Stand up popcorn: 7 of the best trailers of the week!


Spring is the traditional time of film by film: This week several trailers of the most anticipated films came out at once. Prepare popcorn in the summer!

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"Game of Thrones", USA, season 6

It's just impossible to wait for it on April 24! And the creators are heated, the public tizers and ambiguous hinting that it will be something ambitious!

"Dr. Strung", USA

Benedict "Our All" Cumberbatch as a superhero. We are already lying in the direction of this film, which will be released in November. There's still bald Tilda Suinton, Mom Mia!

"Highband", United Kingdom

This film is already in the movie! Tom Hiddleston, Jeremy Irons and Sienna Miller are invited to the world of the future. The ideal model of the world of the future - does not mean good.

"Godzilla. Revival ", Japan

Godzilla returns to his native Japan! In a 90-second video, there is nothing but, actually, monster. Handsome turned out, right? In Japan, it will be released in the summer, we hope to come to us too.

"Once and forever", France

Kristen Stewart as Coco Chanel. It is a pity that the short film, but it is definitely worth viewing - in the director's chair, Karl Lagerfeld.

"Hologram for the King", United Kingdom

Tom Hanks as a Hi-Tech Seeker Adventure. Saudi Arabia, desert, araphak and girls in hijabach - everything is in place.

"Curse Sleeping Beauty", USA

Very beautiful fairy tale on a new way. Thomas Kaiser inherits a generic manor who belongs to his family many generations. But he does not suspect that, together with the house he inherited and an ancient curse, which lies on it since the times of crusades. Well, all as we love!

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