9 ambushes, which are understandable only to those who are trying to do something with hair in the field of bikini


The bikini area is an amazing place. No one seems to see him, but the time and strength for his departure is required hardly more than all other hair on the body. We collected 9 ambushes, which are understandable only to those who do it right now!

It hurts

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No matter how painted the charms of any method of hair removal of its adepts, it will still hurt. Not even so. It hurts. Shugaring, wax, depilator - familiar torture names?

It is not comfortable

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If you make a choice towards painless hair removal, it is terrible inconvenient. You have to invent a whole system from a razor or scissors, a mirror and a pocket flashlight, so that everything is smooth and beautiful, and not as always.

This is strange

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A someone else's alien woman looks right there (at the same time she is not a doctor), it hurts you terribly and you still pay for this money. To return to a new portion of humiliation and pain in a month.

It is unpredictable

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It seems to shave-shave, having a haircut, but still suddenly you or your boyfriend find somewhere in an unexpected place a bunch of hair. Or made one bikini line, and the treacherous pants from the swimsuit is still!

Guys will not understand

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One girl gathered to make an intimate haircut, but she did not allow her husband. Said: Is that, you will be straight right there? Oh, nafig these butterflies and pipping faiths! I like it so much!

It sits


And terribly itches when it starts to grow. And it's unpleasant when the lace is cling to this bristle. And with the cunnilingus need careful: if my husband is bristle, then everything is quickly becoming bright raspberry and a pinlet!

It is expensive

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Surprisingly, it is worth paying for getting rid of hair: as a rule, several sessions are required to remove everything. And if you choose a razor, then it should be changed regularly, and you still need a gel for shaving and moisturizing lotion after. Otherwise - irritation.

this is dangerous

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You will choose an unverified cosmetologist - you can get infected with HPV or fungus, slip in the bathroom with a razor in your hands - horror-horror, and you can also burn with wax, to injure the laser or hair can be injured in the skin. In short, a complete list!

It's forever

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It is necessary to shave every day, epilation once a few weeks ... And anyway, these damn hair will continue to grow! Maybe, well, let them grow? Tinto Brass, for example, loves exclusively hairy women!

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