15 phrases that no woman want to hear on Friday


There are words that everyone is nice to hear. For example, "You were right." Or "from chocolate losing weight." But we generally hear do not want - especially on the eve of the weekend.

Do you remember, did you promise a cake on Saturday and roll a million dumplings? Saturday tomorrow.

15 phrases that no woman want to hear on Friday 22199_1

Let's go to open the country season! There are just mudding on the knee and barn not painted. Distribute.

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By the way, we are waiting for you all on the subbotnik tomorrow. Suitable in an informal setting.

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The advance will be only on Monday.

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My boys and I agreed to see us about the Champions League. We have a healthy plasma. Yes, I just called a dozen dude.

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Cloudy, storm wind, thunderstorm, cooling.

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Annual report is needed on Monday in the morning. Have a good weekend!

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Sister, look at my small one - and my husband and her romantic weekend in Paris are flying. Cool, right?

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No, I will not go anywhere with you tomorrow - I have a job.

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Tired? Well, nothing, on Sunday you are driving the children in the moon park, relax.

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To the club? Yes, you, pension, everything is twice as younger than you.

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Have you ordered a table? We have everything reserved.

15 phrases that no woman want to hear on Friday 22199_12

Tomorrow my mother comes to visit, what do you cook for lunch? And for dinner?

15 phrases that no woman want to hear on Friday 22199_13

I agreed, the malariers will come tomorrow at 9:00. Normal peasants, very punctual.

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Nothing terrible, you have an Orz, a couple of days in bed lie down - and order.

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