15 truths that only large parents will understand


With the first child, everything is so scary, it is not clear, surprising. With two and more, in fact, too. But differently! And we will tell you what the difference.

one. If you know how to bring up one child, then, it means you know how to educate only one child. They are all different, even if there are 10. 2. No one wants to replace you with a crispy angel if angels are more than one. 3. Love and attention is issued portion, and portions are planned in advance. Otherwise offense. four. Brothers and sisters need not equally, but by justice. five. However, how not to please justice, the fight is inevitable. 6. Parents do not go. Parents run. 7. Now you know when you do not need to worry. Almost never need. Child eats from the floor? Great, less to clean will have to. eight. Everyone considers you a little irresponsible: how could you start so many children? And at the same time they always run to you for advice: you could not start so many children, nothing know about them! GM. A ha ha! nine. Any day is washing day. 10. On the family photo will always be someone who croches face. eleven. You can never relax in the bathroom or toilet. Because the queue. 12. Loneliness is value. 13. Family is loud. Very loud. fourteen. And the food is very fast. Once and no. fifteen. These two (three, four and so on) are able to merge well - against you!

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