#like an angel. The sexiest men with wings


This week, the Russian fantasy film "He - Dragon" came out in Russian rental about the hardest fate of the Dragon's boyfriend, who fell in love with a relatively red maiden, which for all the laws of the genre was supposed to devour. On this occasion, PICS.RU remembered the winged men who are not less good by themselves and sexy. Enjoy!

Arman ("He Dragon", Russia, 2015)


Arman - Dragon-Winker, Naturally, extremely cute and sexy. Also, half-lit - where did you see the dragons in the pants? Only a getage, only hardcore! The plot is simple to indecent: Arman wants to hold an ancient ritual, for which he kidnaps a beautiful girl, but his human essence breaks out of control and he falls in love with his prisoner. Further ritual teenage dancing around each other, worthy of "twilight", and at the end - suddenly! - happy end! Hooray! Hooray!



Romantic hero of ancient Greek mythology. I love him for enthusiasm, fearless and willingness to go to the end, even if an inevitable death is waiting there. According to the legend, the wings from wax and feather Ikaru made Dad dad to fly away from the island of Crete from the irritated Tsar Minos. Father warned that it was necessary to fly not too high - the sun melt wax, and not too low - the water wet the feathers. But Icaru was so carried away by the flight, which rose too high to the sun, the wax melted and the young man fell into the sea and drowned near the island of Samos to the sea, which received the name of the Ikarius in this part. Beautifully, solemn and sad and what a great reason to artist for centuries to portray a beautiful young man with wings in the poses of varying degrees of dramaticness.

Archangel Mikhail ("Legion", USA, 2010)


The floor of Bettany all the time gets the secondary unwashed roles of the minions of the main villain or, a set, headquarters chapter, which is looking for the main villain. However, in the film "Legion", this historical injustice was fixed: Bettany plays a lot or a little, but a defender of mankind, literally his last hope. Film shit, honestly, but handsome half half of the screen walks in the wings and half-lit. For this, you can suffer.

Demon Vrubel


Cycle illustrations for poem M.Yu. Lermontov "demon" was created by the artist Mikhail Vrubel at the end of the XIX century - in 1890. Separately, Vrubel created his famous canvas "Demon Sitting" - is now stored in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

"Demon - the Spirit is not so much evil as suffering and sorrowful, with all this spirit is domineering, magnificent ...".

He sits, folding his hands surrounded by unprecedented colors, staring with huge glazing whether in Dal, or in itself. It looks sad, solemnly, honeyzing and, that sin is to hone, it is interesting to sit nearby, chat.

Warren Warnington III ("People X: Last Battle", USA, United Kingdom, Canada, 2006)


The hero from which the film begins: a little boy is standing in the bathroom and diligently trying to sprinkle from the back, subsequently we see that these are wings that stubbornly make their way under the blades. At the end of the film, he saves his own father, spreading grown huge wings in all their magnificence a few meters. Is it necessary to mention that Ben Foster (actor who played Warren) at the same time the musculter is beautiful and, of course, half agen? Excessive reason to revise the franchise, there are still a lot of sexual men with blades in their hands and not only!

Archangel Tirael

#like an angel. The sexiest men with wings 22367_6

Handsome from the game Diablo. (Hereinafter referred to as the impunity of words). Archangel Justice of High Heaven, Member of the Council of Angyris and one of the key positive characters of the entire history of Sanctuary. We are attracted in him that he is terribly mysterious - and what do you want from an immortal being, to which several tens of thousands of years? - Military, replaceable and to the third part hides his face. Then it turns out to be extremely brutal tanned uncle with scars. In addition, he constantly helps people, having spoiled on the prohibitions of the leadership, which is also plus.

Metatron (Dogma, USA, 1999)


In general, the metatron is a voice of God, but try to be happy with one "voice" when Severus Snape Alan Rickman himself in the role of this spaceful angel! Cynical, stinging and inaccessible - however, as always. For those and love! By the way, when Rickman was sent a script, he agreed, asked only two questions, one of which was "Computer or Mechanical Wings?"

PS Who watched the "dogma" he knows that with sexuality in the literal sense there is problems there, but we will not focus on such trifles!

Angel ("Club Mania", USA, 2003)


Finally, just a pretty, but quite real man with wings! Because the film is based on real events: "Club children" is a group of young clubbers under the leadership of Michael Aliga and James Saint-James, who fiercely drove in New York in the late 80s - early 90s. How to do without angel wings and sequins? It is that in any way! Sexually in this all: drugs, rock and roll, endless passe and permissiveness. The only moment: Cumshot this angel is bad - the elig killed him personally, for which he later came to prison.


Gabriel ("Konstantin", USA, 2005)


Tilda Suinton is good as a woman and as a man at least with wings, even without. And especially it is beautiful as a semi-dry archangel Gabriel from the movie "Konstantin". Could not seemble!

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