky Way. The closest asterisk to us from this photo is in 27,000 light years from the Earth.

In celebration of the International Year of Astronomy 2009, the NASA / ESA Hubble Space Telescope and its companion Great Observatories: the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Chandra X-ray Observatory have collaborated to produce an unprecedented image of the central region of our Milky Way galaxy . In this Spectacular Image, Observations using Infrared Light and X-Ray Light See Through The Obscuring Dust and Reveal The Intense Activity Near The Galactic Core. Note That CENTRE OF THE GALAXY IS LOCATED WITHIN THE BRIGHT WHITE REGION TO THE RIGHT OF THE AND JUST BELOW THE MIDDLE OF THE Image. The Entire Image Width Covers About One-Half A Degree, About the Same Angular Width As The Full Moon. Each Telescope's Contribution Is Present in A Different Color: Yellow Represents The Near-Infrared Observations of Hubble. They Outline The Energetic Regions Where Stars Are Being Born As Well As Reveal Hundreds of Thousands of Stars. Red Represents The Infrared Observations of Spitzer. The Radiation and WinDs from Stars Create Glowing Dust Clouds That Exhibit Complex Structures from Compact, Spherical Globules to Long, Stringy Filamen. Blue and Violet Represent The X-Ray Observations of Chandra. X-Rays Are Emitted by Gas Heated to Millions of Degrees by Stellar Explosions and Outflows from the Supermassive Black Hole in the Galaxy's Center. The Bright Blue Blob On the Left Side Is Emission from a Double Star System Containing Either Black Hole System CONTINING EITER A NEUTRON STAR OR A BLACK HOLE. WHEN THESE Views Are Brought Together, This Composite Image Provides One of the Most Detailed Views Ever of Our Galaxy's Mysterious Core.

The clouds of gas and dust somewhere in the nebula of the eagle.

The Nasa / ESA Hubble Space Telescope Has Revisited One Of Its Most IConic and Popular Images: The Eagle Nebula's Pillars of Creation. This image Shows The Pillars As Seen in Visible Light, Capturing The Multi-Coloured Glow of Gas Clouds, Wispy Tendrils of Dark Cosmic Dust, And The Rust-Coloured Elephants' Trunks of the Nebula's Famous Pillars. The Dust and Gas In The Pillars Is Seared by The Intense Radiation From Young Stars and Eroded by Strong Winds from Massive Nearby Stars. WITH THE SIESE NEW IMAGES COMES BETTER CONTRAST AND A CLEARER VIEW FOR ASTRONOMERS TO STUDY HOW THE STRUCTURE OF THE PILLARS IS CHANGING OVER TIME.

This is the clearest and detailed picture of a crab nebula, which is still humanity. This nebula is everything that has left from the supernova, who has gone on July 4, 1054 for the earthly summer. The outbreak was so powerful that it was even visible even during the day.

This New Hubble Image - Among The Largest Ever Produced With the Earth-Orbiting Observatory - Gives The Most Detailed View of the Entire Crab Nebula Ever. The Crab Is Among The Most Interesting and Well Studied Objects in Astronomy. This Image Is The Largest Image Ever Taken with Hubble's WFPC2 Camera. IT WAS Assembled from 24 Individual Exposures Taken With the Nasa / Esa Hubble Space Telescope and Is The Highest Resolution Image of the Entire Crab Nebula Ever Made.

The nebula of the jellyfish in the constellation of twins.


Bipolar Nebula Twin Jet - Two stars that came together in the last tango. One is already destroyed, and the other continues to rotate around her. The process began recently - some 1200 years ago, approximately when Rurik declared on Russia.

The Twin Jet Nebula, OR PN M2-9, IS A Striking Example of A Bipolar Planetary Nebula. Bipolar planetary nebulae are formed when the central object is not a single star, but a binary system, Studies have shown that the nebula's size increases with time, and measurements of this rate of increase suggest that the stellar outburst that formed the lobes occurred just in 1200 Years Ago.

This is not Oko Sauron. This is the nebula of a feline eye and the constellation of the dragon.

In this detailed view from the Nasa / ESA Hubble Space Telescope, The SO-Called Cat's Eye Nebula Looks Like The Penetrating Eye of the Disembodied Sorcerer Sauron from the Film Adaptation of

Someone in space pushed bubble. Very big bubble - 23 light years in diameter. This is a discarded shell of a supernova in a large magtel cloud.

Hubble Spots a Celestial Bauble

Cute butterfly in the constellation of Scorpio. It is difficult to believe that this pretty thing - hot-20 000 ° C, which rushes through the universe at a speed of 950,000 kilometers per hour, and in its center - the remains of the dead star.

Butterfly Emerges from Stellar Demise in Planetary Nebula NGC 63

Yes, it is he - Saturn. And he is actually such a pastel.

The Ring Swirling Around Saturn Consists of Chunks of Ice and Dust. Saturn ItSelf Is Made Of Ammonia Ice and Methane Gas. The Little Dark Spot on Saturn Is The Shadow from Saturn's Moon Enceladus.

Spiral nebula in the constellation of fly. The final stage of the evolution of any small star. Our sun, too, is so over, most likely.

Hubble Snaps NGC 5189

Cosmic dust clouds in the constellation Kil. Or in Mordor.

In the distant, distant galaxy: the best pictures of space 22374_13

Mercury, blue and beaten.


The snail nebula in the constellation Aquarius is one of the closest planetary nebulaes towards us. Some 650 light years.


NGC 7049 Galaxy at the Indian Constellation. Something like could make Tiffany designers.

Dramatically Backlit Dust Lanes In NGC 7049

Small Magellanovo cloud - the galaxy-satellite of our Milky Way.

This Hubble Space Telescope View Spacely Detailed Star-Forming and Intricately Detailed Star-Forming Regions in Space, Located 210,000 Light-Years Away in The Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), A Satellite Galaxy of Our Milky Way. AT The Center of The Region Is a Brilliant Star Cluster Called NGC 346. A DraMatic Structure of Arched, Ragged Filaments With a Distinct Ridge Surrounds The Cluster. A Torrent of Radiation from the hot stars in the cluster ngc 346, At the center of this Hubble Image, Eats INTO DENSER AREAS AROUND IT, CREATING A FANTASY SCULPTURE OF DUST AND GAS. The Dark, Intricately Beaded Edge of The Ridge, Seen in Silhouette, Is Particularly Dramanic. It CONTAINS SEVERAL SMALL DUST GLOBULES THAT POINT Back Towards The Central Cluster, Like Windsocks Caught in a Gale.

Little galaxy in the constellation of the Virgin. One one-identity.


Jupiter close-up, unlike us, it looks even better.

Jupiter at a glance

This galaxy with the poetic name NGC 4206 is the stored shop. See blue dots around the edge? This gas, which will then turn into a whose sun.

New stars

Nebula Veil - supernova plane.

Revisiting the veil nebula

Galaxy whirlpool and her small neighbor NGC 5195, which spins on the periphery of the waterproof for several hundred million years.

Out of this Whirl: The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) and Companion Gala

In the center of the Milky Way.

This infrared image from the Milky Way, 27 000 Light-Years Away From Earth. Using The Infrared Capabilities of Hubble, Astronomers Were Able to Peer Through The Dust Which Normally Obscures The View of this Interesting Region. At the center of this Nuclear Star CLUSTER - AND ALSO IN THE CENTER OF THIS IMAGE - THE MILKY WAY'S SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE IS LOCATED.

Orion Nebula, in which new stars are now being created.

Hubble's Sharpest View of The Orion Nebula

Astronomers are those still romance. This snapshot captured the moment of birth of a new star - she, in the very center of the shining gas cloud. And what do you think, what name they gave this miracle? SSTC2D J033038.2 + 303212.

Birth of stars

Ball stereo cluster. As if the new year.

Star cluster

The v838 of the unicorn exploded in 2002. For her it is the beginning of the end. For us - a fantastic spectacle.

The Hubble Space Telescope's Latest Image of the Star V838 MonoCerotis (V838 MON) Reveals Dramanatic Changes in The Illumination of Surrounding Dusty Cloud Structures. The Effect, Called A Light Echo, Has Been Unveiling Never Since The Star Suddenly Brightned for Several Weeks in Early 2002.

Nebula Head of Monkey. Do you see a monkey? And we do not see. And she is.

New Hubble Image of NGC 2174

Storm near the North Pole Saturn. Not only we have bad weather.

Storm on Saturn

This is what fresh supernovae looks like.


Or so.


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