19 simple ideas for home games with children


Long winter evenings, actually, the best time, especially if the whole family is played, as it should! There is no need to buy anything special: for rampant fantasy and fun there are enough very uncomplicated technicians.

Theater of shadows for junfare

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Character figures are cut from cardboard and attached to sticks with which you will move them. Cut scenery is fixed in the same way. The screen is a big box - first in it you need to cut the "window", and then tighten it with a white cloth or paper.

Theater of shadows for kids

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Such a presentation does not require difficult preparation, so it can easily arrange even kids. As "actors" we use simple items and your own handles. Expressive creates light bulb or flashlight.

"Manual" zoo

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In the theater of shadows, it is interesting to be a viewer when dad or mom shows different animals: the dog "barks", the pigeon "waves the wings", the bunny "smoothes ears." Practice to fold different combinations together.

Cards and Attention

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With the help of ordinary playing cards you can have fun and develop the reaction. Maps are distributed to participants equally, do not look at their own. In turn lay them on the table. Each card from dozens and older requires something to do quickly (invent together what). For example: Valts - say "Hi!", Ace - to slam your hands and so on. The player who reacted wrong or last takes all the cards posted on the table. The one who got rid of his cards first is the winner.

Children's lotto with pictures

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The finished lotto is perfectly occupied by the kids for a while, but then the same plots have come. "Catch two hares" can, turning the preparation of the game and building different sets on their own. This requires only cardboard, scissors, glue and unnecessary magazines. We stick pictures with objects on cardboard squares, on a large sheet - playing field - images of the same objects or their logic pairs (for example, an apple and a pear, a machine and a tram). For those who study read, you can write the names of items. The presenter pulls the chips from the bag from the bag, and each participant on its playing field is looking for a match, after which the signal quickly gives. Wins the one who will first fill their field.

Homemade puzzles

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Purchased Puzzle - "Disposable" pleasure. However, they are also fun to make their own hands together with their parents! For the smallest enough, it is enough to make pictures cut into two, three or four parts, each to give a few sets, mix them and collect, competing, who will quickly fold their set.

Games with chips

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Another great direction for homemade. Pushkami can serve buttons, pebbles, mugs of fine colored plastic like solid notebook covers. The field is drawing together on a large sheet of Watman on any favorite plot: Cosmonauts move along the star space from the planet to the planet, pirates - according to the ocean from the island to the island, etc. On the way, you can draw "successful" and "unsuccessful" points, hitting which, your chip jumps back or forward.

"Embroidery" by points

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A creative game in which you need to connect points in order to get a picture may become even more interesting if you make a diagram from holes, punctured seats in cardboard - and the child will connect their child, stretching in them a thin colored lace. Choose the simplest schemes and consider that the image will be dotted, so for greater realistic, you will need to turn two lace.

Mosaic Hand Maid

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Cut from color cardboard different uncomplicated figures (squares, rhoms, triangles, etc.). Such a mosaic can be folded as you like, the only rule - fragments should not be superimposed on each other.

Button's life

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Using the contents of the mother's or grandmother's box, you can portray everything you want! The smallest just put pictures, older children can consolidate their creations with glue or plasticine. And the companies are similar to the form and the size of the buttons easily can build at home, form families and walk to each other to guests - no worse toys.

Dorisuy half!

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Learn to draw, drawing a symmetrical half on the blank part of the sheet - terribly fun. You can draw part of the subject and offer to the child to supplement it to the whole (for example, you draw a twisted snail house, and the baby teleshes her body with horns).


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In the large box we add objects, "symbolizing" different actions, or notes with a short description of the action (for example, a toy twin - sing any song). Each participant takes turns pulling Phanti without looking, after which the task must complete. Cook under the table - unoriginal! True, it's still fun.

Very crossed terrain!

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From blankets, plaids, pillows and other similar elements, we build "Landscape". According to it, our toy "travelers" or "heroes" will be moved to the specified goals, using the features of the terrain - then the mountainous, then flat, then covered with dense impassable forest bug.

Go on a trip

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In order for the army in the apartment in properly, it is necessary to draw several cards - ordinary and secret, indicating hidden treasures and hazards. Even more interesting, if part of them will be encrypted by a secret cipher!

Beauty contest

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Which girl does not want to feel at the same time a great fashion designer and a steep model? Announced competition! Thematic. For example, "Magic Bus Party". Beads can be made of everything that is suitable for this! From butchers and dried rosehips to multi-colored clips and small toy types of bells or boxes from kinders. All participants can win on the competition, the main thing is to come up with more funny nominations.


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A variant of the game with a fit in which fell: one participant thinks himself a role (for example, a Japanese or a cockerel) - and builds a suit from the most non-slip-up tools. The rest should marry a role. Who was the first to guess - the next thing is reincarnated.

Dressed Maudich

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And this cheerful changeal caller is already a taste test, but for luck. A lot of different things and accessories are a bunch of different things and accessories, the lead shoves her hand, each player in turn says: "To me!" - And gets a pulled out. Final suits may turn out to be simply inimitable.

IA and his tail

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We hide on the wall a big "portrait" of a nestless donkey. Each participant of the game receives on a separate tail on the button or scotch. The player tie his eyes and slightly circling, after which he must attach the tail as close to the right place.

Smile, balls!

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We distribute balloons and markers to children. We draw each ball the face. For more interest after the image of every detail, changing balls - so their faces are very funny.

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