Overcoming post-year year syndrome



The problem of large-scale holidays is that sooner or later you stop celebrating. Rather, that you stop celebrating too late. That is, one evening can be silent to drink, dance on the table, walk without a hat and love everyone. Locking people withstand even two or three days. But then the hangover, colds, lactic acid in muscles and some assholes come around. Included all this is called "post-year-old syndrome", and now we will tell how to deal with him.

I have everything hurts

This is because first champagne, then cognac, then wine, then I do not remember. The right gray in Apples aspirin comes to the rescue.

I have everything hurts-2

It is from dancing on the table. A hot bath and a good smart book comes to the rescue. For two hours, it is possible to turn into a suitable high-intelligent fish, which has no lactic acid in the muscles. She has no muscle at all. Only bones, cartilage and beautiful powerful brain.

I want to sleep

It's amazing! Need to sleep. Wake up, drink tea and sleep again.

I do not want to work

The bosses also does not want to work. Therefore, there is a chance that work will cancel. Well, or a bit alleviate. Numbers to the fifth, and there is already Christmas.

I am fat!

This is a new year. All thick.

I am old!

It, of course, yes. But remember that at the end of the nineties it seemed to you that in 2016 you are unlikely to be able to walk on two legs. And you go. Yes, on the wall, but it is because of a brandy and will pass. What old age, you even had sex. Recently. Recently.

Where are all my money?

You bought a lot of small gifts. They are cheap, but you have a lot of friends. Is it good, right?

I'm cold

Summer's soon!

I somehow sad

This limbic system rolls back euphoria. Therefore, it becomes sad without much the reasons. You can make Olivier, singing aspirin brandy (this is a bad advice, do not listen to aunt, aunt-bjaka), look at the Christmas tree and call someone warm. Helps, tested by electronics.

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